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44 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

Unlike you, I believe in numbers and only in numbers.

But only the ones of your fantasies. If they don't align with your chosen beliefs, you decry them with big words.


45 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

You are one of those stupids deaf to logic according to Bonhoeffer's definition. With the repellent leftwing ideology on top. In your world, two plus two equal five, or whatever other number your communist organ grinder tells you to believe.

Tell me you're a grumpy alt-right conspiracy theorist without telling me you're a grumpy alt-right conspiracy theorist.

You go first.

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There's a big flaw in the logic touted by the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists.

If it was a big ploy to kill people off, and or, control the masses, the first ones you'd eliminate are the subversives.

A quick search for anyone in the Facebook groups, and you've got all the ones that aren't 'good' and 'obedient'.

The old nuclear war plans involved detaining those who were deemed subversive, or potentially so.

See the below for some excerpts. Note that it is a few years out of date, but also bear in mind, that the plans likely haven't changed that much. https://eprints.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/id/eprint/4727/6/Target North-West.pdf


The police and military will work particularly closely together in 'the guarding
of key points and the maintenance of protected areas'. [...] High on the list also come 'Special measures
to maintain internal security, with particular reference to the detention or restricted movement or potentially subversive persons'.


In recent years the role of the army has changed. It is now (perhaps surprisingly to
many people), primarily concerned with counter-insurrectionary measures at
home, as laid down in Volume III of the Army Land Operations Manual, entitled
'Counter-Revolutionary Operations'. These include: outbidding the rebels in
promising reforms; setting up integrated national intelligence organisation (i.e.
the army , police and MI5 pooling their knowledge of subversives); setting up an
effective organisation for joint civil and military control at all levels' (the regional
system of government) ; strengthening the police and army 'so that their loyalty is
beyond question'; and measures to isolate insurgents from popular control'
(arrest, internment , censorship and closing down the public phone system). The
official scenario for 'Operation Square Leg' in 1980 included military measures to
counter some imaginary 'Red Peace Trotskyists' and a 'Purple Peace' (i.e.
Labour) party, and to defeat 'industrial arrest (sic) and large .scale political
activity'. In the similar 1978 Operation Scrum Half, the army was issued with large
quantities of riot gas.

Operation Square Leg was simulating the response to a nuclear attack.

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14 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

But only the ones of your fantasies. If they don't align with your chosen beliefs, you decry them with big words.

Tell me you're a grumpy alt-right conspiracy theorist without telling me you're a grumpy alt-right conspiracy theorist.

You go first.


58 minutes ago, Roxanne said:



14 hours ago, P.K. said:

@Black Mirror

The BBC were allowed access to an intensive care covid ward during the pandemic.

As the duty doctor conducted the crew through the ward he pointed to each bed in turn saying

"Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated" etc etc.

Being a surprisingly sensible and well-rounded individual, surprisingly since I'm manx, I do wish you and your ilk would stop trying to push your mumbo-jumbo pseudo-science nonsense onto folks who can see only too clearly that you're talking bollox. It's such a waste of bandwidth...

Clue: Before vaccines lots of fatalities. After vaccines fatalities tail right off.

What is your statistically proven fact-based explanation for this? See mine above for example.

Purely for comedy value of course...

PS - Opinions aren't facts. They're just opinions. Make sure you can tell the difference.


Funny, because the target of Bonhoeffer's social theories were the Nazis and general extremist ideology. Not my own kind of beliefs. I only deal with logic and proven facts.

There are lists, circulating on the internet, with one thousand plus academic papers demolishing the official narrative of your beloved BBC and demented government. It has been going on for a while, but in recent months the pace and the evidence presented have become more compelling. That is why mainstream media have gone dead silent on the topic.

For instance, the paper shown below. It says:


It is in the abstract; read it by yourself. That is the "endpoint" I had mentioned in my previous posting. I chose this study because of the simple argument presented. More recent studies go into the details of what goes wrong (perhaps too technical for you).

I could attach one hundred academic studies from the most accomplished scientists of the world; you would still believe in your delusional God. You cannot stand on your feet. Without that delusion leading you on, you would fall in a place where you cannot stand on your own.


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3 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

you would still believe in your delusional God

Mate, you're the one rambling on an internet forum calling everyone delusional.

Lady who doth protest too much?

Dr Classen stands on a platform of being 'antivaccionalisionist'. He claims that vaccines in general cause type 1 diabetes. His claims, even using his data, could not be reproduced by anyone else.

If you'd any familiarity with academia, then you'd know that a paper with a single author doesn't always inspire confidence at the best of times. It means nobody more qualified wants to put their name to it.

Note, the publisher Scivision is also known as a 'predatory publisher' https://beallslist.net/.

If your all knowing deity was as good as you thought, would he resort to such shit venues?

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13 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:




Funny, because the target of Bonhoeffer's social theories were the Nazis and general extremist ideology. Not my own kind of beliefs. I only deal with logic and proven facts.

There are lists, circulating on the internet, with one thousand plus academic papers demolishing the official narrative of your beloved BBC and demented government. It has been going on for a while, but in recent months the pace and the evidence presented have become more compelling. That is why mainstream media have gone dead silent on the topic.

For instance, the paper shown below. It says:


It is in the abstract; read it by yourself. That is the "endpoint" I had mentioned in my previous posting. I chose this study because of the simple argument presented. More recent studies go into the details of what goes wrong (perhaps too technical for you).

I could attach one hundred academic studies from the most accomplished scientists of the world; you would still believe in your delusional God. You cannot stand on your feet. Without that delusion leading you on, you would fall in a place where you cannot stand on your own.


You state that you're not anti-vaccination and yet the guy you're quoting thinks all vaccines are bad, that mRNA vaccines cause prion disease, and that vaccines cause autism and diabetes.

Given you're pro non-covid-vaccinations, you clearly disregard his thoughts on every vaccine except the one you happen to agree with him on. And yet other people are the ones who are deluded and stuck in their beliefs?

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1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Mate, you're the one rambling on an internet forum calling everyone delusional.

Lady who doth protest too much?

Dr Classen stands on a platform of being 'antivaccionalisionist'. He claims that vaccines in general cause type 1 diabetes. His claims, even using his data, could not be reproduced by anyone else.

If you'd any familiarity with academia, then you'd know that a paper with a single author doesn't always inspire confidence at the best of times. It means nobody more qualified wants to put their name to it.

Note, the publisher Scivision is also known as a 'predatory publisher' https://beallslist.net/.

If your all knowing deity was as good as you thought, would he resort to such shit venues?


1 hour ago, HeliX said:

You state that you're not anti-vaccination and yet the guy you're quoting thinks all vaccines are bad, that mRNA vaccines cause prion disease, and that vaccines cause autism and diabetes.

Given you're pro non-covid-vaccinations, you clearly disregard his thoughts on every vaccine except the one you happen to agree with him on. And yet other people are the ones who are deluded and stuck in their beliefs?


1 hour ago, genericUserName said:

Are you surprised that only the fringe media and far right bloggers are reporting your anti-vax and Covid conspiracy stuff?


Now, I know that it is like arguing with the Holy Inquisition. It has decided that the earth is flat, or that, if earth's curvature is too evident to be denied, it is the sun that goes around the earth and the earth must be the centre of the universe.

The universe being the socialist parnacea you cherish. Your main delusion is that the authoritarians you cherish and trust give a shit about you.

More papers below (Nobel prize winners among the signatories). But I know that there is no amount of evidence that can possibly work with organ grinder monkeys.












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6 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:




Now, I know that it is like arguing with the Holy Inquisition. It has decided that the earth is flat, or that, if earth's curvature is too evident to be denied, it is the sun that goes around the earth and the earth must be the centre of the universe.

The universe being the socialist parnacea you cherish. Your main delusion is that the authoritarians you cherish and trust give a shit about you.

More papers below (Nobel prize winners among the signatories). But I know that there is no amount of evidence that can possibly work with organ grinder monkeys.












Your papers keep coming from pay to be published journals. If they can even be called journals. 

You’d be best to understand what actual peer review looks like, lest you appear foolish. 

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26 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Your papers keep coming from pay to be published journals. If they can even be called journals. 

You’d be best to understand what actual peer review looks like, least you appear foolish. 


Like The BMJ, published by the British Medical Association.

Google forgot to censor it! Tell them. It is not me the one who appears foolish. See Google search below.


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8 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:


Like The BMJ, published by the British Medical Association.

Google forgot to censor it! Tell them. It is not me the one who appears foolish. See Google search below.


For good measure, shall we take a look at the abstract of a response article published in the BMJ?

It's linked alongside the original paper on the BMJ's site. I'm sure a discerning person such as yourself has found and read it, right?


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