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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just caught up on to this thread. Seems pretty incredible if this was the scenario -

  • someone in government was feeding details to Rachel about causes of death.
  • that she thought it appropriate to weaponise an individual death. 
  • That she'd treat confidential information in this way, given her profession.
  • That the pushback was lead by the Government's Executive Director of External Relations 
  • that if she had made the posts whilst pissed she didn't apologise and delete them in the morning
  • That she's used the "I've been Hacked defence" if untrue because nobody believes this defence anyway. 

 It's also incredible though if the IOMG Black Ops scenario is true- 

  • Someone in or connected to government knew the AG's cause of death and enough about Rachel to guess her passwords.
  • And to discredit her accessed Twitter and made some inappropriate posts. 
  • And the Executive Director of External Relations was on hand to ensure that the discrediting was complete. 

Even though the lack of apology kind of implies it, I'm not really convinced by either - 

  • Rachel made the posts
  • Someone then in righteous anger hacked her account.
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23 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The Educated Minister Julie Edge was on this mornings NPM, pleading with children to take a LFT. Therein lies the rub, pleading. A lot of children and their parents will practise LFT as a matter of course, some don’t. Perhaps a Marquee type erection should be put up outside the school building to facilitate testing of children who haven’t already tested. Perhaps children should be required to take a photograph of their test cassette with a mobile phone, where necessary and it could be shown. 

The issue is that a number of parents are anti vaxxers & maskers & are insisting their children don’t comply, threatening to stop them going to school etc.

Unless it’s mandatory as in many countries then many won’t comply 

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27 minutes ago, Banker said:

The issue is that a number of parents are anti vaxxers & maskers & are insisting their children don’t comply, threatening to stop them going to school etc.

Unless it’s mandatory as in many countries then many won’t comply 

As part of the ‘mitigations’ in order for pupils to go back to school etc, some activities have been curtailed such as school assemblies.

In light of this, perhaps IOMG should be wise and scrap its planned meet the ministers drop ins. Face to Face contacts - unless they being held behind Perspex screens? 

The LibLabVan lot have a meeting organised at the Legion on the 17 January 2022 with Chris Thomas explaining his ‘new role’ as ‘Chairman of the Bored’ with a question and answer session. Mitigations? Ventilation? Large crowd of people cheek by jowl with ‘debate’. A Covid superspreader session. 

Perhaps a special Moanin Line with 2 hour plus for questions and answers from Chris Thomas is more appropriate?

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1 hour ago, cheesypeas said:

It’s all getting rather ‘obsessive’ 

Yes let’s only discuss what the Glover cult members want discussing on here. Not what anyone who is suspect or critical of her actions and motives thinks about what’s happened. That will be much more comfortable for all concerned. It seems to be the same with everything in that if it doesn’t subscribe to the views of certain key posters on here then it gets to the point that it can’t be discussed anymore as they don’t like it. I’m surprised to see an actual moderator warning though. 

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I am glad that it is apparently being investigated but I have my doubts on the whole thing. I honestly believe that the motive behind her claim was to show her followers that she is ‘right’ on all accounts as she is still in the loop and very much still relevant as I have heard that covid isn’t even a factor in the AGs death. This is what I have heard anyway. Which makes me believe that it was a moment of her boosting one’s ego and relevance only which backfired immensely. 

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7 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I decided not to go to a news years eve party that I really really wanted to go to. I made the decision that I’d rather not catch covid and be able to carry on with my life. Just about everyone I know has now tested positive and I’m now going about my life getting shopping for half the street and taking their children to and from school. This wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I decided to protect myself and get on with my life. 😂

We did similar and SIL , nieces & nephew plus 2 others who did attend all since tested positive, I’m sure some of attendees did not do LFTS and were probably the spreader, fortunately no young children to worry about 😀

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21 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I decided not to go to a news years eve party that I really really wanted to go to. I made the decision that I’d rather not catch covid and be able to carry on with my life. Just about everyone I know has now tested positive and I’m now going about my life getting shopping for half the street and taking their children to and from school. This wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I decided to protect myself and get on with my life. 😂

Wise choice.

There is getting on with your life, and sadly there are somethings which may prevent you from having a control over your life. Attending indoor parties etc, may be one thing that we all may not do for the next few years. I think this virus will be around for some time, and various lifestyle choices will have to made. 

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Similar myself - was invited out for xmas party - rejected the offer as didn't fancy exposing myself to many people is an enclosed setting, so I stayed home instead. Some others continued as planned, and have since tested positive.

This is the stance I have taken all along - i'd rather take responsibility, apply some common sense and self preservation (which is also to the benefit of others) than become overly reliant on Gov advice. I take the Gov advice into account in my decision making, but ultimately, if I feel there is a risk to myself by going out to work, going out shopping, going out socialising etc, I exclude or minimise as much as I possibly can. I know everyone isn't in the same position, and I have a few things on my side which allow me this flexibility, but the fact remains, many who are catching (and spreading) covid are doing so simply because they are being reckless. For some others, its just very difficult to avoid.

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32 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I decided not to go to a news years eve party that I really really wanted to go to. I made the decision that I’d rather not catch covid and be able to carry on with my life. Just about everyone I know has now tested positive and I’m now going about my life getting shopping for half the street and taking their children to and from school. This wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I decided to protect myself and get on with my life. 😂

since boxing day 9 people I have been with have tested positive, I have taken a couple of tests on Saturday and last night due to coming into work. Still testing negative, it is weird 

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31 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I decided not to go to a news years eve party that I really really wanted to go to. I made the decision that I’d rather not catch covid and be able to carry on with my life. Just about everyone I know has now tested positive and I’m now going about my life getting shopping for half the street and taking their children to and from school. This wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I decided to protect myself and get on with my life. 😂


3 minutes ago, Tricky said:

This is the stance I have taken all along - i'd rather take responsibility, apply some common sense and self preservation (which is also to the benefit of others) than become overly reliant on Gov advice. I take the Gov advice into account in my decision making, but ultimately, if I feel there is a risk to myself by going out to work, going out shopping, going out socialising etc, I exclude or minimise as much as I possibly can. I know everyone isn't in the same position, and I have a few things on my side which allow me this flexibility, but the fact remains, many who are catching (and spreading) covid are doing so simply because they are being reckless. For some others, its just very difficult to avoid.

Similar too.  Although someone I was chatting to a couple of days ago asked if I had worries about catching Covid (they've already had it) in a manner that suggested I was some kind of pussy and have been hiding behind the sofa for the last 2 years. 

I'm not particularly concerned, but given the option between catching a cold/flu/covid and only having to mildly modify my behavior, I'd still rather not get sick thanks very much! 

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59 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The LibLabVan lot have a meeting organised at the Legion on the 17 January 2022 with Chris Thomas explaining his ‘new role’ as ‘Chairman of the Bored’ with a question and answer session. Mitigations? Ventilation? Large crowd of people cheek by jowl with ‘debate’. A Covid superspreader session. 

Another 5 or 6 people at risk of catching Covid is hardly likely to cause a problem!

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17 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

since boxing day 9 people I have been with have tested positive, I have taken a couple of tests on Saturday and last night due to coming into work. Still testing negative, it is weird 

Just wait. I shot myself in the foot posting like this last Thursday, remember. 

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13 minutes ago, The Phantom said:


Similar too.  Although someone I was chatting to a couple of days ago asked if I had worries about catching Covid (they've already had it) in a manner that suggested I was some kind of pussy and have been hiding behind the sofa for the last 2 years. 

I'm not particularly concerned, but given the option between catching a cold/flu/covid and only having to mildly modify my behavior, I'd still rather not get sick thanks very much! 

Sofa's are bloody expensive nowadays, might as well get value for money out of them!

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