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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Anyone got any tips to download the app? Not available in my country, tried to download it via Tesco's WiFi today and the same result.

Am I the only one as no one else seems to have reported the same?

Absolutely bonkers, may give 111 a ring. 



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29 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Anyone got any tips to download the app? Not available in my country, tried to download it via Tesco's WiFi today and the same result.

Am I the only one as no one else seems to have reported the same?

Absolutely bonkers, may give 111 a ring. 

Guessing Android, which I know nothing about, but can you set your county to U.K. anywhere or maybe use a vpn?

ETA Tunnel Bear is free to try


Edited by The Old Git
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54 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Anyone got any tips to download the app? Not available in my country, tried to download it via Tesco's WiFi today and the same result.

Am I the only one as no one else seems to have reported the same?

Absolutely bonkers, may give 111 a ring. 



Try 4g. Turn your wifi off. Try Macdonald's maybe.

It's strange. Mine installed fine but it was a few weeks ago.

A VPN would work but is extreme. If you dont have one you might be able to get a free one on play store if android.

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13 hours ago, Gladys said:

Anyone got any tips to download the app? Not available in my country, tried to download it via Tesco's WiFi today and the same result.

Am I the only one as no one else seems to have reported the same?

No, me too. I've contacted 111 previously (I've posted this previously) who advised that it's available to Apple users but not Android and 111 are aware of the problem and "they're working on it". I've managed to obtain my NHS QR code certificates now though 😁

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

No, me too. I've contacted 111 previously (I've posted this previously) who advised that it's available to Apple users but not Android and 111 are aware of the problem and "they're working on it". I've managed to obtain my NHS QR code certificates now though 😁

Yes, I can access them online, just thought the app would be good belt and braces.

It is just mad that there are some apps "not available on my country".  Aren't we part of the worldwide, digital community? 

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18 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

This is nonsense.  Earlier on Teapot remarked how little people (and indeed governments) seem to have learned from the crisis and one of the earliest things that was constantly explained was about 'flattening the curve'. 

I mean, some of the things that should have been learned are that attempting to control infection waves is really really hard and that to have much of an impact your measures have to be really severe and even then they probably won't work.

Suppressing pre-vaccine sure, but it was tough, with big long lasting consequences. 

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33 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:


There is going to be (there already is) a lot of this, revisionist stuff. Without listening to the podcast it is really easy to answer the title. Millions were diagnosed with an infection but didn't develop the disease so obviously the answer is yes.

Again though, in the wealthy west there are an awful lot of old and unwell people, and prevaccination there wasn't a whole lot of choice. Mass testing and isolating infected people had to be done, regardless of whether they were ill. Again though vaccines work and everything has changed.

If you want to get irritated by people who refuse to learn anything, think covid is still as bad as it was in 2020, and demand everyone have to wear 'their' comfort blankets have a read of Hoopermans manx care staffing issues thread on twitter. Unbelievably thick stuff on there. These people think BARE FACES ARE MURDER

EDIT - That podcast is based on stuff from Collateral Global, which means that it should be treated with caution by anyone listening to it, or reading the Mail article it came from.

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Italy introducing drastic measures on their unvaccinated over-50's...



Most of Europe have lots of restrictions still in place, Italy is very strict with unvaccinated of all ages eg no access to bars, museums, transport etc etc

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Most of Europe have lots of restrictions still in place, Italy is very strict with unvaccinated of all ages eg no access to bars, museums, transport etc etc

Yes, but Italy's measures seem a bit on the heavy side and wondered whether other EU states might follow suit. 

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

Italy introducing drastic measures on their unvaccinated over-50's...



That’s not how I read it. Most of the article is about anticipated de-escalation/reduction of green pass restrictions between 1st April and 1st May. With a view to pensioning them off or putting them in the attic. Anticipated total removal for bars and restaurants. Discussion of basic green passes for work, or RAT/LFT every two days for the unvaccinated.

Its a step down. Not introduction of new measures.

Thats like Austria, and Bulgaria, and Spain, that I know of.

They're still concerned about 600,000 over 50’s in work who’ve not had any vaccine at all. Their details are being given to the revenue, who will deduct €100 each from payroll as a fine. That provision has been in since autumn 2021, last reviewed mid February. It looks like a tidy up as restrictions are being brought to an end.

Paul’s started looking at coming back from Bulgaria at end of March. Going out 6 weeks ago he needed PCR to enter France and Italy and RAT/LFT to enter Greece. If he returns end March it’ll just be a form to enter IoM and an LFT within 12 hours.

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