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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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40 minutes ago, Apple said:

I am always dubious about 'political' reports that why I phrased the point the way I did. Same here.

It is intriguing about the total shut downs in China in areas it seems to be raising its head again. Do they know something we don't, or ever likely to know?

Badly affecting their economy. 



Their vaccine is singularly ineffective with low take up.

So politically they’ve taken the decision to rely on lockdowns, because they can. 

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Cost to private market of single dose Covid vaccination in USA.


I see the Chinese authorities closed their Disney theme park with crowds still inside and refused people leaving unless they tested negative. 

Not really local news but just out of interest. Thank goodness for the NHS.

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58 minutes ago, Banker said:

Saw a gathering of the justice for the jabbed mob on corner in Ramsey by town hall about an hour ago , good job for them they’re not in China!!

They are out most days in one place or another.

Cant knock their commit and obvious beliefs in their cause and although I am and my whole family are fully jabbed I have to admit that I do know of a few people who seem to be worse off having been vaccinated than if they hadn’t been.

We all knew the risks and pros and cons of jab vs no jab, but I do honestly hope that for the sake of those who have suffered as a result it isn’t all just swept under the carpet and that they gamer the help and support they need.

nb . These are people I know of through work contacts, not personally, and only one is on the island.  The rest are in the UK.

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11 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

I have to admit that I do know of a few people who seem to be worse off having been vaccinated than if they hadn’t been.

nb . These are people I know of through work contacts, not personally, and only one is on the island.  The rest are in the UK.

Oh yeah? 🤭😁

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20 minutes ago, Asthehills said:

We all knew the risks and pros and cons of jab vs no jab, but I do honestly hope that for the sake of those who have suffered as a result it isn’t all just swept under the carpet and that they gamer the help and support they need.

You may say that but there was a lot of unpleasantness directed towards those who chose not to have the jab, some people only got jabbed because they felt it would be selfish if they didn’t, that was also the message being heavily pushed by our Government. People were threatened with their jobs and employers were choosing vaccinated staff over in vaccinated staff.

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20 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

How do you know that?

Signed off long term sick and unable to work.  Previously healthy people in their 30s and 40s.

Personally, I don’t know of anyone who didn’t already have underlying health conditions in that age bracket who caught COVID pre vaccines and is now off work as a result 

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