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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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11 hours ago, Cambon said:

Because Jersey is still in partial lockdown with social distancing and masks, etc. 

Guernsey had better do the same if they copy Jersey. 

You just made that up. I speak with people in Jersey everyday and nobody is in masks and the advisory distance in public is 1 metre which isn’t UK style social distancing at all. At least use facts in amongst your rampant scaremongering and general pant wetting about covid. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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2 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

I thought this was a reasonably good break down of some statistics regarding Covid


Makes a lot of sense - seems well researched too.  Could be confirmation bias on my part.  I actually watched the whole thing which is rare for me.  I'd be keen to see it picked apart by some others on here, particularly @VinnieK, @Roger Mexico, @Chinahand, @rachomics

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19 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

You just made that up. I speak with people in Jersey everyday and nobody is in masks and the advisory distance in public is 1 metre which isn’t UK style social distancing at all. At least use facts in amongst your rampant scaremongering and general pant wetting about covid. 

You really are a most objectionable troll, aren't you. 

Maybe you should shop your mates who are breaking the rules. 

Besides, you still cannot put forward any positive economic reason to move to test on arrival. 

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4 minutes ago, Cambon said:

You really are a most objectionable troll, aren't you. 

Maybe you should shop your mates who are breaking the rules. 

Besides, you still cannot put forward any positive economic reason to move to test on arrival. 

Cambon makes lots of stuff up, see his post above about gyms, pools etc in Jersey!!

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2 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

I thought this was a reasonably good break down of some statistics regarding Covid


I just don't understand why the powers that be are unable to process this information and reflect it in the anti-Covid measures.   The tinder concept is very interesting as it not only increases those vulnerable but also skews the year on year comparison of excess deaths. 

Why is this information being ignored or at least officially rebutted?

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18 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I just don't understand why the powers that be are unable to process this information and reflect it in the anti-Covid measures.   The tinder concept is very interesting as it not only increases those vulnerable but also skews the year on year comparison of excess deaths. 

Why is this information being ignored or at least officially rebutted?

Perhaps it does not fit their agenda!

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

You really are a most objectionable troll, aren't you. 

Maybe you should shop your mates who are breaking the rules. 

Besides, you still cannot put forward any positive economic reason to move to test on arrival. 

Firstly I’m not trolling clearly. You really don’t like the total bollocks you post on here being challenged when it’s wrong do you? I have not mentioned testing on arrival either - not once in any post I’ve made on this forum so please stop talking bollocks and making things up. I speak with people from Jersey on a daily basis and what you said was plain wrong. There is no reason not to allow greater border mobility with a Jersey-style testing system other than what seems to be the only covid policies of IOMG which are 1. To trap as many people here for as long as they can possibly get away with so they can only spend money here, and 2. To spend as little money as possible on testing so that hardly anyone genuinely at risk gets tested and then they can claim the IOM is covid free in order to flog a load of overpriced houses to petrified idiots. Very little that we seem to be doing is actually risk based in relation to Covid-19.

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21 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I just don't understand why the powers that be are unable to process this information and reflect it in the anti-Covid measures.   The tinder concept is very interesting as it not only increases those vulnerable but also skews the year on year comparison of excess deaths. 

Why is this information being ignored or at least officially rebutted?

I think everyone is scared to break ranks, except the Swedes who just got on with it from the start and were widely pilloried for doing so little lockdown wise.  Their chief epidemiologist said at the start that he thought they'd all end up the same, and judging by deaths per capita he's not far off.  I certainly think nobody should be worried about returning university students - in my view it's ideal that thousands of 18-21 year olds get covid with almost no ill effects over the next month or two and increase the overall herd immunity.

The 'dry tinder' metaphor may be very apt here once our borders open.  

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16 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I think everyone is scared to break ranks, except the Swedes who just got on with it from the start and were widely pilloried for doing so little lockdown wise.  Their chief epidemiologist said at the start that he thought they'd all end up the same, and judging by deaths per capita he's not far off.  I certainly think nobody should be worried about returning university students - in my view it's ideal that thousands of 18-21 year olds get covid with almost no ill effects over the next month or two and increase the overall herd immunity.

The 'dry tinder' metaphor may be very apt here once our borders open.  

I fully agree here - the politicians and the ‘experts’ have done far too good a job spreading mass hysteria and they’ve created a huge load of economic and social problems which are likely to be bigger political issues for them moving forward. They aren’t going to come out and admit that. The stats seem to be simply showing a higher number of positive PCR tests on the back of higher testing levels with no real impact on hospital resources or fatalities as yet. Wasn’t this just all about saving NHS resources at the start before the complete Covid lunacy took hold? Longer term herd immunity has to be the only viable solution as vaccines aren’t going to fix anything and the way the IOM has been sealed off sadly none of us is going to have any exposure for herd immunity purposes either. 

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22 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

 1. To trap as many people here for as long as they can possibly get away with so they can only spend money here, and 2. To spend as little money as possible on testing so that hardly anyone genuinely at risk gets tested and then they can claim the IOM is covid free in order to flog a load of overpriced houses to petrified idiots. Very little that we seem to be doing is actually risk based in relation to Covid-19.

You accuse me of making things up. 

1. Nobody is trapped here. You can leave any time you like

2. There is no economic reason to spend more or test more than is already allocated for at this time. 

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35 minutes ago, Cambon said:

You accuse me of making things up. 

1. Nobody is trapped here. You can leave any time you like

2. There is no economic reason to spend more or test more than is already allocated for at this time. 

Sounds like you’re getting quite angry. On both of those points it’s clear that there is a deliberate policy of economic entrapment being pursued in order to capture spend and generate new residents (or at least homebuyers) via the covid-free badge; and the 14 days (unchecked) self isolation period is a large part of that as it disincentivizes travel by locals and actively prevents people coming here to see what they’re actually buying. And on the second point that’s just nonsense. So you’re suggesting we have to stick to a pre set budget in these totally uncharted and unprecedented times and that’s more important than anything else like an open and effective wider covid testing regime? You can only work for IOMG to be honest as you sound like a complete clown who wants to live in a government bubble and shut down all debate around alternative solutions. All some are discussing is the ability to allow more mobility via a Jersey-style system. Not the right to holidays or anything else you consistently try to claim is the case. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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