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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

O.M.G.   Banker has been away :sweat:   wait now for the inevitable tripe that he comes up with when he is in quarantine for two weeks ....:spam:

Maybe one of his hated teacher neighbours he spent all lockdown spying on can return the favour

Edited by TheTeapot
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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

O.M.G.   Banker has been away :sweat:   wait now for the inevitable tripe that he comes up with when he is in quarantine for two weeks ....:spam:

Hopefully he'll move on down to his beloved Jersey...

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Keep up at the back (or whatever the online Zoom seminar equivalent is).

It's a good question isn't it  If all your university work is going to be online, why do you need to travel to Manchester or London to sit in a hall of residence or grubby shared flat when you could be doing the same thing from the comfort of your own bedroom?  And if you're Manx, if student social life is already massively curtailed and liable to be shut down any moment, why leave your life here for effective self-isolation in the UK?  Plus the chance of catching Covid which seems to be giving a lot of people quite bad post-viral effects such as fatigue, whatever their age or the severity of the actual infection.

The UK university model that developed over the last 30-40 years, was already looking precarious.  The reliance on ever-expanding numbers and the related building booms; ever-increasing administration while academic employment became less secure (which leads to brain drains); the assumption that young people would be willing to take on more and more debt; the reliance on foreign students to supply much of the income.  The product that they were selling has become worse and more expensive and people were wondering if they still wanted it.  Now they may realise they don't need it either.

A resurgence in the Open University perhaps?  In my experience (been to traditional uni and done an OU degree, and recently/currently with children across at uni) the teaching aspects of the OU degree are far better than traditional universities who focus much on research (The former polys may be better at teaching).  What you don't get at the OU is the social side and life experience.  If all that has been killed off by covid, at least for a bit, an OU degree from home for £5000 annual fees (last time I looked) seems much more attractive than £9250 fees across, plus rent, plus travel, plus higher living expenses...

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