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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, Neil Down said:

How many people have contracted Covid, don't fancy the test, put it down to flu and get on with their lives

I know of three folks, one from the iom, who clearly had it, isolated, got over it and carried on.

But as there was no need to test, get treatment etc they do not feature on the stats.

I'm quite sure there must be thousands like them. But due to a lack of resources (aka a complete lack of planning and preparation) testing was confined to hospital admissions only. Stupid really when you've already lost that particular battle.

That's why the Nightingale hospitals were built. They had absolutely no idea of the size of the problem.

Bozo et al have a very great deal to answer for....

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50 minutes ago, Banker said:

And when the flu virus kills more than Covid over winter what will reaction be?

A bit like people who want to legalize Class B drug cannabis and start referring to how bad alcohol and tobacco are?

Maybe there will be less deaths due to 'flu this year due to Covid discipline?

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34 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Daily “cases” in UK are down the last three days in a row, by quite a bit as well

Because the testing system in the UK is broken.  Personal contact of mine, probably has covid, tried to get a test yesterday.  Couldn't get online.  Went to the test centre to be turned away by people sitting around with their feet up doing nothing, told she had to book.  And then they can't process the tests they're doing.  And many of them are being returned 'VOID' as they're probably self swabs with no RNA at all, either viral or human.

That's why the numbers might have fallen for 3 days.

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21 minutes ago, Barlow said:

A bit like people who want to legalize Class B drug cannabis and start referring to how bad alcohol and tobacco are?

Maybe there will be less deaths due to 'flu this year due to Covid discipline?

bit of a silly comparison when cannabis is the least dangerous.

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55 minutes ago, Banker said:

I think the testing is getting concentrated in higher infections areas which will cause higher rates. Same is happening in France & Spain .

Actually the opposite seems to be happening:


If the rates in the areas of highest infection are being suppressed by lack of testing, then you would expect the rates to be dropping.  That they are not suggests they are going up substantially everywhere.

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5 hours ago, wrighty said:

Because the testing system in the UK is broken.  Personal contact of mine, probably has covid, tried to get a test yesterday.  Couldn't get online.  Went to the test centre to be turned away by people sitting around with their feet up doing nothing, told she had to book.  And then they can't process the tests they're doing.  And many of them are being returned 'VOID' as they're probably self swabs with no RNA at all, either viral or human.

Thats the feedback I am getting from Manchester. System is definitely broken so no point relation on the  current stats.


4 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Piers morgan again calling people who dont agree with the 6 rule covidiots and that they are putting everyones lives at risks. Funny that he was so proud of his son breaking lockdown rules and going on a blm protest. I guess this virus just leaves virtue signallers alone. 

This situation is bringing out the hypocrisy and often at the same time, same people, same day! I presume our 'leaders' here are relying on the guidance and advice for (and therefore our strategy and policies) from @rachomics which will do me fine. 

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7 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Piers morgan again calling people who dont agree with the 6 rule covidiots and that they are putting everyones lives at risks. Funny that he was so proud of his son breaking lockdown rules and going on a blm protest. I guess this virus just leaves virtue signallers alone. 

Well if it's anything like the protest here, which was denounced by many as inevitably bringing  an outbreak of Covid-19 and then . . . nothing happened, then it might actually be true - virtue signalling does protect you. 

In reality the truth is that activities involving good social distancing and precautions such as masks that take place outdoors - whether it be a BLM march or just sitting in the park - are going to be a lot less risky than indoor activities where no such restrictions are followed.  Such as  bunch of old blokes sitting around in the pub, grumbling about Young People These Days.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well if it's anything like the protest here, which was denounced by many as inevitably bringing  an outbreak of Covid-19 and then . . . nothing happened, then it might actually be true - virtue signalling does protect you. 

In reality the truth is that activities involving good social distancing and precautions such as masks that take place outdoors - whether it be a BLM march or just sitting in the park - are going to be a lot less risky than indoor activities where no such restrictions are followed.  Such as  bunch of old blokes sitting around in the pub, grumbling about Young People These Days.

Leave Albert out of this

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52 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Because the testing system in the UK is broken.  Personal contact of mine, probably has covid, tried to get a test yesterday.  Couldn't get online.  Went to the test centre to be turned away by people sitting around with their feet up doing nothing, told she had to book.  And then they can't process the tests they're doing.  And many of them are being returned 'VOID' as they're probably self swabs with no RNA at all, either viral or human.

That's why the numbers might have fallen for 3 days.

Do you know if our government or the UK government are keeping stats on whether a case is symptomatic or not. As a clinician does it matter regarding decision making? I am guessing it does, but all I see is the number of cases. Are the government just using this case measure for standardisation with other jurisdictions?

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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Such as  bunch of old blokes sitting around in the pub, grumbling about Young People These Days.

The message from Manchester is that the youngsters are catching/spreading it which is why it's not reflected in the hospital figures.

A lot are pushing back on this but personally I think "young adults" and "freshers" are just so appalling they should be blamed purely on a matter of principle if nothing else....

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15 hours ago, Anyone said:

24 hour results? Why not now then , why wait?

Because there will be virtually no tourists between now and April. If you bring in the 24 hour results now it will have a massive negative effect on the economy as 85,000 people go and spend elsewhere. 

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