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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, Cambon said:

And this is typical you. You know it is true, but does not fit your holiday agenda.

No body has mentioned holidays other than you!! If you really think 85000 people are suddenly going to spend off island if borders open you must be Jason Moorhouse or on drugs as another poster said!!

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Here's a suggestion, for those banging on about the IOM's restrictions, pack your bags and go visit the people you want to in the UK and elsewhere nobody is stopping you.

for the rest of us that are happy with the way things are going - carry on enjoying the Manx way of life...

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3 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Here's a suggestion, for those banging on about the IOM's restrictions, pack your bags and go visit the people you want to in the UK and elsewhere nobody is stopping you.

for the rest of us that are happy with the way things are going - carry on enjoying the Manx way of life...

Well some of us are ! But everyone is entitled to freedom of speech which some want to stifle including you if it doesn’t fit your agenda.

if you have a good income or government workers then you’re fine but not everyone is in that position.

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11 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well some of us are ! But everyone is entitled to freedom of speech which some want to stifle including you if it doesn’t fit your agenda.

if you have a good income or government workers then you’re fine but not everyone is in that position.

Personally, I would love to back to free travelling back and forth to the UK without the need to quarantine. At the same time however, I appreciate the way we are being "protected" for the time being. I also understand that should I decide to go across to the UK,  then I will have to quarantine myself. What does you and the couple of others on here no favours is referring to those who are comfortable with the way things are, covidiots. Not sure what your second sentence relates to though. Care to expand on that?

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42 minutes ago, Banker said:

No body has mentioned holidays other than you!! If you really think 85000 people are suddenly going to spend off island if borders open you must be Jason Moorhouse or on drugs as another poster said!!

How about you give us one good reason why we should go to test on arrival? I have asked three times. Wrighty has asked. 

The answer is, you cannot! 

Look at this weekend. Isle of Man food festival. Hundreds will gather at the Villa. It will be a fantastic event. Could not happen in Jersey, UK or Ireland. We are incredibly lucky and long may it continue.

I see Jersey recorded 6 new cases yesterday. 

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17 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

It’s hilarious watching the news tonight. They can’t even keep up with the testing now as they’ve spooked so many people with all this bullshit about rising levels and new city lockdowns. Its shambolic - the NHS can’t even cope with testing now never mind the empty beds it has right across the UK from people who aren’t seemingly even ill enough to be hospitalized in this “spiraling” crisis. 

Once more for the kiddies.

As I understand it.

They call it the "NHS Track, Trace and Isolate" but in reality it's outsourced to Serco, Sitel and beloved by PE readers the shambles that is Crapita. The bulk of it is Serco the chairman of which is a tory donor. They probably stuck the NHS on the front to indicate from which budget it came from and to share the blame.

Germany were doing 500,000 tests per week back in MARCH. They achieved this by planning and preparation before the event and organising laboratories across the country to process the results.

The UK did things completely differently. They did no planning and preparation before the event. So when labs across the country contacted them like the German model their offers of resources were turned down. Because they only had sufficient tests for those seriously ill enough to need hospitalisation. These tests were processed by NHS and PHE labs.

There is no doubt the lack of testing contributed to the large number of fatalities. As the WHO pointed out "Testing. Testing. Testing. You can't fight a virus if you don't know where it is".

Far too late Bozo et al created "Lighthouse Labs" to process tests. Lots of tests.

Now it's easy to set up testing stations. As Serco, Sital and Crapita have found out. All you need is a bit of car park, some railings, standalone tents and casuals with minimal training and wearing high vis. Unfortunately the testing stations have already overloaded the testing labs hence it's a shambles. That's despite giving clear instructions (for once)  to only go for a test if you're sure you are showing symptoms. It would appear somebody forgot to do the numbers. Which has resulted in key workers like GPs nurses etc self-isolating awaiting a test.

The tracing is a shambles as well. In order to be effective the estimate is you have to successfully trace at least 80% of the contacts to make a positive difference. In Blackburn for example they barely make 52%.

And winter will be here in a month or so....

Just more grist for the mill that will be the inevitable whitewash Public Inquiry.

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17 hours ago, HeliX said:

Alcohol frequently causes psychological problems. This isn't emergent science, cannabis does less harm than alcohol and nicotine.

I can not agree. On the scale it is being used currently then that may be the perception.

Any addictive behaviours have a significant potential to harm, both physically and psychologically. The problems associated with these issues someone can fall into to support their addictive behaviours, which are internal psychosocial processes, usually involving damaging relationships, financial and crime problems. 


Sorry, wrong thread. 

Edited by Apple
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6 hours ago, hissingsid said:

I would not bother Neil.....you will get no sense and probably end up with a headache.:whistling:

That just sounds fairly typical of some of the blinkered views on this forum which are being presented as some form of unquestionable consensus - “I’m ok and I’m happy to keep my head buried in the sand so can people please just stop talking as I don’t even want to consider the concept of change so we can move forward”. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people debating the issue of freer borders. Last time I checked you are not a moderator on this forum so unfortunately you don’t get to decide what people post or not and if you feel that way just block posters you don't agree with as some people want to debate the subject openly if that’s ok with you? People are simply expressing views and sadly those views differ to yours. Suck it up. The main objective here is clearly economic entrapment to push VAT and tax spend by disincentivizing people from going off island. It’s working too so no harm in taking that approach. But that’s all it is and we should see it for what it is. If you think it’s a robust defense in relation to covid then why are we all still being encouraged to just snitch on each other rather than have the system policed to ensure it’s integrity?

After all we’ve had months now to resource and bankroll a tighter response and tighter monitoring of both infection rates resulting from travel and compliance with self isolation. Over 4,500 have come here, less than 700 subject to physical visits to check that they are self isolating as shown in a Tynwald answer yesterday. That’s a fairly slack system if you ask me and it’s only by luck so far that we haven't had a community case based on how few people are being checked. I’d prefer all people were tested as then we’re dealing with knowns that capture all people in a data model and as a byproduct it would also allow greater freedom for people who need it for family reasons etc. You seem to think that burying your head in the sand is the solution to everything and that all debate should be banned and that’s your prerogative but there is a lot going on that you don’t seem to be aware of in relation to on/off island movements and if you want to believe the “borders are closed” mantra again that’s your prerogative but over 400 people paid for a test last week and they’ve already uncovered positive cases so clearly there is a big risk that with self isolation not being suitably managed and controlled community exposure really is just a matter of time. Then all the covid loonies will go into a total meltdown about second waves and further cries of impending doom and gloom. Monitoring and control should be at the heart of what we do as ultimately we’re all going to have to emerge from this anyway as soon as possible before the economy folds around us. Just creating a psychological bubble with few tests or controls around it is not the way out of this other than fueling further fear, insularity and entrapped spend. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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6 minutes ago, Apple said:

I can not agree. On the scale it is being used currently then that may be the perception.

Any addictive behaviours have a significant potential to harm, both physically and psychologically. The problems associated with these issues someone can fall into to support their addictive behaviours, which are internal psychosocial processes, usually involving damaging relationships, financial and crime problems. 

Cannabis isn't physically addictive. Alcohol is.

It's not a question of scale, there are plenty of studies on this. Including in places that have made cannabis legal.

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4 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Cannabis isn't physically addictive. Alcohol is.

It's not a question of scale, there are plenty of studies on this. Including in places that have made cannabis legal.

I acknowledge the wrong thread post I edited in.


Can I suggest a new topic then. Having worked quite a lot with addicts I look forward to an engaging discussion based on your own experiences.

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A negative test lets you leave your home, but you can't go to shops (except for food, drink and medicine), you can't go to pubs/cafes/restaurants and you can't use public transport. You can go to work if you're not public facing, so that could be an advantage in terms of not burning through your holiday entitlement. Testing is, I believe, available 7 days a week. If you can work from home and have a big garden it's probably not worth £50.

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