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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Amadeus said:

Not at all, or do you really think that Social Distancing works in a crowd like that, with people cheering, clapping, etc? It did get bunched up at times as well, especially towards the end and when people left. If they allow an event that is clearly in breach of current regulations because "BLM > COVID-19" then get rid of the regulations completely and re-open the economy. Things can't be as bad as they say, or they would have never allowed this to go ahead, right? 

Masks and gloves on everyone. Honestly, "we did this one thing that maybe was slightly higher risk so let's just get rid of rules entirely" isn't a good take.

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14 minutes ago, Golfer said:

He is , he keeps referring to NZ model but doesn't want to adopt what they've done in reopening everything! Manx solutions etc!

There are still restrictions in NZ, in particular travel. We are in same position.

Problem is, when you impose a lockdown, you need to have a basic idea of the exit plan from day 1.

We are different to NZ. Smaller, reliant on our big neighbour, much higher population density, our exit will be different to theirs.

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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:



Oh come on, John, you know me better than that :) Running an event like this right now is at the very least questionable and all the talk about social distancing is, in practical terms, wishful thinking. You can't on the one hand tell people they have to adhere to all these restrictions and threaten them with prosecution (and lock many up) and then let 1500 gather freely because it's the feeling of the moment. If we don't have any cases anymore then let's do a NZ and reopen the place. 

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3 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Oh come on, John, you know me better than that :) Running an event like this right now is at the very least questionable and all the talk about social distancing is, in practical terms, wishful thinking. You can't on the one hand tell people they have to adhere to all these restrictions and threaten them with prosecution (and lock many up) and then let 1500 gather freely because it's the feeling of the moment. If we don't have any cases anymore then let's do a NZ and reopen the place. 

You’re German. No one knows a German. And I know that’s racist. But we do know that they’re alleged to have no sense of humour.

Ive explained the differences between IoM and NZ above. We’re a bit behind NZ, but catching up fast. But geography means we can’t do exactly as Jacinda.

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1 minute ago, John Wright said:

You’re German. No one knows a German. And I know that’s racist. But we do know that they’re alleged to have no sense of humour.

Ive explained the differences between IoM and NZ above. We’re a bit behind NZ, but catching up fast. But geography means we can’t do exactly as Jacinda.

Did you miss a word there? I know loads of funny Germans. I even know German jokes, and jokes about Germans (bomb our chippy haha). 

Calls are getting louder to open the borders in some controlled way. I'm due to travel and still have no idea if and when and how I can come back. This kind of uncertainty is bad for business. Now's the time for those in charge to earn their salary. 

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31 minutes ago, John Wright said:




  • I would feel sorry for some of the business damaged, especially smaller independent stores
  • I think the protests in the UK are undermining the work of the NHS
  • I feel bad for the horses

Shit, I must be a racist. FFS.

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This is what, the third thread talking about BLM now? Keep it to the main one.

That image floating social media is just as stupid as the ‘protest’ itself, because we know most of them are factual statements to be made. It was a graceful parade, which I stood out to watch and clapped at. But it will achieve absolutely nothing and tied up policing resources and the talk of ‘social distancing’ was nothing more than a half arsed gesture. The BLM movement is now too blighted by the many acts of violence around the world. Racism is wrong. Change needs to happen, but they’ve fucked it.

Can we now get back to talking about lifting restrictions and leave the BLM debate to respective threads?

Edited by NoTailT
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2 hours ago, HeliX said:

Easier to let things open slowly and in a controlled fashion than wing it and possibly have to restrict again.

I've read the IOMG recommendations for bars/pubs - they're applicable in my view to a UK situation where there remains evidence that the virus is active in the community

OTT for the present situation here

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21 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

I've read the IOMG recommendations for bars/pubs - they're applicable in my view to a UK situation where there remains evidence that the virus is active in the community

OTT for the present situation here

This lends weight again to the theory that we are being used as a test bed for uk as they tend to do stuff 2 weeks after us

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3 hours ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

We do know.  The answer is none because if you had a load of asymptomatic people that would have manifested itself via transmission.  18 days withoutna case tells you all you need to know.

What if the asymptomatics were biding by the rules and in lockdown,lurking, ready ti unwittingly spread the virus.

The fat lady hasn't even powdered her tuppence yet.

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38 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

I've read the IOMG recommendations for bars/pubs - they're applicable in my view to a UK situation where there remains evidence that the virus is active in the community

OTT for the present situation here

Perhaps, but erring on the side of caution is better than erring on the side of recklessness.

Not that I think there's really a risk here now.

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