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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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11 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Well the autumn booster campaign for Covid vaccinations is as confusing and poorly organised as the rest.

I e-mailed vaccinations on Friday for an appointment.

I got a wholly meaningless confused standard e-mail in response. It could have said “we will be sending out appointments for your priority group next week” instead it referred me to the web site.

Monday I tried to book, following the link. First it wouldn’t recognise my nhs number, then it said no appointments available. Tried again yesterday. Same.

So, this morning I phoned. Lady had a script and read, non stop. Transpires neither web site, nor she, could make an appointment until I’ve had an invite.

Given I was missed off my priority group in March 2021 and had to chase, and the mess up with my third primary dose appearing on the App I wasn’t impressed. Her only solution was to suggest I e-mail vaccinations. I’d already done that with no real success. I said I’d wait until the weekend and try again next week.

An hour later I got a phone call with an appointment on Friday. That was confirmed by e-mail shortly after. I’ve now had second appointment e-mail with different date/time.

I tried to make appointment for Paul at same time. For our first two primary doses and first boosters we were same date/time as he was in the same household as a clinically extremely vulnerable person. They aren’t doing that now. He won’t be called until November. But, he’s had a text from his GP for a flu jab on Saturday as he is in a household with a CEV.

Its not joined up!

That's crazy given your age & health. I was done a couple of weeks ago in UK - anyone over 50 can walk-in if the vax hub is doing walk-ins that day, only pre-booked appointments are restricted to 65 & over. Might be worth Paul having a go next time you're across.

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3 minutes ago, craggy_steve said:

That's crazy given your age & health. I was done a couple of weeks ago in UK - anyone over 50 can walk-in if the vax hub is doing walk-ins that day, only pre-booked appointments are restricted to 65 & over. Might be worth Paul having a go next time you're across.

Walk in is suspended over here. We aren’t due over before end October. It’s just incompetence.

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Just now, John Wright said:

It’s just incompetence.

Its scary, is what it is. If CEVs are not being properly prioritised and organised then where does that leave the rest of us ?

(they should be in my opinion too).


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walked into Boots this week and received an instant flue jab , at no cost , 

and today both wife and I received our covid boosters in  Chester St    at 11-oo   even though there is 4 years difference in our ages , only had 5 minutes to wait and fill in consent forms , nurse said where they can identify two people ( mans and Wife } partner ) in same household  they will  send out appointments for the same day and time , 

It looks to me if those running the vaccinations are working smarter and more efficiently  , and the staff are brilliant, friendly, and welcoming ! and out of the way of clipboards and managers ! we usually confront at Nobles 

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

It's not like this hasn't been done before, lessons learnt?

@Observer people are struck with all kinds of side effects. Look for a causal link, not a chronological link. 

I'm double jabbed and had one booster. 

A couple of people I know are ill so it's just my personal choice not to. 


Fair play if you're getting one.

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Well, another admin mix up. Clatterbridge, last week, suggested my immunity to Monkeypox would be non existent, and that I should ask my GP/Nobles for a course of vaccine.

GP referred me to Nobles. It’s administered by GUM clinic for obscure reasons.

Yesterday I rang them out of hours. No answer. Left a message setting out my immunocompromised status and ( by then ) that I was having covid and flu boosters tomorrow, Friday.

Phone call at 11.00 today. Very discreet. They’d cracked open a vial today, they’d already injected 4 and didn’t want to waste the one remaining dose. I again asked about covid booster contraindications and was reassured there were none.

pitched up. Again asked about the interplay between the three vaccines in 24 hours. Hurried research to check reveals CCD guidelines of 4 weeks apart.

Choice, have the smallpox jab and delay covid or vice versa. I’m going with the covid.

It was the only vial they had left. I’ll ring in 4 weeks, but no guarantee it’ll be in stock.

Chatting to the Dr it transpires they’re administering intradermally, just under the skin. Smaller dose. This allows extra doses and a better/quicker antibody reaction. However the course is two doses 4 weeks apart. They’re only giving one. Suggested it gave 85% rather than 95% immunity and the immunity only lasts a year or two.

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There are loads of people with colds at them moment as you would expect, and I know quite a few who have done the LFTs but none who have tested positive.

Has it just gone away?  I know I was getting dirty looks for having a cough the last few days to such an extent that I felt obliged to stay home a lot more than I needed to.

Are we hopeful that it just doesn’t become a concern this winter?

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