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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I see some mitigation measures are being brought into schools ie no assemblies, no inter schools sports etc & pushing masks more.

However on social media you have one group saying leave our kids alone, mine aren’t wearing masks etc & another lot saying we need more measures eg remote learning etc, so no matter what decisions are made Theres always lots against it

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3 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

The old saying is true ….put the shovel away…..she is digging herself into a deeper hole with every word she types,   she is now a proven liar on top of everything else.

Hopefully the local media will pick up on her being ‘hacked’ and interview her about it, she has to be amongst some of the more high profile cases of being ‘hacked’ in recent years, especially locally, you just never hear about it. You expect this sort of thing to happen in the UK when someone has millions of followers, not a local scientist who made a name for herself setting up a lab for the greater good at the start of a pandemic…..

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6 minutes ago, code99 said:


Rather uncouth to prejudge the outcome, if this hacking incident has already been reported. In a civilised society we hold “the presumption of innocence” principle – isn’t what we want?

In the eyes of the law a person may be be deemed innocent until found guilty but a person is guilty of committing of the offence at the point they committed it and not at the point at which they are convicted. 

There are many examples of individuals of never being convicted either because they died, were not caught, prosecution mucked up the case but that does not mean they were innocent of committing an offence.

I am guilty of having committed numerous offences in my life, mainly nicking the odd sweet as a kid, fair dodging by lying about my age, underage drinking by lying about my age, speeding. I am not innocent of each offence cos I was not caught.


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15 minutes ago, code99 said:


Rather uncouth to prejudge the outcome, if this hacking incident has already been reported. In a civilised society we hold “the presumption of innocence” principle – isn’t what we want?

You are correct of course. But I does seem an increasingly incredulous story. 

But yes it is possibly true and perhaps we should all backoff until such time as we know it not true. 

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In more enlightened times ,It was common practice to sit down and  write a letter to someone venting your anger about something you felt strongly about or felt aggrieved over.

It helped get your thoughts together and the very act could be very therapeutic.

It  worked  best though, if you tore it up when you’d finished writing it.

Twitter is so dangerously hair-triggered.It lacks such  a safety catch.

There were also next level  safeties - Looking   for a stamp and envelope, leaving it to post in the morning, and the final fail-safe- the period of cool reflection that a stroll to the post box provided, probably saved many a career and relationship.


Edited by hampsterkahn
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15 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

People may take the piss out of GTS all they want but I reckon even they would be able to trace and identify the ‘hacker’, of course that’s only my assumption…..

Not unless the hacker was tremendously stupid.

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Yes. In fact I’ll go further if you think that’s uncouth and simply say I think she’s a liar. 

For those who were reading the tweets during the time of tweeting will know that the notion of her tweets being down to a hacker is more than improbable. People forget that she was tweeting ordinary tweets in-between/amongst those which were controversial. And the controversial were inline with those what were not as it became more of a debate. So how can you explain that? 

Edited by FookADoodleDoo
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23 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

That’s my take on it, if she’s saying she’s been hacked then it’s a case of innocent until proven guilty, we can all make assumptions but it’s not fact.

If she says her iCloud account was hacked, it needs to be reported and investigated, simple as that.  People may take the piss out of GTS all they want but I reckon even they would be able to trace and identify the ‘hacker’, of course that’s only my assumption…..

I'm not sure what it's got to do with GTS. Was it a government account? Did I miss that? 

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