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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I see the scallys were giving it beans before their lockdown.

No different than anywhere else I suppose. Ramsey was jumping the night before lockdown, for example.

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Just now, pongo said:

Straight and simple cold storage --> or something like Blockfi with rates as high as 8% currently ?

Both I would say. Although BlockFi is currently only 3% over 2.5BTC. 8.6% on stablecoins for the more risk averse.

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3 hours ago, Gladys said:

Nobody sane believes the virus will vanish, but that we need to be better at living with it, rather than the somewhat knee-jerk and terribly damaging sledgehammer measures being taken now.  If people are resistant to lock downs, they are not going to work anyway. 

we learned to live with the flu but this is a tad more serious than that or is that over simplifying things?

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32 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

we learned to live with the flu but this is a tad more serious than that or is that over simplifying things?

Well, it is really.  We haven't learned to live with flu, (ie, live within measures taken to minimise risk whilst impinging the least on the whole of society),  just most people accept it is unlikely to badly affect them.  Flu isn't given the prominence, just each year people are reminded to have a jab. 

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

if you’re not a fan of lockdown then what do you suggest? That the numbers increase to unmanageable levels until the whole population catches it? Where is the tipping point? 

We all need to change our habits.

One of the beauties about working from home is I don't have to watch other people in the office licking their fingers when they flick through papers. Often followed by fingers up the nose

Here's a classic of one of our MHKs from Onchan doing this yesterday. Picks his nose, wipes his face and licks his finger all in one movement and then goes on to lick his fingers to turn a page a few more times. Meanwhile you will note Mr Speaker sucking about with his pen. OK maybe no big deal but it is the small things such as this we need to be aware of. 

I met up with someone from government yesterday, Normally there would have been a handshake, but no hand was offered. Good.

We need to be more aware of basic methods of transferring 'germs'.

(only 25seconds needed to watch)


Edited to add: actually, I find this pretty disgusting. I couldn't work in the same office as this guy. I would have said that 20 years and more ago, not just Covid.


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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

I don’t know what the right thing to do is but I do have to say that there has been no lockdown in the U.K. for months and the numbers of covid affected have been steadily increasing until now where, I understand, things are reaching critical stage. 

if you’re not a fan of lockdown then what do you suggest? That the numbers increase to unmanageable levels until the whole population catches it? Where is the tipping point? 

It all comes down to proportionate risk.

We know the risk to the vast majority of the population is very low and we are now in a better position with therapeutics and management of symptoms/isolation of individuals to treat affected parties that need medical attention.

There is no magic bullet for this, we can't remain an isolated island forever and a vaccine is a long way away, if we ever get one that is proven safe and effective. 

The most appropriate way to address this is as I said earlier, utilise a combination of methods and increased individual responsibility. Locking down again is like using a blowtorch to get the mouse in your house. There's no guarantee you'll get it and you will have to use that method again and again if that's the tool you have decided to use, in which case you might find you eventually get the mouse but you haven't got much of a house left to live in anyway. 

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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's quite an interesting interview with Chris Thomas isn't it?  It makes you wonder if he was effectively sacked by the civil servants because he wanted to sort out the legislative framework for the various post-emergency measures properly.  The civil servants of course wanted to do their usual trick of leaving everything till last minutes and then rushing whatever suited them through without opposition.

Of course he did. His comments were fairly unambiguous at the time if I recall. But they wanted more hanging and flogging powers which they’ve got based on resurrected wartime powers rather than an appropriate clean slate that would have done the job much better. 

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5 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

So apart from not licking fingers Or picking noses or shaking hands do you have any alternatives to lockdown that will cease the growing infection rates in the U.K.? 

What’s a 3 week “circuit break” going to do? Push the same potential deaths 3 more weeks down the line that’s all. It’s a complete waste of time. I would predict riots happening before long in the UK. Especially in Liverpool. It’s a bit like the Emperor’s New Clothes now .. none of the doom and gloom predicted since March has actually happened and millions now out of work. They can’t even afford to fund people to not work now. 

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24 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Jesus. It felt like 25 minutes. 

So apart from not licking fingers Or picking noses or shaking hands do you have any alternatives to lockdown that will cease the growing infection rates in the U.K.? 

Truth is, Rox, everyone is hung up on positive tests being the equivalent of cases, ie people suffering from symptoms.   If we had more information on symptomatic cases, not just hospitalizations, then perhaps we could see a clearer picture of where the high risk areas are and deal with them. Can anyone remind me of the current UK rule of a positive test, is it self-isolation just for the positive testee, or the entire household? 

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

Jesus. It felt like 25 minutes. 

So apart from not licking fingers Or picking noses or shaking hands do you have any alternatives to lockdown that will cease the growing infection rates in the U.K.? 

A year ago if anyone had suggested the country was to go into lockdown they'd have been laughed at. When all the stories of ebola were kicking off 30 years ago and people could be walking around with flesh hanging off them a la any zombie film you care to mention, then we could perhaps imagine lockdown, in an Omega Man sort of way.

Lockdown for Covid is severe. And what good has it done? UK wise, not an awful lot.

Alternative to lockdown? Yeah, well we need to get a fucking grip.

C*nts like Dr Allinson MHK who rode high on his not inexcessive ego, looking down at a shop assistant who was self-consciously wearing a mask and had meekly asked him if she was doing the right thing, only for him to patronise her by saying  that she was "doing the right thing if it made her feel better" while at the very same time spreading his boss Howard Quayle's then Covid-19 positive germs around the place, are not helping.

My point being, if none of us are coming the cunt then we can avoid lockdown. Wear a fucking mask for a start and wear and use it properly.

Oh, isn't it easy to watch UK and the rest of the world just now though. And yet we have soft cunts (sorry it has become the world of the day) whinging they want to bring their families over to the Isle of Man. 







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