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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Its a fruitless exercise in my view.

Some of the mani players gave gone now or will not participate. Presumably it has no powers to override that.

It will be pretty much the same as the UK findings (has to be really) and the relationships and where the advice / instructions to came from to lock people up.

The details of the logistics about keeping the island supplied with essentials may be an interesting feature. Much of it though will be either be referred to only in passing or left out altogether. GDPR and national security.

Edited by Apple
David Ashford is quiet these days ? on holiday
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30 minutes ago, Apple said:

Its a fruitless exercise in my view.

Some of the mani players gave gone now or will not participate. Presumably it has no powers to override that.

It will be pretty much the same as the UK findings (has to be really) and the relationships and where the advice / instructions to came from to lock people up.

The details of the logistics about keeping the island supplied with essentials may be an interesting feature. Much of it though will be either be referred to only in passing or left out altogether. GDPR and national security.

Yeah waste of money IMV too. A quick and dirty review is OK but no point in getting bogged down on things that have changed anyway. 

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8 hours ago, hampsterkahn said:

There is  just one another aspect that had a great bearing on the early stages of the handling of the Pandemic - and that is the performance of the CEO , K Magson and the conduct of her duties in relation to Dr Ranson and communications her minister.

Can you give your view on that ?  - Is this something that the enquiry  can cover?

Idk. But is is on my list, but anonymised. The Enquiry won’t look at individual complaints. I worded Glover poorly. It was testing set up and continuation, including changes.

Likewise Magson/Ranson is bundled into vaccine start date/approvals and the command structure.

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Inquest finds that nurses deaths linked to Covid died from an industrial disease. 

I remember at the beginning of the pandemic the death of several doctors working very much on the front line. This will have costly implications I think. 


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On 1/13/2023 at 8:45 AM, John Wright said:

All the arguments for and against, cost etc have been had. Originally CoMin wanted no enquiry, then an internal one. Pressure within Tynwald led to a public one, with attendant cost.

If it leaves us better prepared for the next one and if lessons are truly learned it will be worthwhile.

I suppose it depends what it investigates. For what it’s worth this is my wish list.

Travel restrictions.

Was the initial travel restriction cutting off the Island brought in soon enough?

Should there have been quarantine “hotels” provided by tax payer from day 1.

Were the isolation testing regimes/timetables adequate, were changes and reductions justified?

Hospitals & Care homes

Was the discharge to care homes policy justified. Alternatives.

Was the no visiting policy justified. Alternatives.


Was the inception of the vaccination programme timely and effective

What led to the delay in commencement, local approval and indemnity negotiation

Type, location, mobility of vaccination delivery. Including physical aspects and use of volunteers


Delay in Manx info being uploaded.

Infection Waves

Steam Packet

New Year 2021

Easter 2021

What more should have been done to prevent

Were lockdowns introduced fast enough/removed fast enough

Testing, Tracking  & Tracing

The Rachel Glover situation

Was Sequencing necessary, preferable or advisable in the Manx context. 

Was tracking & tracing effective ( or needed at all )

Legal regime 

Government powers - are they adequate

Police and court reaction - was imprisonment justified

Government Support




Future National Plan, framework

The various control or leader groups, who should be on.

Stock of PPE etc and rotation

Hospital and step down accommodation capacity adequacy

You continue to be a laughable ‘shill’ for the establishment. The issue is not the BS way the incompetent and corrupt IOMG behaved - they simply carried on the way corrupt and incompetent organizations always carry on - and will no doubt be exonerated by the usual expensive whitewash report (probably with some patsy’s ‘thrown under the bus’ for credibility purposes). The real issue continues to be the roll out of a dangerous and still experimental vaccine. The enormous harms this has caused are now so overwhelming that even the BBC hosted cardiologist Aseem Malhotra last week talking about such.
UK MP Andrew Bridgen has been one of the few to speak out about these harms and consequently been censored by the equally corrupt Conservative party, and its’ complicit media. ‘Antisemitism’ has been the ludicrous charge they have sought to ‘cancel’ him with, despite his Jewish informant that he actually quoted saying otherwise. Many have come to Bridgen’s defense including Brucha Weisberger, a Jewish lady whose family were killed in Auschwitz. Her words are below:


There is an explosive story going on right now. MP Andrew Bridgen, who led a debate last month in Parliament about the covid vaccines, has come out with some very bold - and very true - statements. He has gotten in major trouble for simply repeating what he was told by a doctor - “As one consultant cardiologist said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.”

Well, yes. If billions of people, including pregnant women, babies, children, teens, and young adults have been injected - often under great coercion - with a novel therapy that the vast majority of them did not have a conceivable need for, and this injection is scientifically proven to cause blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, rapid onset cancer, autoimmune diseases, increased susceptibility to infection, and many more illnesses (see Pfizer’s own documents for proof of much of that)… then how is this not the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust?

Note that his statement does not make light of the Holocaust in any way. It does not even say whether this crime is equal to or greater than the Holocaust. It simply states that the covid vaccine administration is the greatest crime to have occurred after the Holocaust.

I will go on the record to declare that anyone who is calling MP Andrew Bridgen or his claims racist or anti-Semitic is not speaking for the benefit of the Jewish people.

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2 hours ago, Thereisnt said:
You continue to be a laughable ‘shill’ for the establishment. The issue is not the BS way the incompetent and corrupt IOMG behaved - they simply carried on the way corrupt and incompetent organizations always carry on - and will no doubt be exonerated by the usual expensive whitewash report (probably with some patsy’s ‘thrown under the bus’ for credibility purposes). The real issue continues to be the roll out of a dangerous and still experimental vaccine. The enormous harms this has caused are now so overwhelming that even the BBC hosted cardiologist Aseem Malhotra last week talking about such.
UK MP Andrew Bridgen has been one of the few to speak out about these harms and consequently been censored by the equally corrupt Conservative party, and its’ complicit media. ‘Antisemitism’ has been the ludicrous charge they have sought to ‘cancel’ him with, despite his Jewish informant that he actually quoted saying otherwise. Many have come to Bridgen’s defense including Brucha Weisberger, a Jewish lady whose family were killed in Auschwitz. Her words are below:


There is an explosive story going on right now. MP Andrew Bridgen, who led a debate last month in Parliament about the covid vaccines, has come out with some very bold - and very true - statements. He has gotten in major trouble for simply repeating what he was told by a doctor - “As one consultant cardiologist said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.”

Well, yes. If billions of people, including pregnant women, babies, children, teens, and young adults have been injected - often under great coercion - with a novel therapy that the vast majority of them did not have a conceivable need for, and this injection is scientifically proven to cause blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, rapid onset cancer, autoimmune diseases, increased susceptibility to infection, and many more illnesses (see Pfizer’s own documents for proof of much of that)… then how is this not the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust?

Note that his statement does not make light of the Holocaust in any way. It does not even say whether this crime is equal to or greater than the Holocaust. It simply states that the covid vaccine administration is the greatest crime to have occurred after the Holocaust.

I will go on the record to declare that anyone who is calling MP Andrew Bridgen or his claims racist or anti-Semitic is not speaking for the benefit of the Jewish people.


On 1/13/2023 at 7:45 AM, John Wright said:

All the arguments for and against, cost etc have been had. Originally CoMin wanted no enquiry, then an internal one. Pressure within Tynwald led to a public one, with attendant cost.

If it leaves us better prepared for the next one and if lessons are truly learned it will be worthwhile.

I suppose it depends what it investigates. For what it’s worth this is my wish list.

Travel restrictions.

Was the initial travel restriction cutting off the Island brought in soon enough?

Should there have been quarantine “hotels” provided by tax payer from day 1.

Were the isolation testing regimes/timetables adequate, were changes and reductions justified?

Hospitals & Care homes

Was the discharge to care homes policy justified. Alternatives.

Was the no visiting policy justified. Alternatives.


Was the inception of the vaccination programme timely and effective

What led to the delay in commencement, local approval and indemnity negotiation

Type, location, mobility of vaccination delivery. Including physical aspects and use of volunteers


Delay in Manx info being uploaded.

Infection Waves

Steam Packet

New Year 2021

Easter 2021

What more should have been done to prevent

Were lockdowns introduced fast enough/removed fast enough

Testing, Tracking  & Tracing

The Rachel Glover situation

Was Sequencing necessary, preferable or advisable in the Manx context. 

Was tracking & tracing effective ( or needed at all )

Legal regime 

Government powers - are they adequate

Police and court reaction - was imprisonment justified

Government Support




Future National Plan, framework

The various control or leader groups, who should be on.

Stock of PPE etc and rotation

Hospital and step down accommodation capacity adequacy



You risk having this thread blocked for saying those things...

Or not... actually, because the evidence is now becoming undeniable and the damn is about to break.

Here is a list of 1,250 papers on the harms of so-called covid vaccines:


Here are another 1,000 peer-reviewed studies:


And here 1,300 more of the same (there is overlap):


Obviously, it is incredibly cretin for the IOM government to spend 1.5 million pounds to have an UK barrister to tell the government what the government wants to hear, of course. Especially, after our government has got to save 2 pounds per year per property in Douglas with the scaled-down refuse collection. We couldn't be ruled by more ineptitude and plain imbecility. And they still want our taxes...


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3 hours ago, Thereisnt said:

The enormous harms this has caused are now so overwhelming that even the BBC hosted cardiologist Aseem Malhotra last week talking about such.

Did BBC Air Interview with a COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptic?

"Vaccine skeptics are increasingly connecting heart disease cases to the COVID-19 vaccine. However, this has been debunked numerous times, and experts have stated that Malhotra's views are misleading by relying on cherry-picked evidence and flawed studies."

"Professor Marc Dweck, chair of clinical cardiology at the University of Edinburgh, also spoke to the Guardian: "I think that Dr Malhotra's opinions on both statins and Covid vaccines are misguided and in fact dangerous. The vast majority of cardiologists do not agree with his views and they are not based upon robust science. I would strongly urge patients to disregard his comments, which seem to be more concerned with furthering his profile (he does not have a cardiology career to speak of) rather than the wellbeing of the public."


BBC criticised for letting cardiologist ‘hijack’ interview with false Covid jab claim

Edited by kevster
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43 minutes ago, Thereisnt said:

Obviously not as compelling as bins


I think I probably sit in the middle, somewhere, on this argument.

I think there was an over-reaction; I think big pharma has profited remorselessly; I think there was undue pressure on people to take the vaccine; I think the vaccine has probably has probably caused more problems then they would want us to know about, while also saving many, many more lives.

I know a very anti-vaccine person, nice bloke etc, and he points me to articles like this. My reply is, how come I'm not  seeing a spate of problems among my social group - friends here, friends across and with the large number of people I interact with on a QPR forum?

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I agree. I also agree with Edward Snowden’s view below.

The stats appear to show that appx 15% of vaccines have caused short term harms. However more are becoming apparent as time goes on. I hope your peer group do not reflect that.

The issue going forwards is the ongoing determination of the health authorities to continue the program with young people, whilst the long-term issues are still unknown.


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What he has actually said is below - every word factual.

You may, or may not have, seen the dozens and dozens of athletes and football players dropping dead or being carried off the field with heart attacks. Although it has yet to be proven, the obvious suspicion is that the covid ‘vaccines’ are responsible. We haven’t even begun to see the harms these things will eventually do - I can make such a statement because that is what has happened every time the pharma industry has suckered naive patients into taking their new products. Aided and abetted by pricks like you



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20 minutes ago, wrighty said:

This thread has recently turned into the flat earth thread.

Did you know the Earth does actually look flat, if you whizz past it approaching the speed of light?

I suspect we have a past visitor who's spinning himself up into yet another frenzy. As long as it doesn't get overly abusive, everyone's entitled to their opinion on here 😃


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