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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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12 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Coronavirus is one of the cold viruses we have been told for decades that antibiotics will not work, and cannot be vaccinated against. Has that really changed? 

That's because there is too much money to be made out of cold remedies and the like then Covid struck and the ensuing panic suddenly meant a "cure" was a lot more profitable.

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30 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Covid 19 is a coronavirus. Coronavirus is one of the cold viruses we have been told for decades that antibiotics will not work, and cannot be vaccinated against. Has that really changed? 

Coronavirus is just a friendly name, because of the little crown shape spikes on the whole family of viruses.

The challenge with flu vaccines, and cold vaccines is that you're working ahead of time, to guess which strain, or which virus is going to be the one to be worth producing a large volume of vaccine for.

With COVID, you had a quick turnaround, a known pathogen, and conveniently, a spike protein that the vaccine could replicate.

The scientific trick that differs from previous vaccines is that you're getting the cells to make the spike protein, rather than injecting inert virus, or neutered virus. Doing that means you've simplified the time process hugely, because you're not having to figure out how to safely neuter the virus.

Colds and flu also don't have nearly the transmission rates.



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41 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Some interesting points, but mainly condescending crap. You are obviously one of those who bought every word that Boris, Donald and even Howard said. And, of course Main Street media. More people are dying, world wide, of undiagnosed cancers, pulmonary and cardiovascular issues caused by lockdown than Covid will ever kill. Lockdowns were wrong. Vaccines a waste of time. We should have protected the vulnerable and let it rip. Lockdowns were nothing more than governments experimenting with control, and using it to transfer wealth. Some of them are even admitting it now! 

As for brexit, it is actually going very well. You are just one of the many who refuse to see the positive when there is negative to be exaggerated. 

Donald Duck? Because trump wasn't exactly known for being pro-lockdown or pro-vaccine. He was the one talking about injecting bleach into people, as that kills pathogens. Clearly a scientific fellow.

His platform for election relied on dividing a country and making his mates richer. Boris was the same. Both operated under the principle that no rules or accountability applied to them.

You talk about control, whilst likely on a device that's designed from the ground up to understand you, your whims, fears, desires and dreams, and categorise and sell them. And if it's not being sold, it's being stolen. Facebook, as an example, don't just know lots about their users, but they fill in the gaps of who is not using it too. If anyone who has your number in their phonebook has hit 'OK' at the right stage, they quickly figure out exactly where in various social circles you fit.

Of course, it goes far beyond IP addresses now too. A VPN is useless if a website can just ask your browser about everything from the screen size, to time zone and more. Put a few of those puzzle pieces together and you can uniquely identify users. https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/ See here from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to see what your browser writes home about you.

'I don't use a smartphone', great, but, lots of folks around you do, and even Windows 10 is notorious for the amount of data it bundles up and sends off to Microsoft.

Never mind that the Governments of the world tap fibre optic cables and spend inordinate amounts of money processing, cataloguing and storing data. Even with end to end encryption, you can still find out who talks to who, when and from where. But, every few years, Governments make big noise about trying to ban that too.

Brexit was just a step in making the rich richer, and poor poorer. It moves the UK away from the oversight of EU banking rules and regulations, much easier to let it be a haven for money laundering instead. Conveniently, the UK is also suffering a labour shortage so significant, that the number of vacancies outweighs the number of unemployed workers. What changed to limit their access to labour?

So what positives do we have?

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34 minutes ago, finlo said:

That's because there is too much money to be made out of cold remedies and the like then Covid struck and the ensuing panic suddenly meant a "cure" was a lot more profitable.

Exactly. It was and is all about money! 

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

Some interesting points, but mainly condescending crap. You are obviously one of those who bought every word that Boris, Donald and even Howard said. And, of course Main Street media. More people are dying, world wide, of undiagnosed cancers, pulmonary and cardiovascular issues caused by lockdown than Covid will ever kill. Lockdowns were wrong. Vaccines a waste of time. We should have protected the vulnerable and let it rip. Lockdowns were nothing more than governments experimenting with control, and using it to transfer wealth. Some of them are even admitting it now! 

That  is absolute nonsense.



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22 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

That  is absolute nonsense.



You may think so, but it really is not. The truth is coming out, slowly. But it is. We all fell for it. We were told it was the potential end of mankind. We were told we cannot even be with our dying loved ones, or attend their funerals. We were bullied into have the vaccinations. Anything other than what the Governments wanted us to believe was seen as conspiracy! It still is, but slowly the truth is coming out! 


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4 minutes ago, NoTail said:

I don't really follow this thread. Can't really be arsed. Just had a peep.

Are there really people out there who think the whole covid thing was a hoax. And that the vaccines are some evil conspiracy.

Hoax dunno, blown out of all proportion definitely.

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