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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

I’m still yet to understand how adopting a Jersey style testing based approach here will benefit our economy, given that tourism outside of bike racing is a very small sector of the economy. Perhaps it’s been explained somewhere and I missed it in all the squabbling. 

Many jobs rely on mobility so if mobility stops for much longer then those jobs will certainly be at risk. Most businesses can plan for 6 months disruption and restrictions on travel but it this goes on longer term companies are going to pull the plug on all sorts as they need new business to continue. If people in Jersey can be more mobile than us because of testing then those jobs will go to Jersey. Plus what extra risk does testing actually introduce? If we mandatorily test after 7 days of arrival we’re then dealing with knowns rather than unknowns when it comes to covid exposure. People are tested (at an appropriate interval) and then either know they’ve got it or know they don’t have it. So it builds a picture and tells people if they’ve been exposed or not. Equally my worry here would be if herd immunity is the best way out of this (as covid isn’t going away anytime soon and many carriers are clearly asymptomatic) as we’re just about the only country on earth where the population has literally no communal exposure to covid. If we all start circulating again a year from now people coming here could be like the conquistadors who brought all sorts of new diseases to Latin America. Creating an artificial (which is purely what it is) bubble makes little sense to me if a mixture of herd immunity and a vaccine is actually the way this all stops eventually. And most know it’s largely being done to trap people for financial reasons not really as a risk based solution to covid. Many believe it isn’t a proper risk based approach as they clearly can’t be arsed actually putting resource behind enforcing self isolation which you’d do if you really believed that it was the best way to protect the public. Me I’d rather be tested on my return, know whether I’ve got it (or not), so that I know how likely I might be to benefit from herd immunity or not in the future rather than living in an (untested) artificial bubble.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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Tourism is of course affected by the closed borders and the lack of a Jersey styled testing system. It is international trade and business that is being affected badly , but that is not yet a visible effect. However , continued closure with no exit plan might just do permanent damage to this sector. Time will tell and no Zoom does not cut it I’m afraid. It may be ok but the longer we go on with no real plan the more likely the damage will be hard to repair. Not impossible but very hard. 

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55 minutes ago, Anyone said:

Tourism is of course affected by the closed borders and the lack of a Jersey styled testing system. It is international trade and business that is being affected badly , but that is not yet a visible effect. However , continued closure with no exit plan might just do permanent damage to this sector. Time will tell and no Zoom does not cut it I’m afraid. It may be ok but the longer we go on with no real plan the more likely the damage will be hard to repair. Not impossible but very hard. 

Yes agree. So there’s at least two answers above. 

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2 hours ago, Anyone said:

Tourism is of course affected by the closed borders and the lack of a Jersey styled testing system. It is international trade and business that is being affected badly , but that is not yet a visible effect. However , continued closure with no exit plan might just do permanent damage to this sector. Time will tell and no Zoom does not cut it I’m afraid. It may be ok but the longer we go on with no real plan the more likely the damage will be hard to repair. Not impossible but very hard. 

Some easing of restrictions may just save some of the non government jobs at airport eg baggage handlers, security, staff who do loads factors etc plus shop staff.

all those staff are likely to lose jobs soon plus of course the taxi drivers who are losing trade

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The restrictions have been eased with seven days isolation, a test and then restricted freedom.   Pushing for more at the minute is crazy, saying the Tourist industry will be effected is nonsense, how many tourists do we actually get between October and March?   How many hotels do we actually have now ?   The T.T. would never be covered if it was not for home stay, camp sites etc.   Most of the promenade in Douglas consists of apartments and how many tourist style businesses are there these days not many shops sell souvenirs etc. The locals are doing a ridiculous amount of online shopping because they simply cannot get what they want locally so why would visitors shop here, Strand Street consists of coffee shops and charity shops plus a few big stores who seem to run sales for 52 weeks of the year.   The facts are harsh but true we do not have a tourist season anymore of any great consequence and opening the borders would not get thousands of tourists rushing over here when they can go abroad for half the price.  

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13 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

The restrictions have been eased with seven days isolation, a test and then restricted freedom.   Pushing for more at the minute is crazy, saying the Tourist industry will be effected is nonsense, how many tourists do we actually get between October and March?   How many hotels do we actually have now ?   

Nobody so far in this thread debating border reforms has said anything about 1. Holidays 2. Tourism 3. The hotel trade. A few very valid reasons for more flexibility are mentioned above but they don’t seem to suit your agenda. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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