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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

Has anyone noticed a weird phenomenon?

last night in tesco it was like we had gone back 6 weeks everyone has suddenly got very wary of going near people and wouldn’t walk past people who were stood into the side of an aisle, whilst 6 weeks ago people would have just pushed past.

 Just made me laugh  wouldn’t have thought it was 16 days without a positive case

Not really.  If anything in the last two weeks or so I've noticed people being more relaxed about the rules.  You've started seeing people shopping again in pairs or families for example.  One possible explanation is that there are some ultra-cautious people (who may have good reason to be so) who weren't even going out six weeks ago and are now.

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There were still people in Shopshite today with face coverings/masks.

All I can think of is that there were a couple more loads of returnees arriving on the boat this week. Were they perhaps sneaking out for some shopping instead of staying in isolation?

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55 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

There were still people in Shopshite today with face coverings/masks.

All I can think of is that there were a couple more loads of returnees arriving on the boat this week. Were they perhaps sneaking out for some shopping instead of staying in isolation?

Or more likely they have underlying health conditions and want to err on the side of caution?

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There was an elderly lady in shoprite yesterday pushing her trolley against what was a line of people coming the opposite way by the fruit section shouting at some saying you're not keeping 2m away from me! Eventually someone said well don't go against the way everyone else is going!

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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

The IOM is red!

Yes. Likely a confusion.

And yet from the perspective of any other country that also kind of makes sense. Because, for the most part, anyone travelling from the IOM will have to go via the UK.

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On 6/5/2020 at 10:54 AM, StevenW2 said:

It's important to factor in population size.  When you look at deaths per million and compare to Norway, Finland, Denmark, etc, the statistics for Sweden make for terrible reading.


On the face of it, but there's still a lot we don't know about this virus. If it turns out that Sweden has nurtured more antibodies in its population through this policy while other countries have not because of lockdowns, this could put them at an advantage in subsequent waves. Still too many imponderables to judge.

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On 6/5/2020 at 4:11 PM, TheTeapot said:

Try explaining that to that Josem bloke. He doesn't understand it either. "9th worst in the world" he was going on about on twitter, exposing his complete and utter lack of understanding.

I think he aspires to politics doesn't he? So he says what he thinks is in line with the feeling on the street. There are others on here doing the same in time for the election.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

I think he aspires to politics doesn't he? So he says what he thinks is in line with the feeling on the street. There are others on here doing the same in time for the election.

As far as I can tell he just opposes everything. I’m still waiting for his definition of ‘accuracy’ following his patronising post criticising antibody testing. @Josem where’ve you gone?

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