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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 minutes ago, potiron said:

If my arguement cant be proved and neither can any of yours.  were does that put us ?

As I’ve pointed out, if you take the time, you could go and figure it out yourself from all the evidence.

You could start here for programming for statistics https://medium.com/insights-school/learn-basic-statistics-with-python-cc0f45275929

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40 minutes ago, potiron said:

Why are strokes ,heart attacks ,micarditis,clots more common in post vax days ... hang on ots just conspiracy , move along nothing to see here

Are they? Please provide the link. Not to some article or non peer reviewed self publication site.

The actual raw data.

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50 minutes ago, potiron said:

As said before the vast majority of people dont need the so called vax . Its the flu . Why are so many people refusing further vaxs ? What did it do to ther health ? Isnt it more true to say that a lot of people were weak and blackmailed into it for fear of never being able to leave the country/island in our case.  Look at how many doses ov vax are wasted .   If you have to be blackmailed into a narrative , it needs closer inspection

So why did the infection rate plummet once a good proportion of the population were vaccinated?

Are you a doctor?

Are you a medical professional?

Are you a nut job?

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11 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

So why did the infection rate plummet once a good proportion of the population were vaccinated?

Are you a doctor?

Are you a medical professional?

Are you a nut job?

The source of such data is very questionable.  Maybe it was heard imunity by us unvaxed nut jobs . Or maybe ,just maybe the date was recorderd diffrently . The truth will come out eventualy. Id just like to know why all us unvaxed are still alive and kicking with good health ,with such a deadly pandemic ... maybe it wasnt that bad after all eh . Would love another lockdown holiday tho . Great times .. quite liberating ignoring the system and just cracking on 

Edited by potiron
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1 hour ago, potiron said:

As said before the vast majority of people dont need the so called vax . Its the flu . Why are so many people refusing further vaxs ? What did it do to ther health ? Isnt it more true to say that a lot of people were weak and blackmailed into it for fear of never being able to leave the country/island in our case.  Look at how many doses ov vax are wasted .   If you have to be blackmailed into a narrative , it needs closer inspection

The problem is you mix up so many things. Covid isn’t flu. It’s a totally different virus. The common cold is a coronavirus, but normally isn’t serious. Flu isn’t a coronavirus.

Flu can be lethal. The Spanish flu of 1917-20 showed that. However for elderly and peopled with susceptibility such as heart & lung conditions, cancer or  who are immunocompromised are at serious risk. That is why they get annual vaccines.

In late 2019/early 2020 the world was exposed to something, Covid-19 to which there was no natural resistance, no immunity, no vaccine. It spread like wild fire, killing people, weak, fit, healthy with remarkable speed and spread very quickly. There was no treatment.

I sit very firmly on the vaccine benefit side of the fence. I’m immunocompromised following blood cancer and 9 months of twice per week chemo for 9 months.

Ive had 3 primary doses and 3 boosters. I’m about to have my 7th dose. I’ve also just completed my monkey pox booster vaccine. I’m repeating some childhood vaccines.

I’ve suffered no ill effects. It allowed me to get on with my life, travel. I shielded half heartedly. I didn’t deliberately go to places I thought might be unsafe. Custody block at police HQ and courts.

As soon as we could travel we went too and fro and did quarantine.

It was all voluntary. It continues to be voluntary. Comparatively few people outside of at risk groups get flu vaccine. Same with covid. And at three years in we’d expect it to be on the wane. At least in part because of acquired natural immunity in the population.

I didn’t feel blackmailed, or coerced. I felt, and still feel, for me, it was the correct choice.

However, if your admissions are true, and you really breached lock down and quarantine and falsified family/friend visit criteria, then you have no moral ground to speak from. You put me, and thousands of others at unnecessary risk. My view is that vaccination, and masks, and isolation/quarantine are a binary thing. Self protection and protection of others. It’s the only way they work and get to herd immunity.

Personally I don’t think the IoM closed its borders early enough. Then I don’t think it opened with an appropriate testing regime soon enough, and the testing regime was flawed. But we got through with much less carnage than many places.



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Thats fair enough , totaly understandable logic for taking it ,if you feel you need it . Which is what it should have always been . An option totaly upto you  .. not something that shouldv been used as a blackmail tool to us who dont require 1.  You take your own precautions which is right and just . But as for all the mask,quarantine  business and testing bollocks . Nope im not gettin involved in that shite .  We were too harsh with the border situation . If you feel threatened by it stay at home its your choice,wear a mask. Distance . Its up to you. But society should never have been shut down like it was.  As for me putting you at risk 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck off

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11 minutes ago, potiron said:

The source of such data is very questionable.  Maybe it was heard imunity by us unvaxed nut jobs . Or maybe ,just maybe the date was recorderd diffrently . The truth will come out eventualy. Id just like to know why all us unvaxed are still alive and kicking with good health ,with such a deadly pandemic ... maybe it wasnt that bad after all eh . Would love another lockdown holiday tho . Great times .. quite liberating ignoring the system and just cracking on 

Um. During the early phase of the pandemic we were all unvaxed. A lot of people died.

I lost friends to Coronavirus in the very early days of its arrival on the island, some to an ill-judged decision to ignore the system and just crack on for one fateful night. Those people were unvaxed, and they died. There was no herd immunity at that stage either.

You have survived, not because you were unvaxed, but because you didn't don't get a severe respiratory case of the virus, the same as many unvaxed and vaxed people. You could equally credit your survival to your lucky pink underwear. If the virus had killed you, you wouldn't be here to express that opinion. You are expressing Survivorship Bias which you should read up on.

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8 minutes ago, potiron said:

Thats fair enough , totaly understandable logic for taking it ,if you feel you need it . Which is what it should have always been . An option totaly upto you  .. not something that shouldv been used as a blackmail tool to us who dont require 1.  You take your own precautions which is right and just . But as for all the mask,quarantine  business and testing bollocks . Nope im not gettin involved in that shite .  We were too harsh with the border situation . If you feel threatened by it stay at home it’s your choice,wear a mask. Distance . It’s up to you. But society should never have been shut down like it was.  As for me putting you at risk 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck off

Bad body odour can make someone unpopular. 

Is that blackmailing them into soap and deodorant?

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52 minutes ago, potiron said:

The source of such data is very questionable.  Maybe it was heard imunity by us unvaxed nut jobs . Or maybe ,just maybe the date was recorderd diffrently . The truth will come out eventualy. Id just like to know why all us unvaxed are still alive and kicking with good health ,with such a deadly pandemic ... maybe it wasnt that bad after all eh . Would love another lockdown holiday tho . Great times .. quite liberating ignoring the system and just cracking on 

I speak from my own experience only. One of my sisters and her partner had no jabs. They didn't see the need. They went about life as normal. Each time we met them they said it was a waste of time. They are not anto vaxxers. They just couldnt be bothered. Last Saturday we had a family meal planned. My sister cried off "Me and (her partner) have bad coughs...maybe COVID). I rang her 4 days later. They were both terribly ill.  They are both fit and young. OK they have survived no problem but they now realise its quite a nasty infection to get.

I have had it twice. I have had all the jabs with no ill effect what-so-ever. I had a bit of a weird cough each time but wouldn't have known it was COVID without the test. I put my mild symptoms down to the jabs. But I cannot guarantee it. My view is based on the balance of probability.

Just my experience.

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2 hours ago, potiron said:

Thats fair enough , totaly understandable logic for taking it ,if you feel you need it . Which is what it should have always been . An option totaly upto you  .. not something that shouldv been used as a blackmail tool to us who dont require 1.  You take your own precautions which is right and just . But as for all the mask,quarantine  business and testing bollocks . Nope im not gettin involved in that shite .  We were too harsh with the border situation . If you feel threatened by it stay at home its your choice,wear a mask. Distance . Its up to you. But society should never have been shut down like it was.  As for me putting you at risk 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck off

I’ve got a second home in Spain. Bought as a ruin 20+ years ago, cheap, done up. It’s 20 miles as the crow flies from Igualada. That was the first Spanish hot spot. My partner was there, at our place. Igualada was locked down. Military on all roads in and out.


One day, early March 2020 the hospital league of friends had their annual fundraising lunch.

About half the doctors and many nurses and lots of prominent townsfolk went to the lunch. Someone had recently come back from Lombardy in north central Italy. Within a few days covid ripped through staff and patients. It ceased to function. Half the staff were infected in a week, and three quarters of the patients. 

Igualada isn’t a big place. County town. Smaller than Douglas & Onchan population wise. The lockdown covered 70,000 people in adjoining towns. So a population  a bit smaller than the IoM.

First case was reported on 8 March. 50 people, all linked to that event, were dead of covid within a month. Many others died but were never tested, so we don’t know.

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