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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Me too.

Surely too early to call. But who knows? After all this, pubs may find a super resurgence, although I have to say I found the occasional can of Guinness quite enjoyable at home with Zoom contacting around the world and indeed just up the road, I think the pubs may have new competition.

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The only difference between drinking in a sparsely populated living room and a sparsely populated pub is that the living room is about 75% cheaper.

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6 hours ago, gettafa said:

Me too.

Surely too early to call. But who knows? After all this, pubs may find a super resurgence, although I have to say I found the occasional can of Guinness quite enjoyable at home with Zoom contacting around the world and indeed just up the road, I think the pubs may have new competition.

I think there will be a resurgence in pubs etc.

Drinking at home is boring.

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1 hour ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

I think there will be a resurgence in pubs etc.

Drinking at home is boring.

Drinking within a bubble of your own is not the only coronavirus-compliant activity that is depressing... It is only a matter of time until people are absolutely fed up with the social distancing and then will resume living their life no matter what the government orders them to do. I read on the Telegraph this morning that one in six British people are on antidepressants right now. Bleak.

In the meantime, some Manx shops are reopening this morning. Let's hope that this is just the beginning of the revival of life on this island. WE CAN'T ALLOW THE GOVERNMENT TO RUN IT AS A GERIATRIC FACILITY.



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The good Doctor on the radio today, one can play golf, looking to increase that to two people playing together and games of tennis..

hurrah, jolly spiffing.  Can one do Polo too?


so out of touch, all of 'em.

Edited by x-in-man
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On 5/18/2020 at 11:06 AM, WTF said:

what time is fat howard telling us all to be patient again today ?  to be honest though, the last thing i want to be is a fucking patient.

what we hear from them tends to be devoid of content – deliberately I think; as they are not so dumb – politicians do what is politically convenient and this is the whole problem about the government covid-19 response. Nevertheless, it looks that the virus is on its way to be cleared out from the island –  good – but then the plan is, I guess, to keep the border closed for ever and ever...

Pleased with social distancing now being relaxed to the point that now –  marvellously – you can even meet someone at your home without having the policed knocking your door… if you missed that development.

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Jogging yesterday from Millennium Bridge to Manx Petroleum along the southern Quay.

Packed with male teenagers engaging into practically everything but social distancing; wrestling activities included.

Passing by them, as soon as they had noted me, they were suddenly freezing motor function, visible embarrassment evident in the faces, looking at each other in search of mutual validation of each other’s actions.

The police used to monitor the area with cameras on top of parked vans. No more; for good or bad.

I think that they should be at school; where a basic level of discipline can be enforced.


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