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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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31 minutes ago, Barlow said:

A year ago if anyone had suggested the country was to go into lockdown they'd have been laughed at. When all the stories of ebola were kicking off 30 years ago and people could be walking around with flesh hanging off them a la any zombie film you care to mention, then we could perhaps imagine lockdown, in an Omega Man sort of way.

Lockdown for Covid is severe. And what good has it done? UK wise, not an awful lot.

Alternative to lockdown? Yeah, well we need to get a fucking grip.

C*nts like Dr Allinson MHK who rode high on his not inexcessive ego, looking down at a shop assistant who was self-consciously wearing a mask and had meekly asked him if she was doing the right thing, only for him to patronise her by saying  that she was "doing the right thing if it made her feel better" while at the very same time spreading his boss Howard Quayle's then Covid-19 positive germs around the place, are not helping.

My point being, if none of us are coming the cunt then we can avoid lockdown. Wear a fucking mask for a start and wear and use it properly.

Oh, isn't it easy to watch UK and the rest of the world just now though. And yet we have soft cunts (sorry it has become the world of the day) whinging they want to bring their families over to the Isle of Man. 







Said Angry from Onchan.

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Me not from Onchan. And the only time I have ever referenced yon finger licking nosepicker is my previous post (admittedly quite a large reference but it was well-deserved)

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Looks like Christmas dinner is cancelled if you've got returning students in the family:



Under the government’s plan, which is in its early stages, universities would go into lockdown from 8 December until 22 December, when all students would be allowed to return to their home towns.


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15 minutes ago, pongo said:

Looks like Christmas dinner is cancelled if you've got returning students in the family:



It’s only for English residents. Manx students will be able to leave uni and return home in that window. Does any university teach up until 22 December? Oxbridge only do 8 or 9 week terms and other universities do 10 or 11

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

I haven't seen that reported anywhere. All of the reporting so far says English Universities from the end of term.

Your attempts to potentially troll any forum member who has university aged children are poor. As John says there is little evidence to actually support your claims in relation to the IOM. 

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3 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I believe many Manx students intend on returning home early December in order to get their 14 days isolation done before hitting it hard in 1886.

That's what the unworkable London government's plan would potentially impact. Unless they leave before the 8th Dec.

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

I’ve no idea. That’s why I’m asking what the alternative looks like. I’ve heard how you feel enough, and enough, but what would you do as a viable alternative. 

Fuck all but wash my hands regularly and maybe wear a mask and crack on. There is little point to anything else. Next question. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

That's what the unworkable London government's plan would potentially impact. Unless they leave before the 8th Dec.

That’s exactly what they will do Pingu, bringing disease, misery & death to our shores.

Get your bog roll & spaghetti in kid.

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

But isn’t that what they’ve been doing in the U.K.? 

They’ve been doing a lot in the UK and it’s not made much difference really has it? As with anywhere else in the world. If people are genuinely mentally impaired enough to believe that doing nothing but staying indoors for another 3 weeks, or putting another three million people on the dole, or not going to the pub after 10pm makes any real difference to the spread of a global pandemic then that’s up to them but the tide has turned on this bullshit now. If Boris Johnson wants to enforce anything then he’s going to have to have the squaddies on the streets if that’s what he believes needs to be done. But I’m guessing half of Liverpool is probably better armed than them so it could get quite interesting. 

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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

That’s not accurate. In the U.K. when lockdown was introduced, numbers of infected fell. Just as it did here. 

It seems that recent events in the U.K. have been exactly as many on here advocate. Freedom to move, to work and to gather but look where they are now with infections ‘out of control’.  All people, young old and middle  


Again, Rox, "infections" is not the figure to be thinking about, but the number of symptomatic infections.  All people were being infected too in the early days, but it was mainly the old and vulnerable who succumbed.  

I am most definitely not in the hoax camp, but I am in the camp of measures that are commensurate with the risk and avoid collateral damage.  What those measures may be, I cannot suggest other than to take a much more targeted approach.  Also, rather than prevention, more effective treatment has to be a key part in the overall plan.  But, if course, it seems that effective treatment is something of a trial and error method at the moment.  But I suspect that effective treatment is more likely in the shorter term than a vaccination. 

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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I’m not trolling you here, I’m trying to understand what you’d do, now, in the U.K. as an alternative to the steps they’ve taken. 

You’re not trolling but I’ve answered your question twice. Good hygiene and just crack on. The Scandinavian model will be proved to have been totally the right way of dealing with this from day one. 

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