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20 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

Contact tracing of an existing case that came from off Island and they’re positive?

So does that mean these 2 new cases were community transmission then if it came about through contact tracing?

Based on what I’ve heard from multiple people today, this really doesn’t stack up.

I have to say I too am struggling to understand how people who clearly caught it away, who came back on a communal boat or plane with other people, who got on a communal bus, in a communal taxi, or in a communal car with family or friends and then went home, and who were subsequently traced from common communal contacts who had the infection are not counted as communal cases. It seems that the minute you go home and shut your door your not in the community anymore despite the fact you picked up the infection in the community and others you interacted with have caught it too. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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8 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

I love this ‘note to editors’ by gov

As all seven of the Islands active cases have a clear, traceable chain of transmission related to off-Island travel, these do not count as community transmissions.

so, we have an index case that has clearly caused a community transmission but because it’s traceable to someone who had off-Island travel and they’re now isolating with their household, it’s a self isolating case.

LOVED @rachomicscomment on this whereby every case Mar-Jun would be contacts of contacts of contacts of people who travelled off Island and therefore not community cases.

What a bloody mess.

The who definition is clear. 


There is no community transmission.

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4 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Can anyone explain why there's tge hysteria about whether there's community cases or not?

I think because if people think it’s not “on the loose” they can’t catch it so they can sit at home polishing their pitchfork for another week. 

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9 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Can anyone explain why there's tge hysteria about whether there's community cases or not?


The perception or myth being peddled is that anyone that has tested positive for the virus in the last few weeks have got off the boat or plane and self isolated for 14 days only testing positive if they’d asked to be tested during that time.

A community case suggests that the person carrying the virus had mixed with potentially hundreds of others without knowing they had it before developing symptoms and testing positive.

They are night and day.

Edited by Nom de plume
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I must say, if we are going down this track then I don't believe we can call many of our cases 'community' transmissions from earlier this year when they were phrased as such. It does seem to be a matter of when the shoe fits.

Either way, these do appear to be cases of on-Island transmission.

Edited by jaymann
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Key terms used in Government update being "relate to" someone who traveled off island. If I had to make a guess I would say 'the relation' was other household members. Since we have not been told these other related parties were isolating I assume they were not. What must have happened here is isolation party developed symptoms, requested a test, came back positive, and trace and track told related parties to isolate, who themselves requested a test. In my mind this is a community case. Whether get other cases now from this known cluster of three we will see... [Related parties may have been infectious or may still been in incubation period.] 

Hope this episode demonstrates to all advantage of having local testing with quick turn around.

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It’s quite simple.

govt is creating this false sense of security to maintain its status.

but here we have a situation whereby a tradesman was told to go home and self isolate whilst in a nursing home full of people. It is reckless. There is now real danger that if that person turns out to be positive at any point in the next week or so, the dominos have already fallen.

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Putting aside semantics, as long as the virus is contained i.e. not spreading exponentially amongst unknown individuals, there is no issue. If the contact tracing has been thorough and completed in a timely manner, nobody should be overly concerned. It is possible/likely that it will get into the wild over the next few months, and we will have to deal with it (probably with an unnecessary lockdown). Until then let's enjoy what freedom we do have and let the Facebookers wet themselves.

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The simple fact is that it's whole households who should be isolating if anyone in that household has travelled. The Chamber of Commerce member survey showed 75% support for that.

A lot of people are still making completely unnecessary trips away. 

Everything will quickly get back to normal just as soon as everyone can be vaccinated.

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