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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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58 minutes ago, Filippo said:

Good news. Travel from the Isle of Man to anywhere in the world accepting incoming flights is still allowed during the very soon coming UK lockdown. We aren’t been kept prisoners on the island.

During UK lockdown, it is not possible to book any flight departing from the UK and leaving the UK. Nor any international buses leaving the UK. Only Eurostar is apparently still selling tickets from London to Bruxelles and Paris; but presumably it is going to be tightly controlled. They might allow me to go through for having dual nationality if I give them a good story; it would be a big risk to take considering the implications of returning here if they don’t. However, there are plenty of connections if you leave from Jersey or the Isle of Man. See flight schedule below as an example.

Fat lot of good that is when it’s still 14 days quarantine on return and more importantly when family and friends still can’t visit you here. I don’t give a shit about going away on holiday. However I do give a shit about family and friends in the UK not being able to come over or family not being able to return to the place they were born when a lot of them will be back on furlough for another 4 weeks with bugger all to do. It’s just idiotic to stop people coming here (even if subject to 14 days quarantine) when we can pretty much go anywhere else. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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16 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Fat lot of good that is when it’s still 14 days quarantine on return and more importantly when family and friends still can’t visit you here. I don’t give a shit about going away on holiday. However I do give a shit about family and friends in the UK not being able to come over or family not being able to return to the place they were born when a lot of them will be back on furlough for another 4 weeks with bugger all to do. It’s just idiotic to stop people coming here (even if subject to 14 days quarantine) when we can pretty much go anywhere else. 

You are absolutely right.

But for some people keeping their normal routine, which may include period travel, is a way to maintain their balance and wellbeing.

For some people the mountains are a spiritual thing rather than a hedonist pursuit.

The government is depriving us of our right to choose how to live.

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53 minutes ago, Escape Artist said:

Wonder if it is possible to travel first from London to IOM or Jersey and then from there go where one wants to go. I know IOM rules, but it is easy to pretend to be resident here on the IOM web page that grants passes to return to here. I have tried to see how tight is our system, and it isn’t of course. Nothing that the government does works as expected or is safe as promised.


1 hour ago, Filippo said:

Good news. Travel from the Isle of Man to anywhere in the world accepting incoming flights is still allowed during the very soon coming UK lockdown. We aren’t been kept prisoners on the island.

During UK lockdown, it is not possible to book any flight departing from the UK and leaving the UK. Nor any international buses leaving the UK. Only Eurostar is apparently still selling tickets from London to Bruxelles and Paris; but presumably it is going to be tightly controlled. They might allow me to go through for having dual nationality if I give them a good story; it would be a big risk to take considering the implications of returning here if they don’t. However, there are plenty of connections if you leave from Jersey or the Isle of Man. See flight schedule below as an example.

I have started booking my ski holidays for the months of January and February and have little illusion that UK travel restrictions will be lifted by then. Normally I am away for the winter and spend four weeks up in the high-altitude ski resorts of the Alps; the remaining time being spent in a place I have equipped as an office. I will need a couple of international borders to stay open; not just being able to leave the UK. And the ski resorts to be up and running. They are open now: the second pic shows skiers on the glaciers above Solden a couple of days ago.

I booked the first two weeks with the option to cancel on the 28th of December and will make final decision at the last moment I guess. If you let the government win, we are all cogs in a machine. I care about my own individuality and right to choose. The virus has got its own issues but it is not as bad as a totalitarian state. Down with Boris Johnson and his lockdown henchmen.


Aren’t those who claim to be resident here actually verified to be living here?

Is it true that it is so easy to lie on that IOMG web page?

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3 hours ago, Banker said:

we had the 7 days test which was negative and were able to go for exercise outside etc. perfectly good system which was stopped overnight by Howie without medical advice.

The problem isn't so much that he stopped it without scientific advice, but that he started it that way.  But it did need to be stopped because of the rising level of infection in the North West.  You can be as careful as you can, but if the opportunities to become infected increase by ten or a hundred times, then so will the chances of it happening.  A hundred times not-very-much can be quite a lot.

The real problem here is the way that the Manx government makes decisions - lots and lots of meetings designed to make everyone feel important and spread any possible responsibility as thinly as possible.  Rather than come up with the correct decision based on evidence.  Of course half the time someone then makes an arbitrary or selfish decision and everyone else just covers up anyway.  But since the whole purpose of the process is to keep them employed, it hardly matters to them what the outcome is.

There's a case that could be made for adopting something like the 7 day strategy in July and then stopping it at the start of September when cases were clearly rising fast.  Starting in September and then being forced to stop it a month later was stupid.

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4 hours ago, Banker said:

Well I was in uk 4 weeks ago and would say it’s exactly accurate, I visited restaurants, shops etc but was very careful to avoid large crowds etc. I know others who travelled at similar times were also.

we had the 7 days test which was negative and were able to go for exercise outside etc. perfectly good system which was stopped overnight by Howie without medical advice.

hopefully will be reinstated in time for Xmas as well as allowing families from us to visit like most other jurisdictions 

Which doesn't explain others who've returned from Liverpool hospital recently,but took 12 days to test positive, one for certain with no symptoms.

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21 hours ago, yootalkin2me said:

It really doesn't matter what opinions, hypothesis, models etc anyone on this forum has, we will all have to do pretty much exactly what the authorities have told us to do whether we agree or like it ir not or we run the risk of facing the consequences such as imprisonment for 4 or 8 weeks depending on whether or not the Deemster had a shag the night before...that is all.

That how democratic society works, even in Plato's Republic we have discussion of rights in individual versus greatest good for community. I.e. these ideas/conflicts are not new. In case of COVID the issue boils down to belief/ethics that people do not have right to infect others with a virus which at present is no cure and potentially terminal. Modern medical science also details the mechanism and how one individuals could infect others and hence have regulations as they stand. Back in 1918 pandemic the same democratic and ethical principles applied but what was known then as "Theory of Germs" was new and not widely accepted. As such the (lack of) rules based on medical science of the day led to uncontrolled outbreaks.

Without deemster sending people to prison and buffeted from UK by sea in my mind is what prevented IoM being in same situation as UK finds itself now. 

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19 minutes ago, BenFairfax said:

That how democratic society works, even in Plato's Republic we have discussion of rights in individual versus greatest good for community. I.e. these ideas/conflicts are not new. In case of COVID the issue boils down to belief/ethics that people do not have right to infect others with a virus which at present is no cure and potentially terminal.

People also don’t have the right to destroy many other peoples lives by legally preventing them from working and forcing them to live on benefits (or nothing), or legally shutting their businesses down and effectively bankrupting them. Some people are always going to die in a pandemic. That fact is bloody obvious. It’s also bloody obvious that those who are more likely to die are old and otherwise vulnerable who have a duty to protect themselves from harm as much as any moral duty they might think society has to protect them. 

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