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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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27 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

My guess is that anybody on the island running a business be it retail or hospitality is quite happy with the way things are. Those wanting anything other than what we have now obviously have no business that could potentially be decimated

News for all those who think retail & pubs are the economy, they are not!!

And anyone who thinks hospitality sector is doing well must be living in la la land, why do you think Alf is announcing more support for sector.

Lots of businesses are struggling for parts, skilled staff and staff wanting to leave because they can’t see families without taking all holidays .

You are living in a dreamland and the unemployment figures will rise this winter and I’ll expect your explanation as to why if economy doing well

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Excuse me but lots on here were claiming just how responsible youngsters are. Particularly their own...

Are you saying they have got that wrong somehow?

Just everyone be aware that the more that get infected, irrespective of their age, the greater the spread of the virus therefore the greater the chances that it will infect someone with serious consequences.

Yep.  That’s life.

So instead we all live with stupid restrictions on our lives to prolong the life of a few people who are about to die anyway?  It’s bonkers.

This time next year the world will have dealt with it and us, guernsey, New Zealand etc will be cowering in our little bubbles scared to pop them.

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46 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

how many of them do you think will isolate for 14 days?

I imagine most of the students will have the sense to acknowledge the benefits to their family, especially grandparents etc. that the Island currently affords them. They're not all idiots and most will know the contrast between the two places well.

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I imagine most of the students will have the sense to acknowledge the benefits to their family, especially grandparents etc. that the Island currently affords them. They're not all idiots and most will know the contrast between the two places well.

I think most will do 7 days & test as they can then meet friends & families just not in pubs etc

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

You read it here first.  More proof that no one reads anything I write.  :(


1 hour ago, prism10 said:

It seems to have mutated several times already.

From what I have heard, it mutated when it reached Italy and then did the same again when it got to the USA.

When that mutation got back to China, it started to reinfect them again.

It depends what you mean by 'mutated'.  The genetic material of the virus will be changing slightly all the time, as is true with any organism, and different lines/lineages of the virus will develop. This is useful to scientists because it means they can track the virus back through its 'ancestry' and it gives an idea of who caught it from whom - if not down to the individual, you can group cases into 'clusters' and see if something is a new outbreak.

This is incidentally how we know how someone has been genuinely reinfected, because the latest version is genetically different enough that DNA sequencing can show the genetic material isn't just left over from the previous infection.  But it's also possibly that being infected doesn't always protect you in any case and the version of the virus doesn't have to be any different.

But what people seem to be meaning here is whether SARS-Cov-2 has mutated enough in some places to form different strains - versions which are different enough from each other to have differing effects in the way the disease (Covid-19) affects people.  This doesn't seem to have happened so far and I suspect that is what P.K. meant.

Edited by Roger Mexico
Remove word & scientific pedantry
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55 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

I think Howard has lost some weight, certainly looks thinner in today's picture in the paper.

Probably pulling his stomach in like the Donald, wonder if he’ll do a video like Trump saying how he beat the virus and nothing to worry about?

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I thought they pledged to bring the students home for xmas?

Bet they're having second thoughts now...

More likely the students are as well.  Some don't have very long Christmas vacations and may decide they are better off staying with their mates in the UK than spending most of it isolating in their childhood bedroom.  On the other hand some may be wondering about coming home now when they can, rather than have UK restrictions meaning they are locked down indefinitely.  Especially if their courses have gone all-online and in-person teaching they 'had' to come back for has evaporated.  I suspect it will depend on individual circumstance over courses and location.


55 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

I think Howard has lost some weight, certainly looks thinner in today's picture in the paper.

Actually he lost quite a bit earlier in the year about when he has the virus.  Whether it's the pressure or because that encouraged him to lose some weight I don't know.


20 minutes ago, wrighty said:

RNA.  I read what you write Roger :)

It's the old problem isn't it?  Do you use words that people might know but which aren't strictly accurate?

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On 10/4/2020 at 7:43 PM, trmpton said:

Erm, surely it would have been better to just put their van straight back on the boat and keep them in it for the journey, or some other mechanism to get them off island without potentially infecting police, prison officer, prison officers family’s, other inmates etc.

Having the prison on full lockdown is hardly ideal is it?

Having now served a prison sentence, would they not now be automaticaly banned from the island for 5 years ?

Edited by LightBulb
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2 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's the old problem isn't it?  Do you use words that people might know but which aren't strictly accurate?

I don't, or at least try not to.  I might use several words to explain the unfamiliar but correct word that I'm using, but I wouldn't deliberately use an incorrect term in the hope that more would understand the gist of what I'm saying - if for no other reason that pedants like you will likely pick me up on it :P

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2 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I imagine most of the students will have the sense to acknowledge the benefits to their family, especially grandparents etc. that the Island currently affords them. They're not all idiots and most will know the contrast between the two places well.

They don't have to all be idiots - only takes the one or two idiots...

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