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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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7 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

They should have taken action earlier, they should have stopped international flights coming in earlier, they should be testing more, in fact they should be on top of the whole testing and tracing process so they can analyze where it’s actually spreading and spiking. It’s got little to do with what individual people are doing as the UK is not a police state. The UK government and Johnson and Hancock especially have failed massively. 

On Andrew Marr this morning he tore Hancock apart with questions he was unable to answer, and If that would have been me I would hide away from the public for a year, totally out of hios depth.


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It's a massive failure. The lockdown gave them a chance to get a working system in place - not 'world beating', just functional - and you can see from the figures, daily cases in the low hundreds instead of thousands, that had they done so a level of control could have been kept. Because it's an utter mess instead it gets harder and harder. Youre always going to struggle to track the contacts of 10000 people a week. 

That's why theoretically test, trace and isolate could actually work here allowing looser restrictions on travel. Unfortunately no one really believes our government would be able to manage it either, with good reason. Public confidence needs to be higher to move forward, they could gain some points by dramatically increasing the physical visits to those isolating, point it out in a few weeks time saying 'last time we were asked there had been 600 visits and we agree it wasn't enough, this time it's 3000, we're really trying'. Get people onside. Relying on snitching is not a sustainable policy.

Edited by TheTeapot
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28 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You can put together the bestest plan ever - and then you add the "fuckwit factor" and your plan is not so good after all....

But there's no escaping the fact Germany was doing 500,000 tests per week back in MARCH!

Put's Bozo and Hancock's pathetic showing in perspective....

Speaking of "fuckwits" how are the the local plod getting on with the Jersey case? not heard much about apprehending the culprits. I may have to email Mr Cregeen to get an answer.


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8 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

On Andrew Marr this morning he tore Hancock apart with questions he was unable to answer, and If that would have been me I would hide away from the public for a year, totally out of hios depth.


Hancock looked like a fool this morning. He hasn’t got a fucking clue but is still happy to lockdown the country and make more people jobless even though he hasn’t got a fucking clue. Still not sure why “lockdown” has to be the only solution they can ever think of when it clearly hasn’t worked but it’s like they’ve all been brain washed. Someone must be making money out of this as if they aren’t it’s such a total clusterfuck it defies logic. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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Some perspective (that disappeared from previously rational individuals on day 1 of this farce) - bold - my emphasis


Car accidents and heart attacks: Recorded Covid deaths include Britons who died by other means

Almost a third of Britons reported to have died from coronavirus in July and August passed away due to other reasons, Oxford University researchers have said.

They found that the official Covid-19 death statistics included anyone who died after testing positive for the virus – even if they had later been hit by a car or had had a heart attack.

The study found coronavirus was not the main cause of death in 465 cases out of 1,617 people recorded as dying from Covid-19 over the summer months. 

Dr Jason Oke, from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, told The Daily Telegraph: ‘The true death rate is important to know because it gives us an idea of impact.’

The latest study came as it emerged that Covid-19 is no longer in the top ten of England’s biggest killers.

Official figures revealed the virus dropped from eighth place last month to 24th, with dementia and heart disease at the top of the list.

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5 hours ago, Utah 01 said:

Some perspective (that disappeared from previously rational individuals on day 1 of this farce) - bold - my emphasis


Car accidents and heart attacks: Recorded Covid deaths include Britons who died by other means

Almost a third of Britons reported to have died from coronavirus in July and August passed away due to other reasons, Oxford University researchers have said.

They found that the official Covid-19 death statistics included anyone who died after testing positive for the virus – even if they had later been hit by a car or had had a heart attack.

The study found coronavirus was not the main cause of death in 465 cases out of 1,617 people recorded as dying from Covid-19 over the summer months. 

Dr Jason Oke, from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, told The Daily Telegraph: ‘The true death rate is important to know because it gives us an idea of impact.’

The latest study came as it emerged that Covid-19 is no longer in the top ten of England’s biggest killers.

Official figures revealed the virus dropped from eighth place last month to 24th, with dementia and heart disease at the top of the list.

This was reported very early on; if you had CV that was logged as the cause of death regardless of whether it was the main or  intervening cause.  

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Indeed - it's the last 2 lines that I 'bolded' that slowly some of the MSM are taking on board and discussing although forget the BBC, an exemplary government mouthpiece (not forgetting our very own broadcaster) asking any difficult questions.

Prof Henighan's I/V with Sophie Ridge pointed the way ahead but there is a huge blockage in the road - pig-headed, self-preserving politicians.

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There really has to be some open discussion on the real impact of this disease.  I have no doubt it is devastating if a vulnerable person contracts it, but here are my questions:

1. How many deaths have been attributed to CV where there is another main cause?

2. Is a 'case' correctly classified as such if there are no symptoms?

3. What are the stats for deaths from other causes and how do they compare with deaths from CV?  How are we shaping up as we go into the flu season? 

4. How many people have been denied treatment or diagnosis for other life threatening illnesses? 

6.  Has the 'dry tinder' hypothesis been considered and taken into account?

I have more, but those are the ones that come to mind when thinking about the wider reaching and longer lasting effects of the response to CV. 


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42 minutes ago, Gladys said:

There really has to be some open discussion on the real impact of this disease.  I have no doubt it is devastating if a vulnerable person contracts it, but here are my questions:

1. How many deaths have been attributed to CV where there is another main cause?

2. Is a 'case' correctly classified as such if there are no symptoms?

3. What are the stats for deaths from other causes and how do they compare with deaths from CV?  How are we shaping up as we go into the flu season? 

4. How many people have been denied treatment or diagnosis for other life threatening illnesses? 

6.  Has the 'dry tinder' hypothesis been considered and taken into account?

I have more, but those are the ones that come to mind when thinking about the wider reaching and longer lasting effects of the response to CV. 


All sensible questions.  Simply go to the coronovirusometer for most of the answers https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries . During the first bubonic plague its thought that we had 50% mortality.  That's bad. Here we are looking at 1 or 2% and they are the old and frail. 

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

There really has to be some open discussion on the real impact of this disease.  I have no doubt it is devastating if a vulnerable person contracts it, but here are my questions:

1. How many deaths have been attributed to CV where there is another main cause?



Here's little US article from a few weeks ago that was written to refute a silly stat that was floating around and seized upon by the plandemic gang, which while it doesn't answer your question may be of some use


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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

This was reported very early on; if you had CV that was logged as the cause of death regardless of whether it was the main or  intervening cause.  

I was chatting with someone yesterday who told me there was radio program that stated that the true death count in the UK from Covid was 307 all the rest were people who just happened to have it while actually dieing from an unrelated cause. How true that is I have no idea.

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