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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

What happens if you’re already old (ish) now?

You've had them all, except the new one (maybe, I dunno), so you have had years of teaching your immune system. That said, when you get really old things stop working. The reasons this new one has been so devastating has been because no one had it when they were a kid and there a loads of old or unwell people. If you found a 70 year old guy in a tribe in the Papua New Guinea jungle who'd had no contact with the outside world and infected him with any of the supposedly 'mild' viruses we encounter all the time, he'd probably die.

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13 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I take your point, but the wording you should object to is ‘immunised’ or ‘double immunised’. I’d say that ‘vaccinated’ is the same as ‘jabbed’ - it doesn’t imply it’s been effective at immunising you. And of course immunity is not a binary variable either. 

Yes. I see what you mean. Perhaps I should have stayed with the 'fully' vaccinated point. I accept you can be part vaccinated. So in that way it's not binary. I can't think of any suitable analogies. 


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23 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You've had them all, except the new one (maybe, I dunno), so you have had years of teaching your immune system. That said, when you get really old things stop working. The reasons this new one has been so devastating has been because no one had it when they were a kid and there a loads of old or unwell people. If you found a 70 year old guy in a tribe in the Papua New Guinea jungle who'd had no contact with the outside world and infected him with any of the supposedly 'mild' viruses we encounter all the time, he'd probably die.

And another reason why the anti-vax cry of " it doesn't stop you catching it" needs to be corrected every time. 

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Just had a thought the other day - 

IF - I reported a +ve LFT test, that gets reported on the LFT scoreboard.

IF - I then get that confirmed with a PCR test, it gets reported in the PCR tests scoreboard.

Does my +ve LFT get removed from the tally or could we be counting twice?

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:


The booster shot makes a very big difference, putting protection levels back up higher than they ever were, but we have no idea how long that will last for.  There may already be a bit of falling off, but that could be due to the most vulnerable being boosted first.

Many if not most of the vulnerable had a third jab, and will soon be getting a booster (4th jab). In a couple of months, the winter will be over and the virus will subside for the summer. It is then questionable as to whether we will get jabbed again in the autumn, along with flu. 

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3 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I think we are at crossed purposes here. I wasn't saying double dosed wasn't better. Merely clarifying the terminology

Fully vaccinated is considered two doses (well up to now). The 3rd Booster is not included (although I don't know why). If the JVCI say we need a 3rd full dose then those with 2 doses will no longer be fully vaccinated and those with 3 will be considered fully vaccinated. Alternately they might say you are fully vaccinated if you have had a jab in the last 6 months. 

Does that make sense? No such thing as double vaccinated. Double jabbed yes.

You can only therefore be vaccinated or not vaccinated (fully) as is sort of comparable to being pregnant


The problem with that is that for entry to most of Europe ( France an exception ) you’ve got to be fully vaccinated within the last 270 days. France it’s 180.

Fully vaccinated means

1 dose of a single dose vaccine

2 doses of a two dose vaccine

A booster to a single or two dose vaccine.

All shown via a QR or 2D bar code on a paper or digital certificate.

I had my third primary dose on 1 December. Not booster. 1600 of us in IoM are in same position. The Manx Care data on third doses still can’t be uploaded by NHS digital so I haven’t got a QR/2D from 1/12.

im now on day 244 from dose 2.  On 19 February I can no longer travel to most of Europe. So the return requirements are totally academic.

Thanks Manx Care/GTS

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The problem with that is that for entry to most of Europe ( France an exception ) you’ve got to be fully vaccinated within the last 270 days. France it’s 180.

Fully vaccinated means

1 dose of a single dose vaccine

2 doses of a two dose vaccine

A booster to a single or two dose vaccine.

All shown via a QR or 2D bar code on a paper or digital certificate.

I had my third primary dose on 1 December. Not booster. 1600 of us in IoM are in same position. The Manx Care data on third doses still can’t be uploaded by NHS digital so I haven’t got a QR/2D from 1/12.

im now on day 244 from dose 2.  On 19 February I can no longer travel to most of Europe. So the return requirements are totally academic.

Thanks Manx Care/GTS

Have they said why the data can’t be uploaded? My booster dose appeared on NHS app within 3 days.

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23 minutes ago, Banker said:

Have they said why the data can’t be uploaded? My booster dose appeared on NHS app within 3 days.

No problem with boosters. Just third primary doses. 

The alleged reason is that a third primary dose is a full dose, whereas they say a booster is a half dose. However I understand that moderna booster is half dose and pfizer booster is full dose.

Paul and I attended Chester Street together and were jabbed, he booster and me third primary, same date/time. Both had pfizer from same batch. We were told, because we asked, that it was a full dose.

sps.nhs.uk says:

Adults aged 18 years or over

The JCVI have advised that a full dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or a half dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine should be offered as a booster dose irrespective of the vaccine used for the primary course.”


If you live in/received your third dose in England it’s up on the travel pass. 

I understand that for the immunisation record on NHS App or Patient Access it’s necessary to identify if it’s a full or half dose, a third primary or booster. But for the travel pass expiry date in the EU it’s wholly irrelevant.

They can’t even tell me if my 4th dose ( my booster ) will show up when I’ve had it. That’d rectify things.


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6 hours ago, The Old Git said:

What happens if you’re already old (ish) now?

Pleasantry surprised no mask required in Ronaldsway airport this morning. Masks on easyJet and only sporadic mask wearing in Liverpool and Chester. 

Why pleasantry surprised you should still mask up for the sake of others

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5 hours ago, Gladys said:

And another reason why the anti-vax cry of " it doesn't stop you catching it" needs to be corrected every time. 

Why does it need correcting of course you can get it again, Covid is not the only virus where you can get reinfected again, I had Chickenpox 3 times

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