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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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23 hours ago, Southfork said:

A lot of people do need to go away (and come here). Maybe you’re heartless or detached enough to have a last Skype with your cancer riddled granny but most people aren’t. They have very valid reasons for wanting to maintain physical ties with the people that are important to them. I’ve heard so many stories over lockdown of Manx relatives in the UK unable to comfort family members in their final days, can’t go to funerals, can’t say their last goodbyes, can’t do all the normal, kind, compassionate, things we’d all want to do if we were in the same position. 

This guy apparently needed to visit family in Bulgaria and then not isolate upon return and put everyone at risk -

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=57736&headline=Takeaway driver jailed for breaking Covid-19 isolation&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

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11 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

didn't a grown up tell you it's not big and it's not clever to swear all the time...

Your trolling and insults don’t seem to get any better. That seems to be all you are capable of contributing to this forum as other than that as you’re clearly not very bright. No wonder you work in compliance. They’re the thickest of the bunch. 

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