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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Knowing and proving are two different things though.

There are lots who would argue til they're blue in the face that natural immunity is better, rightly or wrongly.


Because it is obvious, for a respiratory illness. I, to make an example, never had a flu vax or a covid vax; not a tiny bit of it. And, last time I had a temperature in my forehead, I was 7, which will be fifty years ago soon (in a few years time). Never been ill with a respiratory illness in so many decades (had Covid, just a cold, a bit intenser than usual, did not worry for a moment).

But hospitals are full of people who have been fully vaxed for the flu and and covid and who fall ill with the flu and covid (and with whatever other bug comes their way).

Prior to the Covid mess, few immunologists, apart those of the corrupt CDC and FDA, would have told you otherwise. You have been gaslighted.


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1 minute ago, Black Mirror said:


Because it is obvious, for a respiratory illness. I, to make an example, never had a flu vax or a covid vax; not a tiny bit of it. And, last time I had a temperature in my forehead, I was 7, which will be fifty years ago soon (in a few years time). Never been ill with a respiratory illness in so many decades (had Covid, just a cold, a bit intenser than usual, did not worry for a moment).

But hospitals are full of people who have been fully vaxed for the flu and and covid and who fall ill with the flu and covid (and with whatever other bug comes their way).

Prior to the Covid mess, few immunologists, apart those of the corrupt CDC and FDA, would have told you otherwise. You have been gaslighted.


Good for you. What's the secret?

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23 hours ago, John Wright said:

I suspect some people might have been with you until this.

You’ve totally discredited yourself and anything you’ve ever posted or ever post in future.

You'll always be the poster who thought DA would make a good Chief Minister. Unless, of course you are DA


7 hours ago, ricardo said:

Has your 6th booster robbed you of the ability to discern irony?

The bit about Ashford was not planned when I started writing that posting to this thread. I added it just before clicking the submit button, as an obvious provocation (since someone had insinuated I might be him in disguise).

Having moved to the island in recent years, my first acquaintance with him was during the early months of the pandemic, when I though he was a useless dunce.

However, my assessment changed over time, having also met him in person at a social event. I can see that he is clumsy (not to say clownish) to put it politely. However, he is smarter and more knowledgeable than the average politician in Tynwald; and he has got the right instincts in regard to the issues facing the island. I would not be concerned with him as Chief Minister; not at all. (The same cannot be said about Allinson; though, hopefully, Cannan will stick around.)

When it comes to Covid, all politicians have been monkeys dancing to a certain preordained tune, because they thought it was in their best interest to do so. The stupid ones also thought that they were acting in the best interest of the people they were meant to serve (who are even stupider).

As for the Organ Grinder, the masterplan had been worked out by powerful international organisations/corporations, which, unlike the clueless politicians, have been determined and effective at pursuing their own interests and ideological priorities; where the people, the little people, are the last concern; and arguably both the people and most policymakers have been the losers of those absurd policies. Civil servants, the likes of Dr Rosalind Ranson, have apparently been enjoying their WFH, where even the pretence to be working is abandoned. By abandoning productive activities, their terminal is being worth no more that the UBI scrounge, and loose their self respect, into the mental sinkhole of a Dr Ranson (she is suffering so much, oh dear).

Here are more outrageous videos; those two bogymen, Gates and Fauci:









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3 hours ago, Black Mirror said:


Because it is obvious, for a respiratory illness. I, to make an example, never had a flu vax or a covid vax; not a tiny bit of it. And, last time I had a temperature in my forehead, I was 7, which will be fifty years ago soon (in a few years time). Never been ill with a respiratory illness in so many decades (had Covid, just a cold, a bit intenser than usual, did not worry for a moment).

But hospitals are full of people who have been fully vaxed for the flu and and covid and who fall ill with the flu and covid (and with whatever other bug comes their way).

Prior to the Covid mess, few immunologists, apart those of the corrupt CDC and FDA, would have told you otherwise. You have been gaslighted.


Anecdotes don't really make data. A single data point is utterly useless.

You should know that as a discerning individual.

Hospitals being full of people with a condition, well, that may well mean they're not dying from it because of the protection the vaccines are offering.

Would you also eschew vaccines like for things like TB, tetanus, diptheria, smallpox?

Or are you just pro-flu and pro-COVID?

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1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Anecdotes don't really make data. A single data point is utterly useless.

You should know that as a discerning individual.

Hospitals being full of people with a condition, well, that may well mean they're not dying from it because of the protection the vaccines are offering.

Would you also eschew vaccines like for things like TB, tetanus, diptheria, smallpox?

Or are you just pro-flu and pro-COVID?


Of course I had vaccines for smallpox, tuberculosis, tetanus, diphtheria and more. Those are not controversial immunisations. In my late twenties I had a full course of hepatitis B vaccination (three shots back then) acting on my own initiative, when very few people were doing it; and a few years ago (which is some 25 years later) I had a blood test to verify that I still have the antibodies of that ancient vaccination:


I have attached the immunological report because otherwise you would not believe that I am so proactive. I never had doubt or hesitation about the immunisations that make sense.

You have been imbued with all the bullshit fictional narrative from the Guardian and the politicians and you seem to be blissfully unaware that there are very different kinds of viruses/bacteria with immunisations options, or lack thereof, of completely different profile.

Covid-19 is a respiratory RNA virus for which vaccination was never seen feasible or practical. There are four other coronaviruses that are endemic in the human specie; they gave us about 30% of our colds prior to the advent of Covid-19. Immunologists never saw them as being amenable to vaccination because of issues such as antibody dependent enhancement and the fact that, well, they are just colds. And that was always going to be the endgame of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Anyone with a functional intelligence understood that since the very beginning; it was the official position of the UK government, following detailed expert advice, well documented in the minutes of SAGE (it is the official record); until all that well consolidated science had to be reassessed politically. After that political reassessment, no Covid-19 government policy has made sense.

Covid-19 is an exemplary case study of the social theory that we have more to fear from stupidity than evil. I can't help by quoting Bonhoeffer: "one may protest against evil; it can be exposed and prevented by the use of force, against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here. Reasons fall on deaf ears." You and your kind are that kind of deaf stupid. No logical argument seems to work.


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@Black Mirror

The BBC were allowed access to an intensive care covid ward during the pandemic.

As the duty doctor conducted the crew through the ward he pointed to each bed in turn saying

"Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" etc etc.

Being a surprisingly sensible and well-rounded individual, surprisingly since I'm manx, I do wish you and your ilk would stop trying to push your mumbo-jumbo pseudo-science nonsense onto folks who can see only too clearly that you're talking bollox. It's such a waste of bandwidth...

Clue: Before vaccines lots of fatalities. After vaccines fatalities tail right off.

What is your statistically proven fact-based explanation for this? See mine above for example.

Purely for comedy value of course...

PS - Opinions aren't facts. They're just opinions. Make sure you can tell the difference.

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On 3/28/2023 at 7:58 PM, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Funnily enough, these are all long established effects of viral infection.

Remind me, what novel virus has been circulating since late 2019?

If something quacks like a duck, do you go looking for a bear?

So, you're allegedly some form of pariah in suffering the alleged bullying?

What generally happens is it gets pointed out that a paper is grossly misrepresented, the paper contradicts what the poster is trying to use the paper to argue, it isn't peer reviewed, or it simply doesn't exist.

The same one that pushed this alleged false narrative? You must be a good judge of character...

A C ..Wat a fuckin ignorant bell end you realy are . !!!!

Edited by potiron
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7 hours ago, Black Mirror said:

Covid-19 is a respiratory RNA virus for which vaccination was never seen feasible or practical.

Well, technically… 

The mRNA technology had been through human safety trials before the start of the pandemic and in active development for years.

The AZ/Oxford approach of using a chimp flu virus to get your own cells to produce the spike protein was again one that was waiting on the shelf. Of course, that did have a small risk of blood clots, albeit lower than that of catching COVID. 

It wasn’t that long ago in the scheme of things that even a polio vaccine was an unthinkable impossibility.

See here for people in the 70s saying the same thing about Mumps as is said for the COVID jab now. https://www.oah.org/tah/issues/2015/august/vaccination-resistance/

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:


Clue: Before vaccines lots of fatalities. After vaccines fatalities tail right off.


well yes, but  if you take 100  people and they are exposed to a new disease  and  5 die , 5 have died , if  6 months later you give the remaining 95 a 'vaccine'  and they are exposed to the same disease again it isn't really a surprise they don't die as they didn't die without the vaccine in the first place.

Edited by WTF
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2 hours ago, WTF said:

well yes, but  if you take 100  people and they are exposed to a new disease  and  5 die , 5 have died , if  6 months later you give the remaining 95 a 'vaccine'  and they are exposed to the same disease again it isn't really a surprise they don't die as they didn't die without the vaccine in the first place.

Your theory presupposes that the same folks will catch the virus in any particular wave and the same again in the next wave which fortunately never happened.

The number of infections grows over time. Of those infected a certain amount get very ill and some die. After vaccination people still get infected. People still get ill. But fewer of them get seriously ill and far fewer of them die.

That will, of course, also be true of those who have been previously infected and have natural immunity. Unfortunately, depending on the variant, natural immunity can drop off to to as low as 36% in just 40 weeks.

Vaccination not only slowed the spread but it also made it possible to manage the fall in immunity over time.

Clever stuff this science malarky...

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13 hours ago, P.K. said:

@Black Mirror

The BBC were allowed access to an intensive care covid ward during the pandemic.

As the duty doctor conducted the crew through the ward he pointed to each bed in turn saying

"Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" etc etc.

Being a surprisingly sensible and well-rounded individual, surprisingly since I'm manx, I do wish you and your ilk would stop trying to push your mumbo-jumbo pseudo-science nonsense onto folks who can see only too clearly that you're talking bollox. It's such a waste of bandwidth...

Clue: Before vaccines lots of fatalities. After vaccines fatalities tail right off.

What is your statistically proven fact-based explanation for this? See mine above for example.

Purely for comedy value of course...

PS - Opinions aren't facts. They're just opinions. Make sure you can tell the difference.


You are one of those stupids deaf to logic according to Bonhoeffer's definition. With the repellent leftwing ideology on top. In your world, two plus two equal five, or whatever other number your communist organ grinder tells you to believe.

There has not been a sole study, including the original Pfizer double blind trial, showing net advantage (what they call "endpoint") from the so called Covid "vaccines".

For the simple reason that one always observed more deaths in the vaccinated group than in the placebo control group.

That is why, when the actual results of that trial (the one claiming 95% efficacy against Covid) were finally disclosed (following a law suit in US courts; Pfizer and the corrupt CDC had tried to keep that embarrassing information "confidential" for 75 years) most executives at Pfizer refused to be boosted.

There was never a booster policy at Pfizer and all other US corporations that initially had vaccine mandates; following disclosure of those results.

As for the BBC and the UK ONS (Office of National Statistic); there is hardly a figure from them that is not biased or out of context in regard to Covid.

Unlike you, I believe in numbers and only in numbers.


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