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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

The numbers will come down. The numbers have probably always been there just people are now testing and logging their lft whereas up till a week or 2 ago they weren't.

Well obviously numbers will go down eventually as would be impossible to continue at present levels as no one would be left to work!!

3 more in hospital is probably more relevant & hopefully the massive numbers don’t lead to large increases as hospital is under severe pressure already 

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11 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

Are we now all accepting this stuff is endemic? 

I think that most have accepted that for a considerable time. The question is what policies will be in place going forward. Do we have none so it is effectively treat as flu or a cold or will some form of mitigation be retained or introduced every now and again?

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I have to say I don't really follow the numbers in the UK anymore but there does seem to be a focus on case numbers rather than deaths. More sensationalism in numbers being higher I suspect.

Same here to a degree, fixation on case numbers and active cases which I totally get from a point of view of the impact this may have on people isolating or looking after kids who are isolating meaning some places/services are going to struggle in the short term.

What we need is a numbers man to make some wild predictions using an incorrect R number so we can all point and wave or use up our daily emoji count.

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21 minutes ago, James Blonde said:

This was an interesting graph found on Twitter. 


Originally from John Burn-Murdoch's twitter and as you can see created by him.  He's the FT's Chief Data Reporter (you'd think Data Reporter should be a tautology) and I've linked to his reporting and twitter numerous times over the last two years.

But as he says in his very next tweet:

This is unambiguously good news!

But... as with everything in this pandemic, once we dig deeper it gets complicated.

and it's worth reading through the whole thing to get the whole picture rather than picking up the bits of good news and hoping the rest will go away.

I'd add two other points.  The first is that all data is going to be complicated by the holidays (that applies to the Isle of Man as well) and there hasn't yet been time to get back to 'normal' and there will be distortions and lags that may alter things.

The second is that any comparison with this time last year in the UK ignores the sheer disaster (and avoidable disaster) that that period was.  Because we more or less avoided it here, we tend to forget that.

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3 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Well it is in the public eye now courtesy of Manx Radio.  Government have made a statement and Ms Glover has stated it wasn’t me I was hacked, in the background the band was softly playing…believe it if you like…🤣 .

Here’s the full statement 😀


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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

If anybody buys that then please visit any of my websites and leave your payment details, mother’s maiden name, date of birth and how many followers you have on Twitter 




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