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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Well, I have just had my first negative LFT, so hope to be out of isolation tomorrow!!!

Funny thing is that I felt worse yesterday than I have done since testing positive.  Still not awful, though. 

It must have been my immune system giving Omicron one last kick up the backside. 

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16 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The 'R' number's up to 3.66, the highest in the U.K. Hang on to your hats.

Yes, Steve Burrows, Butt & Mary Brew who I think are all Glover followers complaining on Twitter about lack of restrictions, blaming government for allowing travel etc etc

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4 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

The 'R' number's up to 3.66, the highest in the U.K. Hang on to your hats.

The infection rate seems pretty high although fortunately while symptoms do vary there appears to be a much lower number of hospitalisations than previous peaks. Lets just hope that continues.

The required isolation is a big issue in respect of work as the way it appears to spread very quickly might easily mean we would have to close the office if one person inadvertently came in and spread around their work colleagues. By the time you show +ve on an LFE you probably have already been infectious for a period.

With everybody presently apparently healthy it is hard requiring staff to do LFT's each day and wear masks to work or to work from home if they live with somebody has Covid. From one angle it seems over the top for the severity of symptoms for most but equally if you don't there is a risk we might have to close the office for a week or 10 days.

The previous outbreaks were not great but at least you did not have to worry that there was a possibility all the staff could be infected at roughly the same time.

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11 minutes ago, Banker said:

Yes, Steve Burrows, Butt & Mary Brew who I think are all Glover followers complaining on Twitter about lack of restrictions, blaming government for allowing travel etc etc

Those Twitter accounts should just be closed down for their own mental health. It’s not even funny reading them anymore. It’s sad. You might as well run through Strand St in your underpants with a tinfoil hat on if that’s the way you choose to project yourself and your views on a public platform. 

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47 minutes ago, Banker said:

Yes, Steve Burrows, Butt & Mary Brew who I think are all Glover followers complaining on Twitter about lack of restrictions, blaming government for allowing travel etc etc

The three of them were down near the prom at lunchtime having a right old knees up.


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Alf was saying for accuracy purposes the numbers may be released once a week in the near future.    I think this is backward thinking, I presume he is trying to stop some people obsessing, which it won’t but many people use the figures as a gauge as to whether to hold an event or not.     I am out, hopefully, to two gatherings next week I am pretty desperate that they go ahead as I am missing my friends but they are both on a we will see basis at the moment by the organisers if the figures start dipping in the next few days we will probably go ahead obviously taking sensible precautions but if we had to wait for a weekly report it would be more difficult to decide ..yes..or no.    This Government is being really wish washy and losing a lot of goodwill it is difficult to make clear judgements without the facts.

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26 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Alf was saying for accuracy purposes the numbers may be released once a week in the near future. 

It's a good thing that they're thinking about changing, it's going to happen eventually anyway. I don't think now is the right time though. Maybe once this wave has subsided. There will be a fair bit of resistance I'd expect.

Hopefully in the future it'll be like other diseases where they'll perhaps put out a press release now and again if it looks like there's a fair bit about eg https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-14989978 or https://www.gov.im/news/2013/may/25/suspected-mumps-cases-are-you-protected/ 

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