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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, forestboy said:

Nasty final remark by you. 
He’s far more intelligent than you. 

It is. However, medics like Mr Wright are well aware of the potential side effects of all the drugs they push upon us, yet they keep on doing so. In the case of the covid ‘vaccines’ - which Dr Malik rightly says are not in fact ‘vaccines’ but rather novel gene ‘therapies’ - they have never been used on humans previously so the side effects could never have been known. Yet people like ‘Wrighty’ and his ilk brazenly pushed them onto the unsuspecting public, who are only now discovering the long-term, and in many cases life-altering side effects. Behaviour like that fits my definition of ‘a prick’.

You have no idea if the second part of your statement is true.

I shall sign off now, and go back to my Winter sunshine. While ensuring I don’t fall off the edge. Feel free to heap abuse..

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2 hours ago, Thereisnt said:

You may, or may not have, seen the dozens and dozens of athletes and football players dropping dead or being carried off the field with heart attacks.

Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation recognised this phenomenon, approximately 15 years prior to the development of the covid vaccines.



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8 hours ago, wrighty said:

This thread has recently turned into the flat earth thread.


On 1/14/2023 at 5:05 PM, Debbie said:


You risk having this thread blocked for saying those things...

Or not... actually, because the evidence is now becoming undeniable and the damn is about to break.

Here is a list of 1,250 papers on the harms of so-called covid vaccines:


Here are another 1,000 peer-reviewed studies:


And here 1,300 more of the same (there is overlap):


Obviously, it is incredibly cretin for the IOM government to spend 1.5 million pounds to have an UK barrister to tell the government what the government wants to hear, of course. Especially, after our government has got to save 2 pounds per year per property in Douglas with the scaled-down refuse collection. We couldn't be ruled by more ineptitude and plain imbecility. And they still want our taxes...


So the thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers pointed out by the poster of the previous page are the deranged allegations of flat earthers?

Some are just reporting on specific VAERS cases. But others, they explain and demonstrate the dangers that some of the most accomplished scientists of the world had warned about since the beginning (for instance, Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the HIV virus, had foreseen it all).

Especially that: (i) the covid vaccines are not effective (protection is temporary at best, 3-4 months, then it goes negative, worse than not having had the vaccine, due to the mechanism of antibody-dependent enhancement); (ii) the covid vaccines fuel new variants capable of immune escape; and (iii) the covid vaccines mess with the immune system causing a long list of immune-related accidents, including blood clots, reactivation of latent viral infections, neurological illnesses, and very possibly even more serious health issues later on, such as cancer. 

My consistent experience with doctors, especially of the GP variety, has been their mediocrity and hypocrisy. The NHS is all about politics. And then, what you would expect?

Here I paste the three lists, to make it easier for you.

First list of peer-reviewed papers:


Second list:


Third list:


I know you won't change. I know what you are. I know what politicians are. I understand well the nature of our government.


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7 hours ago, Marion Costel said:



So the thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers pointed out by the poster of the previous page are the deranged allegations of flat earthers?

Some are just reporting on specific VAERS cases. But others, they explain and demonstrate the dangers that some of the most accomplished scientists of the world had warned about since the beginning (for instance, Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the HIV virus, had foreseen it all).

Especially that: (i) the covid vaccines are not effective (protection is temporary at best, 3-4 months, then it goes negative, worse than not having had the vaccine, due to the mechanism of antibody-dependent enhancement); (ii) the covid vaccines fuel new variants capable of immune escape; and (iii) the covid vaccines mess with the immune system causing a long list of immune-related accidents, including blood clots, reactivation of latent viral infections, neurological illnesses, and very possibly even more serious health issues later on, such as cancer. 

My consistent experience with doctors, especially of the GP variety, has been their mediocrity and hypocrisy. The NHS is all about politics. And then, what you would expect?

Here I paste the three lists, to make it easier for you.

First list of peer-reviewed papers:


Second list:


Third list:


I know you won't change. I know what you are. I know what politicians are. I understand well the nature of our government.


Oooh, 'peer review'.

Must be true then, all of it.

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12 hours ago, Marion Costel said:



So the thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers pointed out by the poster of the previous page are the deranged allegations of flat earthers?

Some are just reporting on specific VAERS cases. But others, they explain and demonstrate the dangers that some of the most accomplished scientists of the world had warned about since the beginning (for instance, Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the HIV virus, had foreseen it all).

Especially that: (i) the covid vaccines are not effective (protection is temporary at best, 3-4 months, then it goes negative, worse than not having had the vaccine, due to the mechanism of antibody-dependent enhancement); (ii) the covid vaccines fuel new variants capable of immune escape; and (iii) the covid vaccines mess with the immune system causing a long list of immune-related accidents, including blood clots, reactivation of latent viral infections, neurological illnesses, and very possibly even more serious health issues later on, such as cancer. 

My consistent experience with doctors, especially of the GP variety, has been their mediocrity and hypocrisy. The NHS is all about politics. And then, what you would expect?

Here I paste the three lists, to make it easier for you.

First list of peer-reviewed papers:


Second list:


Third list:


I know you won't change. I know what you are. I know what politicians are. I understand well the nature of our government.


I know you’ve picked up on the lists. No idea who put them together, or what they, or you, think they show.

They don’t show what you claim.

As is usual each article starts off with an abstract. A summary or précis.

I checked a few. Got fed up. They all indicate the exact opposite to what you’re trying to portray.

I’ll just quote from the first one I looked at.

Considering the enormity of recent COVID-19-vaccinated population, the number of serious neurological events is miniscule. Large collaborative prospective studies are needed to prove or disprove causal association between vaccine and neurological adverse events occurring vaccination”.

I do have an interest. I’ve had six covid vaccine doses, due to being immune compromised.

Many vaccines are temporary in effect. That doesn’t stop them being effective.

Theres no evidence of them causing the depression in the bodies immunity system you are claiming.

Theres absolutely no evidence that vaccine causes viral mutation into new strains, just the opposite in fact. It’s high speed high volume transmission that results in the changes.

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On 1/16/2023 at 2:29 PM, John Wright said:

I know you’ve picked up on the lists. No idea who put them together, or what they, or you, think they show.

They don’t show what you claim.

As is usual each article starts off with an abstract. A summary or précis.

I checked a few. Got fed up. They all indicate the exact opposite to what you’re trying to portray.

I’ll just quote from the first one I looked at.

Considering the enormity of recent COVID-19-vaccinated population, the number of serious neurological events is miniscule. Large collaborative prospective studies are needed to prove or disprove causal association between vaccine and neurological adverse events occurring vaccination”.

I do have an interest. I’ve had six covid vaccine doses, due to being immune compromised.

Many vaccines are temporary in effect. That doesn’t stop them being effective.

Theres no evidence of them causing the depression in the bodies immunity system you are claiming.

Theres absolutely no evidence that vaccine causes viral mutation into new strains, just the opposite in fact. It’s high speed high volume transmission that results in the changes.


On 1/16/2023 at 1:22 AM, Marion Costel said:

Some are just reporting on specific VAERS cases. But others, they explain and demonstrate the dangers that some of the most accomplished scientists of the world had warned about since the beginning (for instance, Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the HIV virus, had foreseen it all).

Especially that: (i) the covid vaccines are not effective (protection is temporary at best, 3-4 months, then it goes negative, worse than not having had the vaccine, due to the mechanism of antibody-dependent enhancement); (ii) the covid vaccines fuel new variants capable of immune escape; and (iii) the covid vaccines mess with the immune system causing a long list of immune-related accidents, including blood clots, reactivation of latent viral infections, neurological illnesses, and very possibly even more serious health issues later on, such as cancer. 

First list of peer-reviewed papers:


Second list:


Third list:



As mentioned, I took the three lists of papers from the previous poster; though I was aware of the first list.

There are over one thousands papers in there; with a range of opinions. But it mainly depends when the paper was published. It used to be that in order to have a paper with evidence about serious adverse reactions published in one of the more established medical journals, there had to be, within the introduction and/or conclusion, some meaningless (as concerns the reporting of scientific results) statement supporting government policy. In recent months that silly requirement appears to have dropped and scientists have been able to express their opinions also in plain language.

I have on file about thirty papers published or submitted for publications during the past three months that broadly show that the covid vaccines are neither safe nor effective; because, in particular, of the three issues mentioned in my previous posting. 

The list of scientists that have now started to express the concerns they always had is growing by the day and becoming impossible to ignore. The last one, Dr Paul Offit, a member of the FDA's vaccine advisory committee, has just written in the New England Journal of Medicine, the world's top medical journal, calling for the immediate end of boosters due to unacceptable risks.

And don't think that Dr Aseem Malhotra's discussion of vaccine harms during a BBC appearance to talk about statins happened by accident. Mainstream media are trying to find a way out of their covid hole. Life expectancy has been reduced by two years and it is not covid; it is either lockdown or the vaccine, both actually; anyone capable of logic reasoning can see it.

The last paper confirming that the mRNA shots cause recipients to make less effective antibodies to the coronavirus over time has been published one week ago by a group of German scientists and edited, guess, by a chief scientist at Pfizer; here is the link:


It is a detailed and complex paper. I give you a synopsis written by an immunologist in substack. Its conclusion appears sarcastic, but it just says what it is still too difficult to say plainly for a group of scientists working at a major institution on a work backed by Pfizer itself.

The researchers found that people produce more of a type of antibodies that do not strongly attack the virus months after receiving their second mRNA jab.

Antibodies attach to “antigens” - bacterial or viral invaders like Sars-Cov-2 - preventing them from entering our cells and triggering our immune systems to attack them. The mRNA vaccines make our bodies produce the coronavirus spike protein, causing our immune systems to make antibodies to the spike.

But antibodies come in several different classes and subclasses. The Frontiers paper found that months after the second mRNA dose, people began to produce more of an antibody subclass called IgG4. IgG4 is usually the least common of the subtypes. It does not trigger a strong immune response after it latches to the virus.

The change was particularly obvious in people who had not been infected before receiving the vaccine, the researchers found.

The change also appeared to be dose-related. It occurred more strongly in people who had received the Moderna jab, which contains more than three times the mRNA as the Pfizer shot. (The fact that the other group of researchers found the change accelerated after a third shot is also evidence of a dose-response relationship.)

Finally, the researchers did NOT find a similar “class switch” in people who received the AstraZeneca Covid shot, which also causes recipients to make the spike protein, but does not use mRNA to do so.

Taken together, those findings suggest strongly that the immune system change to produce this weaker antibody is a protective response to an abnormality caused by the mRNAs.

The long-term impact of the switch to IgG4 antibodies is still unclear. But nearly all the wealthy countries that heavily used the mRNA jabs continue to endure waves of Covid and significant numbers of deaths. The problem is worst in countries like Japan, which had few Covid cases before vaccination and thus little natural immunity.

As the Frontiers in Immunology researchers wrote:

Intriguingly, the mRNA vaccines, and in particular the mRNA-1273 vaccine, induced increasing long-term anti-S1 serum IgG4 levels in naïve individuals with hitherto unclear influences on the fight against the pathogen.

Yep, "hitherto unclear influences.”

Don’t worry, we’ll clear them up eventually.

Too bad we didn’t work on that before we stuck a billion-plus people with mRNA...


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