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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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39 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I find you irrational Banker you do not seem to make any kind of sense or reason.

Whatever! We are all entitled to our opinions and just because I do not subscribe to your blinkered views doesn’t mean its wrong,

it’s getting like the thought police on here in that you can only agree with what Howie  says or else!!

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

3330 cases in the uk


5 deaths

Yes the covid loonies are getting really upset about the low death rate as it’s not living up to their predictions of second waves and second lockdowns. They’ll be praying that there is some sort of lag in deaths - the official excuse seems to be but it can take a while to die of covid so it’s not showing in the figures yet. Remember too that any person who died within 28 days of having a covid diagnosis is counted as a covid death. So if you had a heart attack or died of cancer (or presumably were hit and killed by a bus) but had a positive covid test 3-4 weeks ago you died of Covid-19. The lengths they are going to in order to try to substantiate the mass hysteria they’ve created is incredible. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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16 hours ago, Gladys said:

I said it is highly likely that that will be the outcome.  The non-availability of treatment  plus the unwillingness to put yourself 'in danger' by going to hospital, plus suicides, domestic violence, poverty, etc. Did you watch the link Thommo posted about the dry tinder effect and how excess deaths are reducing?  Or have you considered how positives are being turned into cases whereas the usual medical definition of a case is suffering symptoms?  There are reports that the death rate from your common or garden seasonal flu or pneumonia currently outstrip those from Covid.


18 hours ago, jaymann said:

Our current situation is attracting new people to move to the Island. Older people. But I know of several Gen Y, very smart people that see the border situation as prohibitive to their being and too restrictive for them to mentally flourish and are looking at permanently moving away.


7 hours ago, Flyingfemme said:

In August the UK counted 43,000 covid deaths. This week the government statistics list 29,000 total to date. You can no longer see, at a glance, how many deaths by day (that is in graphical form) but must add up the analysis by age group, or trust. More people are currently dying of flu than covid but we see no panic or instructions to mitigate that infection.........oh wait, the instructions would be the same........yet still the bug gets around. As it always has.

The world has gone to hell in a handbasket and I worry for the consequences for everyone. People routinely live long beyond their “natural” lifespan and we are unwilling to let them go. This is expensive and the money is running out. Would you be happy to be pauperised to “protect” those with little prospect of any life quality and no way out of “care” once they are in. It’s not a life I choose for myself and I know many share that view.

Governments are damned if they do and damned if they don’t but it’s time for hard choices. People must be told the costs in terms they can understand and we must all come to terms with death. Nobody gets out alive.


The logic behind the lockdown was that this virus is "different" from any other virus we have seen before and that herd immunity and host-coadaptation could not possibly work. Test this idea, and the corollary proposition that we still need Covid restrictions, against the flashing evidence of this graph:



I found this report very touching:

Africa’s catastrophic Covid response
Blunt, panicky lockdowns across the continent are doing far more damage than the pandemic itself


It tells about models (cf. Prof. Neil Ferguson's idiotic estimations) predicting numbers of Covid-19 deaths in the African continent 1,000 times what actually happened. The whole continent of 1.3 billion people has seen less deaths than the UK. Of course, Neil Ferguson is still preaching lockdown on the BBC. The left can't get enough of him.



Finally, for the more technically minded, I suggest this other paper from Berkeley university:

For an effective COVID vaccine, look beyond antibodies to T-cells


It says that immunity deriving from natural infection may be more robust and long lasting than the one from some of the current vaccine approaches pursued in the US and the UK. That a traditional vaccine based on inactivated/attenuated virus could be safer and more effective. And that a focus on antibodies is teh wrong approach and potentially dangerous.

Keep it in mind, next times you hear David Ashford on Max Radio reporting on the latest content of WHO's web page, as he did just a few days ago, where he informed us on those most recent "bad news" that antibodies may fade away after just few months.

We are led by dunces.

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39 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

i found this report very touching:

Africa’s catastrophic Covid response
Blunt, panicky lockdowns across the continent are doing far more damage than the pandemic itself


It tells about models (cf. Prof. Neil Ferguson's idiotic estimations) predicting numbers of Covid-19 deaths in the African continent 1,000 times what actually happened. The whole continent of 1.3 billion people has seen less deaths than the UK. Of course, Neil Ferguson is still preaching lockdown on the BBC. The left can't get enough of him.

That’s typical for Africa though in that the systems of law and public administration are chaotic at the best of times. Africa’s cases and deaths experience is puzzling though considering the percentage of the population which is HIV positive (most African countries seem to estimate that 10% of the population are HIV+) especially in the poorer areas. You’d think all those immuno-compromised communities would be vast covid death clusters but it hasn’t happened. I suppose like the article says though statistically you don’t often get to 65 living in Africa so the usual Western high risk group is effectively already dead! 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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6 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I know that you are just a hopeless troll just hopelessly trolling but that was my point. The Irish are taking a harder line on things which is more in line with the approach we’ve taken rather than totally losing it like the UK has so if it makes sense reaching out anywhere it’s that way and not the UK. 

Good to see you revert to the "Troll" accusation when you can't get your own way.

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I was pondering that there must be some good reason that the UK government is getting itself into a panic over COVID-19. No sensible government would want to destroy its economy for no good reason...but then I remember the impending no deal Brexit that BoJo the clown is about to impose on us and I realise that, yes Government is indeed capable of nonsensical self harm 

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5 hours ago, The Old Git said:

It might depend on the practice, or maybe I have a red flag on my record.

Phoned a few moths ago about seeing if I could change my medication to one that a friend recommended.

I phoned on a Friday afternoon and was offered a face to face or online appointment on Monday.

I was probably just lucky :o, having several issues needing monitoring. We are lucky to have a few excellent GPs at the Palatine Practice :flowers:

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30 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

I was pondering that there must be some good reason that the UK government is getting itself into a panic over COVID-19. No sensible government would want to destroy its economy for no good reason...but then I remember the impending no deal Brexit that BoJo the clown is about to impose on us and I realise that, yes Government is indeed capable of nonsensical self harm 

This will be his get out of jail free card over Brexit that’s for sure. He gets to blame covid for mass unemployment, falling standards of living, cuts in public services and all the other things Brexit would have impacted on. That’s pretty much Johnson’s M.O for his entire life - playing the bumbling public school buffoon and getting off the hook for all the stupid reckless and shitty things he’s actually done in his life by being able to blame other things for the harm he’s caused. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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