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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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22 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Or the press report might be wrong. 

Probably not in this case because these reports tend to straight copy and paste off whatever the government sent them.  Testing on hospital 'admission' is actually done a few days before the patient goes into hospital so there's time for the test to be processed and for another one to be taken if there's a problem with it.  They're supposed to have self-isolated after the test was taken so they remain 'clean' but they would have been doing that anyway.  

The other one might raise some queries because they were"found to have the virus through the contact tracing process".  But it could have been someone they were in contact with in Liverpool.


Edited to add:  That said the BBC and especially 3FM are different enough to suggest a hurried press conference rather than the usual procedure.  Which incidentally illustrates that they should have dealt with it by a press release so they all get the same story and the rest of use can check to see what was actually said (whether it is true or not is another matter).

Edited by Roger Mexico
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Manx Radio are usually the worst of the lot really.

I'm maybe reading to much into but the letter fiasco has properly pissed me off. I've been happy to cruise along up to now but its glaring apparent the situation across Europe has changed. I didn't really expect so many places to go back into lockdown, I thought it might be a possibility but its come about awfully quickly. We can't have another one, but I can very easily now imagine our government doing it.

It has been obvious for some time that one of the principal problems with the pandemic has been clear, obvious, honest communication from governments etc has been appalling. A small community like ours it shouldn't be that hard. Instead we've got ridiculous spats with qualified people and ultra defensive performances from leaders. They need to do better, they need us onside, they need to tell the whole truth all the time.

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12 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Both the BBC and 3fm report they were tested being admitted to the hospital for something else.




Possibly just a bad choice of words or a misinterpretation.

Everyone is tested they’re days before a routine admission (such as a follow up from a procedure in the UK) If they test positive the appointment will be delayed or dealt with with extra precautions in place.

I think it’s unlikely they would deliberately lie about something they know is going to be subject to public scrutiny.  What would the possible benefit of doing that be?

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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Probably not in this case because these reports tend to straight copy and paste off whatever the government sent them. 

It reads odd to be fair MR clearly says they were tested on return which is totally different to the other reports which say they were pre departure tests. Surely they can’t be that stupid to get their interpretation of a written press release handed to them that wrong? As for contact tracing - to be fair both patients could have been on the same minibus to and from Ronaldsway? So if one did test positive on return everyone away was then tracked but only one other threw up a positive? 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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I hope government are looking at relevant support for local businesses? I assume there is a robust plan in place for if/when the Uk went back into lockdown?

I have had emails from several of my suppliers today informing me they are closing or going to skeleton staff (my industry is basically closing in the Uk through lockdown). I assume the civil servants will assume I can still make money because they aren’t stopping me getting work.  Difficult with all suppliers and support channels etc closed.

I am basically destined for four weeks minimum of not being able to work and with I assume no gov support (yes there is work I can do, admin, quotes etc, but nothing that brings money in, unless I gamble and second guess what stock we might need to get through a month when we normally order every two days, and invest tens of thousands up front)

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6 minutes ago, PaulJ said:

Now that is incorrect.  Not a put down by the way,just not factual.

I think it's the way it's done for planned admissions - obviously for emergency ones they have to treat everyone as if they were infected and test as part of the admission process.  Looking at the BBC and 3FM that's what seems to have happened here.

4 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

It reads odd to be fair MR clearly says they were tested on return which is totally different to the other reports which say they were pre departure tests. Surely they can’t be that stupid to get their interpretation of a written press release that wrong? As for contact tracing - to be fair both patients could have been on the same minibus to and from Ronaldsway? 

Actually MR says just that they'd "returned from medical appointments in the UK".  So that could have been several days ago - indeed you'd expect it if they caught the virus on a day-trip.  I did wonder if #2 had caught it off #1 in transit, but in that case you would expect any contacts to come out in later days not with the same announcement.

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The first case was detected through a screening test on admission to Noble’s Hospital for a separate, unrelated condition.

Appropriate safeguards are in place at the hospital to protect care professionals, patients and visitors. If the patient is discharged within their period of self-isolation, they will continue to isolate at home.

IOMtoday reporting the same thing in the same way, MR must have it wrong.

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2 hours ago, Black Mirror said:

Your version of democracy is the one in which the majority [...] is allowed to stamp a boot on the face of the minority,


2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:



Thanks for trying to take me for a ride. But I think you are smart enough to understand it by yourself.

Once you have accepted the point of view that a government can have unlimited power to represent and enforce the will of the majority, that government will have an irresistible temptation to start shaping public opinion in order to keep it "in line" with government policy. There are many ways in which a government with so much power can do that.

You see the result of that not only in China and Russia, but also in Latin American and Southern Europe.

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3 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:

Thanks for trying to take me for a ride. But I think you are smart enough to understand it by yourself.

Once you have accepted the point of view that a government can have unlimited power to represent and enforce the will of the majority, that government will have an irresistible temptation to start shaping public opinion in order to keep it "in line" with government policy. There are many ways in which a government with so much power can do that.

You see the result of that not only in China and Russia, but also in Latin American and Southern Europe.

ffs grow up. Govts are just people. Just trying to do their best under difficult circumstances. It's not a flipping conspiracy.

Edited by pongo
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6 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:




Thanks for trying to take me for a ride. But I think you are smart enough to understand it by yourself.

Once you have accepted the point of view that a government can have unlimited power to represent and enforce the will of the majority, that government will have an irresistible temptation to start shaping public opinion in order to keep it "in line" with government policy. There are many ways in which a government with so much power can do that.

You see the result of that not only in China and Russia, but also in Latin American and Southern Europe.

In WW1 the pub licensing laws were changed under 'temporary' emergency powers by the tee total PM of the day. This wasn't repealed until the 21st Century!

In 1974 and following the Birmingham pub bombings, temporary emergency anti terrorism legislation, stripping several liberties away were introduced. They are renewed on a nod every year. 

Politicians love emergency powers and people being kept in fear, it gives them increased control over your life! Covid will come and go for years, and we can be locked down at a whim! 

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

You have a conspiracy phobia Pongo. I'm not claiming this one is but you will never see any. It's the polar opposite of a conspiracy theorist but just as bonkers . 

I really wish that conspiracies were real. It would be great if the world was so simple that it could be so easily manipulated.

We can agree to differ or, more likely I suspect, mostly agree. And I am sure we will agree that the UK and IOM response to Covid is not a conspiracy. That Covid is not being conveniently used - which is the nutter perspective.

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