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Ready to roll up your sleeves?

Addressing this posting to those of you who are about to roll up their sleeves for their n-th booster… (lost count of it, though I had none myself) and still have some residual critical thinking faculties.

The Florida Surgeon General did not mince his words to say that mRNA vaccines have a “terrible safety profile”. See it by yourself in this video:


And this poignant video is about one of the many covid vaccine victims:


Socialists (uh, liberals… sorry) don’t need to look. This branch covidiot website from a quintessential blue state would be more reassuring for them:

Just googled “roll up your sleeves” expecting some covid nonsense in return; and there it is. There is some BLM stuff as well. And so much more of the stuff that make you branch covidiots fell so good about yourselves: “FPWA is a social justice, anti-poverty policy and advocacy organization committed to economic opportunity and upward mobility for all”.

No, politics has nothing to do with it; it is all about “following the science”.



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11 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

The Florida Surgeon General did not mince his words to say that mRNA vaccines have a “terrible safety profile”

US agencies debunk Florida surgeon general’s vaccine claims - AP

Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo investigated for allegedly falsifying Covid report - Politico

Florida’s surgeon general makes the conspiracy-theory podcast rounds - Washington Post


Only the fringe media is taking him seriously.

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All that kind of shit does is make it harder for the rare but genuine cases of people who have had severe reactions to a drug specifically designed to elicit an immune response to be heard.

It's almost like they're doing it on purpose, because they don't actually care.

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1 hour ago, genericUserName said:


Not the fringe media; the non-leftwing media is taking him seriously, while the leftwing media is trying to make him appear as a crank. One of the points I made is that the politicisation has prevented a rational assessment.

I paste below an excerpt of the Washington Post article that you pointed out, which is a typical piece of leftist propaganda. Ladapo is the protégé of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis; and the latter is the republican candidate for the US presidency (once the GOP finally manages to get rid of Trump).

In the red states some lawmakers are have been trying to pass legislation criminalising the administration of mRNA vaccines. One such example here:


And by the way, even mainstream German press now is siding with the sceptics. On the 23rd of last February WELT published the following article:


whose title translates as "The many inconsistencies in the Pfizer approval study" and which paints the whole approval process of the mRNA vaccines as a deliberate fraud:

"Biontech/Pfizer's mRNA vaccine approval may have been based on incorrect documentation. There are increasing doubts about the data from the pivotal phase 3 study. Pfizer dodges the allegations and refuses to review."

All studies have shown higher overall mortality among the vaccinated; the original Pfizer double blind trial being no exception (15 deaths in the vaccine group; 14 deaths in the control group).

Nevertheless, here are excerpts from the Washington Post article, with all the usual leftist arguments that make you feel comfortable:

Earlier this month, in the early evening of the Friday before Columbus Day weekend, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo published a new recommendation for residents of his state: Young adult men shouldn’t take mRNA vaccines aimed at combating covid-19.

Removed from useful context, that’s a remarkable development. A senior health official in a state expressing such serious concern about the vaccines that he recommends against them? But the context is particularly important here. Ladapo has been expressing skepticism about coronavirus vaccines (and masks and other infection-reduction mechanisms) since early in his tenure as the state’s surgeon general. It seems clear that his laissez-faire approach to the pandemic — not particularly common in the medical community — is a central reason that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) selected Ladapo for his position. And, sure enough, experts on the medical question at hand (which Ladapo, while a doctor, is not) quickly denounced the research on which Ladapo’s announcement was predicated.

All of this would simply stand as another skirmish in the endless and grim feud over how the pandemic was handled were it not for an unexpected development this week: Ladapo appeared on two podcasts centered on spreading explicit misinformation about politics and the pandemic.

[. . .]

Instead, much of the conversation focused on the host drawing Ladapo into criticisms of the vaccines and other responses to the pandemic — a conversation that Ladapo was certainly willing to have.

For example, the host asked why the Biden administration didn’t contest a judge’s decision to remove the mask mandate for airplanes. One obvious reason is that the decision came after Democratic leaders had already decided that the spread of the omicron variant and hostility to mask-wearing made mandates difficult to support politically. But Ladapo offered his thoughts on the airline mandate more broadly.

“It was a manipulative, destructive, divisive policy that was implemented for the purpose of control and maintaining control,” he said, “and showing people who’s boss and making people bow down to this covid-19 mind-set hegemony.”

The host didn’t disagree. Nor, unsurprisingly, did he push back on Ladapo’s presentations about his vaccination decision.

[. . .]

It’s worth noting that one thing DeSantis has done effectively as governor has been outsourcing his appeals to the right-wing fringe. While Donald Trump used to eagerly jump into social media fights, DeSantis tends to leave that culture-war memeing to staffers such as Christina Pushaw. Ladapo’s appearances this week lent state authority to the hosts — but also offered a chance for the DeSantis administration to speak to a not-insignificant group of right-wing listeners without DeSantis having to draw scrutiny himself.


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16 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

All studies have shown higher overall mortality among the vaccinated; the original Pfizer double blind trial being no exception (15 deaths in the vaccine group; 14 deaths in the control group).


Out of how many participants?

Of course, the data may well not be statistically significant if that 15th death was someone being run over by a bus.

Or does the vaccine cause an affinity towards double deckers?

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21 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:


Not the fringe media; the non-leftwing media is taking him seriously, while the leftwing media is trying to make him appear as a crank. One of the points I made is that the politicisation has prevented a rational assessment.

 which is a typical piece of leftist propaganda.

In the red states

with all the usual leftist arguments that make you feel comfortable:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R)

right-wing listeners 


Fucking state of it.

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Wev all been lied to.. glad i didnt go down the poison route. Had the flu a few times ,no big drama. Plenty of fresh air does you good ..fuck isolating . Bet all them gullable snowflake fannys crying out for jab passports feel a bit stupid now.. and rightfuly so .. well and truely blagged . Fools

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Notably China has gone very quiet about C-19 (or whatever variants it is now)  after the most draconain measures it used. Still hear people are getting it but presumably only becasue they test for it as most now don't and it's no worse and no better than a bad cold or a flu.

The aftermath in terms of eroding both trust and confidence in government, scientists and the medical profession locally and world wide may never recover. As for the social, health and economic impact it certainly looks like the cure was worse than the disease.

I might not be wholly responsible for the current NHS crisis or ampant inflation but it certainly contributed by massively shaking already wobbly systems like the just-in-time  & global supply chains, employment, medical treatments.

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