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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Here's an article about Sweden people might like to read, although with minds already made up and views inflexible I doubt people will.



51 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I agree 100% on here currently. There’s not a lot we can do until the New Year. At least we get to enjoy a Christmas of sorts though many families will not be together. In regards the U.K., I think we have to see how the next three months pan out. If there’s no significant improvement then I’m of the opinion it really is time to crack on & try as best they can to protect those that need it. A dreadful dilemma but ultimately there is a whole lot of horror unfolding long term if these series of lockdowns / restrictions continue. I want my kids to grow up in a society that has a chance not worse than the late 70’s.


25 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

The government can put on more and more restrictions on business/people, but if a significant minority do not comply, the government will have to be pragmatic and either go full on authoritarian or let everyone get on with it. Boris and the tories are libertarians so I bet that the rules will become merely guidance and then we watch and wait...The public compliance is the thing to watch. I feel that it is starting to falter.


The paper on the Time contains plenty of misleading or simply false information.

For instance, Japan did almost no lockdown. Nothing was forcibly closed by the government. It had not restriction on personal freedom. Did almost no testing tracing at all.

And the stupid paper lists it among the countries that "locked down early and/or used extensive test and tracing". It is bullshit.

You are correct that people believe in what they want to believe. For instance, they believe in god. We are a post-truth specie and those "beliefs" have been used to control people since the down of time. The virus is just another such method of control and coercion. Most people can't think for themselves, that is why they can be controlled in that way.

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5 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

For instance, Japan did almost no lockdown. Nothing was forcibly closed by the government. It had not restriction on personal freedom. Did almost no testing tracing at all.

Really? Did they not shut their borders to large parts of the world? Must be a "nutty Island":D

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57 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

There are hundreds of the most qualified academics and practitioners that have signed the Great Barrington Declaration; one cannot just sweep it under the carpet.

Indeed not.  It should be examined and then torn to pieces with great ferocity.

Even being generous to it in its assumptions, it's a recipe for hundreds of thousands of extra deaths as pointed out in this Twitter thread.  (You'll not often get me quoting Tory MPs).

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3 hours ago, wrighty said:

Here or across?

Here we’ve got it pretty good. It is difficult for some not being able to freely travel, but it would be worse if we started filling up Noble’s with covid cases, and shutting down businesses again. For the time being I don’t think there’s much else to be done over here. 

In the UK I’m torn between the circuit-breaker idea, and just thinking they may as well crack-on. All the half-arsed measures over the past few months have got them where exactly? The paddle-free brown smelly river, that’s where. Adopt the Swedish model and go for herd immunity, but expect a deadly winter which might completely collapse the NHS. Tough choices. 

Now that's not going to sit well with Banker and SoS...

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