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Interesting UK Health (Professor van-Tam and Co.) briefing currently on Sky News. Shows considerable spread of infection down through England from the northern hotspots with the apparent potential to exceed the March/April hospitalization and death figures if it's not constrained.

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4 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting UK Health (Professor van-Tam and Co.) briefing currently on Sky News. Shows considerable spread of infection down through England from the northern hotspots with the apparent potential to exceed the March/April hospitalization and death figures if it's not constrained.

That sounds like propaganda to panic people


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2 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting UK Health (Professor van-Tam and Co.) briefing currently on Sky News. Shows considerable spread of infection down through England from the northern hotspots with the apparent potential to exceed the March/April hospitalization and death figures if it's not constrained.

He came across as very composed, tried to be pretty clear about what he was saying, tried to be reassuring, but you could tell that what he really wanted to do was scream. The UK have totally wasted the summer, what a mess they've got themselves in.

Watch Boris um um um it later as a contrast.

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14 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

That sounds like propaganda to panic people


Oh it would be of course. Do you have any links or data to support that allegation?

No. As usual.

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14 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Shows considerable spread of infection down through England from the northern hotspots with the apparent potential to exceed the March/April hospitalization and death figures if it's not constrained.

Would you really expect him to put anything else but the government's data?  To every chart he has put up, another could be shown to disprove it.  Remember, this is The State making its case to continue a policy of repression of 99% of the population for whom this CV is a non-event- and faux justification for the wrecking of the economy with the dire ramifications to health that inevitably follows.

This is a virus.  It can neither be 'controlled' nor 'defeated' (this is what a classics degree is worth to idiot Johnson).  It's here and we have to live with it.

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2 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

Remember, this is The State making its case to continue a policy of repression of 99% of the population for whom this CV is a non-event

Where do the stats showing 99% being repressed come from?

And the stats showing that it is a non-event for that number?

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2 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

Remember, this is The State making its case to continue a policy of repression of 99% of the population for whom this CV is a non-event- and faux justification for the wrecking of the economy with the dire ramifications to health that inevitably follows

And why, do you imagine, that the state would do this?

Is it some kind of conspiracy?

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I wonder what exactly it'll take to convince the scamdemic people to change their minds?

The outright corruption is clear to see in the pandemic contracts handed out to the mates of senior tories, certain people will always profit from crisis, but to claim the wrecking of the economy (whatever that actually means) is the plan is just weird. And stupid. 

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38 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting UK Health (Professor van-Tam and Co.) briefing currently on Sky News. Shows considerable spread of infection down through England from the northern hotspots with the apparent potential to exceed the March/April hospitalization and death figures if it's not constrained.

To be fair it just looks like the same old bollocks of over projections made up from sketchy and unproven data. Never mind though let’s sling a few million more onto benefits. 

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20 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

but to claim the wrecking of the economy (whatever that actually means) is the plan is just weird. And stupid. 

It’s not weird when you tie it in with the Brexit agenda, Britain will come out of this with literally millions of people desperate for work. They will be prepared do anything at any price to survive. The Singapore Brexit model that was the backstop plan all along - cheap labour, no job security. benefits system paired back, workers rights paired back. Undercut European labour rates and laws, drop corporate taxes, and attract global businesses in. But you have to wreck your own economy first to get people who are prepared to work for the new terms that will be on offer. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

I wonder what exactly it'll take to convince the scamdemic people to change their minds?

Much tighter legislation around Facebook, YouTube and Twitter would be a sensible starting point. What people see feeds-back into what they get shown. So they increasingly only see news and opinion which confirms or intensifies their existing perspectives. It's undermining society and creating ever greater polarisation.

We used to receive our news from attributed sources - curated by editorial values rather than algorithms designed to hold our attention. The democratic world needs to rebuild that trust.

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

Much tighter legislation around Facebook, YouTube and Twitter would be a sensible starting point. What people see feeds-back into what they get shown. So they increasingly only see news and opinion which confirms or intensifies their existing perspectives. It's undermining society and creating ever greater polarisation.

We used to receive our news from attributed sources - curated by editorial values rather than algorithms designed to hold our attention. The democratic world needs to rebuild that trust.

Facebook for all it's fault's has highlighted a lot of issue's that would have been hidden in the long grass if it were possible, I truly believe that Boris Johnston was handpicked for the PM role as he is a complete fool, with no control or handle on anything he touches he has well and truly  fucked up Brexit/Covid The UK  Government will have a job on their hands getting back control and respect a lot of respectable MPs are realising that things are not what they seem and are going to be heading into a shitstorm.

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18 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

Where do the stats showing 99% being repressed come from?

And the stats showing that it is a non-event for that number?

The statistics are crystal clear.  For the vast majority of the population this virus is a relative non-event.

Therefore the restrictions being imposed on this element of the population on the basis of unsubstantiated and/or selective use of spurious data.  Perhaps 'oppression' was not the right word, rather unwarranted restrictions on our freedoms.

If you are content to comply and support the restrictions and draconian removal of historical freedoms in our everyday lives (and I refer currently to the UK but the same could quite easily be dumped on the Island again on Mr Toad's whim) based on the knowledge we have now, 6 months on from the initial outbreak, then I despair that as society we have become unthinking sheep who will, with some exceptions, unquestioningly accept the 'word' of politicians.

This article by Dr John Lee puts the case for questioning (an altogether rare event because it has been largely suppressed by the government's media campaign) far more succinctly than I am able to:


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3 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

Facebook for all it's fault's has highlighted a lot of issue's that would have been hidden in the long grass if it were possible, I truly believe that Boris Johnston was handpicked for the PM role as he is a complete fool

Deliberately? Like some kind of conspiracy? Who do you imagine is behind this?

At face value it seems as if you are confirming my point.

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