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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Because the vast majority of people who arrive here won't have coronavirus (perhaps 1 in 1000 does?), the majority of those that do will behave themselves, and the majority of those that don't won't pass it on (much) in any case.  It's not a miracle. 

So why all the stupid restrictions?  Why can’t I go and see my mum and test on return and go back to work without being isolated for what is near enough a years holiday?

Why can’t she come and see me snd her grandkids and be tested and stay in my house for a few days?  Jesus, she can’t even come here if she agrees to isolate for a month!  What sense is there in that?

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4 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

In the wider picture Wrighty - do you think more harm is now being caused than is justified to save a few people from Covid?

Here or UK?

Here, I think we're doing pretty well.  Our only restriction is borders.  I honestly don't know how the economy would be improved by opening up.  People's general well-being would be improved by allowing them more freedom to travel and receive visitors, and not doing so could be seen as doing harm.  As I said, I think it would be safe enough to open the borders more, with reasonable precautions against getting swamped with covid and have to bring in restrictions that would reduce health services and economic activity,

In the UK - right now they seem to be in trouble.  Part of me thinks they have to just get on with it becuase they seem to have the worst of all worlds with local restrictions that are being ignored, students imprisoned in their halls of residence, and hospital cases still going up with very little normal elective activity being done.  Or, they need to go back to full-on lockdown.  This half-assed approach with Pythonesque local rules about 6 people meeting, unless they've booked a table outside while wearing a mask but staying a metre away from everyone unless they share a house in which case they can sit indoors and not wear a mask if they're actually eating, after they've finished writing their letter home before their haricut...is bonkers and doing nobody any good.

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7 minutes ago, wrighty said:

People's general well-being would be improved by allowing them more freedom to travel and receive visitors, and not doing so could be seen as doing harm. 


18 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

well they've able to have a direct flight holiday to Madeira.

Perhaps something worth looking at from here.  Direct Holidays to certain places.

Yeah but, yeah but...there's a pandemic going on. 

The best thing ever for our wellbeing is having the freedoms we currently do. 

Things aren't brilliant but with every move we have to watch our overlords and how they are doing in the UK. It's pretty crap. And it's out of our control.

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Possibly a daft question, but what is a pandemic exactly? I know the dictionary definition, but we keep on trotting out the phrase, and I am not sure that when the phrase is used it is really in reference to the disease or the measures taken against it. 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Possibly a daft question, but what is a pandemic exactly? I know the dictionary definition, but we keep on trotting out the phrase, and I am not sure that when the phrase is used it is really in reference to the disease or the measures taken against it. 

Apparently (here and in the uk. I can’t comment on Botswana etc) it’s something that most people don’t even know they have, it makes a few sick, and some vulnerable people unfortunately die.

There are a small number of healthy people who appear to catch it and suffer long term health impacts ( I had glandular fever years ago and have long term effects from that)

As an appropriate response we apparently have to shut the island down and let people’s mental health suffer, businesses crumble, lose residents back to the UK and beyond, and not be able to attract any new residents apart from elderly people who are looking for somewhere “Covid free” to retire to.

I think that’s it in a nutshell.  What could possibly go wrong?

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6 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Possibly a daft question, but what is a pandemic exactly? I know the dictionary definition, but we keep on trotting out the phrase, and I am not sure that when the phrase is used it is really in reference to the disease or the measures taken against it. 

Pandemic just means a disease that's everywhere with epidemics in multiple locations.  Endemic is where a disease perpetually circulates at a lowish level, and everyone lives with it.  Like malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, or the common cold in the UK.

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11 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Pandemic just means a disease that's everywhere with epidemics in multiple locations.  Endemic is where a disease perpetually circulates at a lowish level, and everyone lives with it.  Like malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, or the common cold in the UK.

Where does flu on a bad year for Into that?

Say the worst flu season in the last five years (I think 17-18, but I am no expert)

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4 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Where does flu on a bad year for Into that?

Say the worst flu season in the last five years (I think 17-18, but I am no expert)

Not hoping to make comparisons with Covid-19 by chance...?

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5 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Talk about clinging to just about anything to get an invalid point across


As a liberal I think it's perfectly acceptable to tweak the tails of the right whingers on here from time to time.

Especially as the worst PM and Administration in living memory leaves them in a completely indefensible position.

I view this debate as more of the same...

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5 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Where does flu on a bad year for Into that?

Say the worst flu season in the last five years (I think 17-18, but I am no expert)

Flu is endemic, although there are lots of variants so sometimes it is a pandemc too. When it is predicted to be a bad year there is normally a big push to warn/vaccinate people. When there is a new/different strain (eg swine flu 2009) floating about we hear about it too. People say 'oh its just the flu', but public health bodies treat it pretty seriously.

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13 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Where does flu on a bad year for Into that?

Say the worst flu season in the last five years (I think 17-18, but I am no expert)

Neither am I.  Wikipedia is your friend here - last flu pandemic was 2009 with 150000-575000 deaths worldwide, so not as bad as the current covid death toll.  Seasonal flu typically kills a similar number.

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2 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Neither am I.  Wikipedia is your friend here - last flu pandemic was 2009 with 150000-575000 deaths worldwide, so not as bad as the current covid death toll.  Seasonal flu typically kills a similar number.

That's a very broad spread which has to put a question mark over the numbers...?

According to John Hopkins calculations Covid-19 has just exceeded the one million mark.

And folks on here still wonder why it's taken seriously....

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7 hours ago, wrighty said:

Here or UK?

Here, I think we're doing pretty well.  Our only restriction is borders.  I honestly don't know how the economy would be improved by opening up.  People's general well-being would be improved by allowing them more freedom to travel and receive visitors, and not doing so could be seen as doing harm.  As I said, I think it would be safe enough to open the borders more, with reasonable precautions against getting swamped with covid and have to bring in restrictions that would reduce health services and economic activity,

Fully agree. 

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The local economy is perhaps bubbling along ok ( although not those reliant on people movement such as car hire , I’m sure there are others as there are winners and losers economically in this depending on business model , customer base etc ). Other sectors will begin to hurt the longer borders remain closed. Level 3 ( whether it a or b ) will be of no help to those sectors so nothing will be happening there until spring at the earliest. It will be some time before the effects are known and those effects may or may not be permanent. Tax receipts may begin to fall and that particular hole can only be filled by tax increases.

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