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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, Asthehills said:


Thought?  Weakened immune systems as a result of lockdowns? Another as yet unidentified variant? People being more vigilant or concerned and reporting with things they would have previously dealt with at home?

Thats a big jump over 2019

Couldn’t be anything to do with pumping themselves full of chemicals?

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29 minutes ago, Thereisnt said:

Couldn’t be anything to do with pumping themselves full of chemicals?

I doubt it, I would have though that a lack of mixing and wearing masks over the last couple od winters was a much more likely cause, but I guess everyone is entitled to their own theory and viewpoint no matter how scientifically flawed it may be.

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The fact is that the numbers put up by anti-vaxxers bear no resemblance whatsoever to reality.

Never have. Never will.

Fortunately those in the research teams who did such outstanding job in producing vaccinations in very short timeframes are all responsible adults...

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The fact is that the numbers put up by anti-vaxxers bear no resemblance whatsoever to reality.

Never have. Never will.

Fortunately those in the research teams who did such outstanding job in producing vaccinations in very short timeframes are all responsible adults...

You can always trust Big Pharma 😉

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Ah, immunity debt and the importance of transmission. A fun subject. It's not really about 'weakened' immune systems, its about immune systems working properly. The more easily recognised a pathogen is the less extreme the immune response and the less unwell you get. The lockdowns and NPIs that have been in effect definitely lowered transmission on many viruses, so for a period people missed on on infections they wouldn't have even noticed they had, so now immune responses have to be bigger so more people get sick. It's cool stuff.

The zeroes of course don't believe a word of it, and are convinced covid infection has destroyed immune systems and that avoidance of all infections is the only way to survive.

At the other end of the scale the nutters think that the vaccine has destroyed immune systems and everyone will soon drop dead. These people were often the ones screaming about 'natural immunity' without understanding what it actual means.

The pandemic came along and humans significantly altered their behaviour and as a result the natural order of things has been upset, it's going to take a little while to sort out and there are and will continue to be unusual side effects.

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53 minutes ago, Thereisnt said:

If you wish to quote Dunning-Kruger, Facebook and YouTube in an attempt to ridicule those attempting to offer an alternative perspective, so be it. As quoted above, “There are none so blind as those who can’t see.”

A reality that many can see is that a lot of people are becoming sick, and some are dying, post vaccine. Numerous doctors are now speaking out about this - their views are being suppressed by the medical and mainstream media as they do not tally with the message the pharma companies want promoted.

Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, and others, have quoted the 000’s of myocarditis per million vaccines - radically different numbers from those you quote above. Regardless of what you say it is a reality that a lot of people are mysteriously dying. Anyone who doubts this can google “died suddenly’ and see for themselves.

The mainstream media is not covering this huge issue, and ‘turned on’ UK MP Andrew Bridgen when he raised it in Parliament, so it is left to minor publications to raise it. Total Health below publishes the alternative view - ignore at your peril. This has always been the case with public health issues - denial, suppression, attack - then the dam bursts.


I think the phrase is 'There are none so blind as those who will  not see' - what you have 'quoted' does not make sense, but then neither does the rest of your post.

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I’m unsure if my post makes sense or not but what certainly makes sense is researching the history and truth behind vaccines before choosing to put them in one’s body. Their history is very different from that we are led to believe. Below is a recent post on Twitter by Dr Pierre Kory, who has given evidence to the US Senate twice about issues related to Covid 19 and the vaccination program. Dr Kory was an early advocate of Ivermectin - for very good reasons. His ‘journey’ from pro-vaccination, through questioning, to what could be called ‘anti-vax’ is one that most people who actually do the research, follow. That is because the evidence is not what the vaccine producers would have us believe. Dr Kory’s post is below:


“Pre-Covid, me and my beautiful family were fully vaxxed. Covid led me to research vaccine science. This effort transformed my perception of vaccines & revealed decades of corruption in the medical sciences and the vaccination industry.

Pro-vaccine propaganda has been immensely successful for many decades and ended up literally defining the field of Pediatrics. The idea that vaccines are the backbone of historic improvements in population health is built on myths.

Hotez & the WHO are doubling down, trying to bury the fact that, from the smallpox vaccine myth to the polio vaccine myth to now, it is actually “pro-vaccine activism” that is the major killing force globally. Immense data supports my conclusion.

I stand by this statement and will do so to my grave. If I had young children today, not one would get even a single childhood vaccine. Thank you Twitter for allowing me to publicly state my data-driven & highly researched interpretation of vaccine (non) science.

Hotez is an indescribably dangerous man. The WHO is literally run by Gates & the vaccination industry (same thing). They must be stopped. Our health & our lives depend on it.”

Edited by Thereisnt
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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

The fact is that the numbers put up by anti-vaxxers bear no resemblance whatsoever to reality.

Never have. Never will.

Fortunately those in the research teams who did such outstanding job in producing vaccinations in very short timeframes are all responsible adults...

Who do you believe the research teams who magically came up with the new, miracle ‘vaccine’ were?


Those nice people at DARPA would only have the best intentions for humanity, surely?

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On 12/28/2022 at 9:37 AM, Thereisnt said:

Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, and others, have quoted the 000’s of myocarditis per million vaccines - radically different numbers from those you quote above

Yet, there’s no source for these thousands. 

Quite simply, without the backing, one could readily posit you, or him, are pulling these figures out of thin air.

Cherry-picking little snippets of ancient science, misinterpreting modern works, and a general malaise towards the medical community seem to be your, and the entire anti-vax communities way of operating.

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21 hours ago, Thereisnt said:

Who do you believe the research teams who magically came up with the new, miracle ‘vaccine’ were?


Those nice people at DARPA would only have the best intentions for humanity, surely?

Making investments in pivotal technology, doesn’t quite sound that scary really.

Governments have long known pandemics are a risk, being ready for them with clever technology? Not that shocking. DARPA run projects for everything from anti submarine warfare to cancer treatments. 

You’re using the internet, which originated from DARPA’s ARPANET. Maybe they’re onto you..

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