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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

Same for me Gladys. Covid didn’t enter my mind. 

At the end of the day it comes  down to ones values and integrity. 

I didn’t come to my mind, I only thought of it having read her tweet, which planted the seed. 

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7 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Sad news and not nice for any family to endure at any time but new year especially bad. Anything can be a short illness. That tweet is pretty much off the scale and very irresponsible I’m surprised how many likes it’s got - I’d be embarrassed even acknowledging it.


There are many though that will subscribe to that train of thought, and will follow RG and hang off her views.

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6 minutes ago, Gladys said:

But by that tweet, Dr G has made a connection for me. Is she basing it on some knowledge or just her own speculation?  Either way, it is pretty abhorrent firstly to make the connection, then to make a  further connection in how it may influence IOMG policy. 

Those doom nutters just don’t care. They’re happy to cross any moral line going to justify their death messaging to other cult members. It shows really how low this covid social media hysteria has got and how low some of those people in the doom coven are prepared to go. She should be ashamed of herself and so should anyone who has liked, shared or re-tweeted it. Even if she’s been on the Xmas sherry all day that’s still totally unacceptable. 

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The problem I see with Covid at present is there is no 100% right answer, although some appear to think there is, and it is also not helped by the fact that many of us are selfish in our attitudes. 

It is obviously sensible to take actions to help limit the spread of infection, especially if there is a possibility of health and care services being overwhelmed either because of the number being cared for or because health and care professionals are off sick. What actions are reasonable depends on your stand point. On one side you have those who want tighter restrictions which might affect business but favour health and others who want very view if any restrictions to help business although this might put some at risk. At present I am in favour of a level of caution as my view getting it wrong by being slightly over cautious is probably the better of the two options.

But I also think that some of the rules are a bit daft, in that I see no reason why if you test positive but feel OK you cannot go for a walk somewhere in the open air that is reasonably quiet provided you stay away from others, put a mask on when passing.

If we were less selfish we might not need the restrictions. In Japan I believe they consider it good manners to wear a mask if they have even a cold to try and stop it spreading. In the UK/IoM we consider wearing a mask it a pain and many avoid/ignore even in the height of a pandemic. The Japanese seem to have it right as in our culture we view that it is fine to spread it. I never used to question that but now I look at myself and think have I just been selfish not trying to do more. OK it may not make you seriously ill but I would much prefer not to catch a cold and feel miserable for 2 or 3 days.  

It seems to me if were all a bit less selfish and more considerate to others the earlier we would see changes to rules and quicker. Whether it is a cold, flu or Covid what is wrong with taking voluntary precautions to limit spreading it to others by mask wearing, good hygiene etc. I know colds are not life threatening for most people but why do we consider that if you are infectious with one we should just carry on as normal, go to a crowded bar and spread. People are moaning places are shut because staff are off in isolation, but if staff are in a role where they meet the public should staff really be expected to go into work and passing on what they have got.   

I never previously thought about it and was somebody who would go to work and spread my cold around. In future I will be more careful and if I have a cold I may work from home if I can, or wear a mask at the office. If we were all a bit more considerate to others about not passing on whatever we have, even if only a cold,  then maybe Government would not have to impose so many rules.

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Condolences to Mr Quinn's nearest and dearest.

In respect of Dr Glover's comments, in fairness, in her initial post, she did post a clearly heartfelt message to the family. It is a shame however that the dispute between the Dr and those in IOM Gov with whom her issues are with comes to the surface and taints such a message. For what it's worth, I have sympathy for her - yes, she is outspoken, but it is clear to me that this is due to the amount of upset she has endured, and that can be very difficult for someone to move on from, even moreso when a situation is still very much ongoing. 


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2 minutes ago, Tricky said:

Condolences to Mr Quinn's nearest and dearest.

In respect of Dr Glover's comments, in fairness, in her initial post, she did post a clearly heartfelt message to the family. It is a shame however that the dispute between the Dr and those in IOM Gov with whom her issues are with comes to the surface and taints such a message. For what it's worth, I have sympathy for her - yes, she is outspoken, but it is clear to me that this is due to the amount of upset she has endured, and that can be very difficult for someone to move on from, even moreso when a situation is still very much ongoing. 


Yes, she did, but ended it with a question to IOMG about the cause.  So what was the motivation to post in the first place?  To offer condolences or to provide a justification for asking the question?

I think she has been treated very badly, but she really needs to be sure that she is not making the shift from victim to offender, as these tweets are a very short step away from her taking on that role.  Quite offensive to the family to have this speculation around a time of what must be a shocking loss. 

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5 minutes ago, Tricky said:

Condolences to Mr Quinn's nearest and dearest.

In respect of Dr Glover's comments, in fairness, in her initial post, she did post a clearly heartfelt message to the family. It is a shame however that the dispute between the Dr and those in IOM Gov with whom her issues are with comes to the surface and taints such a message. For what it's worth, I have sympathy for her - yes, she is outspoken, but it is clear to me that this is due to the amount of upset she has endured, and that can be very difficult for someone to move on from, even moreso when a situation is still very much ongoing. 


No sorry.  It is just an appalling post and no back peddling will fix that.

Upset endured? She is a middle aged person who has lost a parent.  Most people lose parents before they hit her age.  I lost one when I was 16.  She needs to grow up

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