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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

Far too simplistic PK, almost like the guy on R4 this morning who almost said that 1 death from covid is 1 too many, and that if anyone at all dies from it it shows the government response has been incompetent.  Was it you?

In any public health crisis decisions have to be made that consider the greater good as the outcome, not 'all deaths can be avoided'.  On a weekly basis here I'm seeing patients who are far worse off than they would have been if we'd have not had a hospital lock down.  And I'm a glorified carpenter, and the IOM position with regard to getting back to routine healthcare is far better than yours.  Colleagues in other specialties, particularly in the UK, are seeing patients who are literally going to die, from cancer for example, because covid prevented them being treated in a timely fashion.  My own mother could have been in that situation - back in March she was given the option of surgery (but we're worried about covid so perhaps don't!) or putting off treatment until god knows when, by which time she may have been incurable.  Fortunately she had the benefit of my surgical mentality advising her to 'just cut it out' and it's all been fine.  Others have not been so lucky.

So there are going to be increased fatalities whatever you do.  You may consider them all to be unnecessary, like the guy on R4 who thought nobody should die, ever.  But it ain't that simple, and people that don't agree with you don't necessarily have 'issues' as you so snidely put it.

Very good post, Wrighty, and not only are you medically qualified you are also a statistian, IIRC.  I  am  bemused as to why the powers that be cannot see these issues. Question Time last  night is worth a look and Sunetra Gupta's comments.  However, I feel she is a lone voice as she felt uncomfortable when she referred to the relatively low impact if covid on the general population.  Obviously, she was on the receiving end of some anti-heretics' stares preparing the bonfire for the 'witch'. 

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27 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Whoopee you must be so pleased! It’s all coming true for the doom mongers! Hopefully another unneeded national lockdown next and you can all have a good warm glow about that as well as another few million peoples lives get destroyed in the wake. 


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36 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Which are? 

New big Coop in Crosby. KFC waiting to be built and run. Apple Store going into Strand (iirc). Several other businesses related to the Apple Store owners group. These alone will create many jobs, not just staffing but in maintaining and cleaning. 

That is just the start of it.

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10 minutes ago, Cambon said:

New big Coop in Crosby. KFC waiting to be built and run. Apple Store going into Strand (iirc). Several other businesses related to the Apple Store owners group. These alone will create many jobs, not just staffing but in maintaining and cleaning. 

Do you know of any non shit job opportunities that have been created? PS the Co op can’t be completed either now due to the borders being closed. So no jobs will be forthcoming until we open up again. Keep up. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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Just now, Cambon said:

New big Coop in Crosby. KFC waiting to be built and run. Apple Store going into Strand (iirc). Several other businesses related to the Apple Store owners group. These alone will create many jobs, not just staffing but in maintaining and cleaning. 

That is just the start of it.

The 2 stores in Strand street are employing total of 14 , the card factory is open so there’s 7 jobs.new co-op is not opening until borders open as announced so if you had your way never!

so send the 1000 unemployed plus the latest 200 announced down there, do you work at job center?

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12 minutes ago, pongo said:

You should really use a conditional tense here - given that absolutely nobody serious ever watches TV in the morning.

Nobody you know that is. They’re probably all still quaking under the duvet and worriedly googling worldometers every 25 seconds so they have some up to date statistics to scare people with when they get to work. 

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I’m sure the usual culprits will make snide comments but Jersey are taking into account wider issues with air links etc


Their CM in his regular conference also announced unemployment fell for 16th consecutive week, yes there’s 15 active cases from 105k tests but Zero in hospital.

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

There are always job losses

Of course there are in the 'normal' course of economic events but.........

1 hour ago, Cambon said:

there are always new job opportunities.

................in the current situation? Just where do you think they are going to come from? Are you deranged or living in an unparallel universe?

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50 minutes ago, pongo said:

You should really use a conditional tense here - given that absolutely nobody serious ever watches TV in the morning.

Or listens to Manx Radio.

(I might be wrong thread)

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