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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

I've done over 600 hip replacements at Noble's.  Two patients died before leaving hospital.  I can recall three who sustained a nerve injury at the time of surgery.  There have been at least two early infections requiring revision.  A handful have dislocated.  I can think of a couple who were very upset by walking with a limp (but no pain) post-operatively. 


I wouldn't complain about having the "wibbly-wobbly paddock walk" if I wasn't in pain and could manage not to be up and down like a fiddlers elbow through the night , even if I had to pay for the operation .

That said If I was paying for the opp I would want the chap to have a reasonable track record .

Just saying:flowers:


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I hope @rachomicsdoesn't mind me saying this. It didn't come from her, someone I know in DHSC kindly enlightened me, but I know she's been a bloody legend and saved the day.

But the govt are a bunch of fuckers. Absolute fuckers.

dont know if many people do know this, but who cares. the reason for this weeks mess? The lab had no testing agent, couldn't test swabs. so they had to use the limited supply of rapid tests, meaning very limited daily testing capacity.

Luckily someone like Rachel - who is under no obligation to be helpful to the absolute retards (i.e. Lord Ashford MBE and Farmer Howard, CNT) - saw past this to get the lab sorted. a true credit to this Island. APPARENTLY they want Rachel (her business?) to keep supplying the agent, but only if she agrees to accept full liability for any issues caused by false results.

Howard and Davina should be ousted and locked away. Ban me from the forum if that's too much to say, but they're the biggest threat to this island.

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5 minutes ago, paswt said:


That said If I was paying for the opp I would want the chap to have a reasonable track record .


Whether you're paying for the op or not, you'd want the chap (or chapess) to have a reasonable track record.  We all submit data to the national joint registry - the UK are world leaders (with the Scandis) in registries - and each year get a report on performance.  Outliers are identified and scrutinised.  Everyone at Noble's demonstrably has 'a reasonable track record', at least when it comes to joint replacement.

Our issue, as you know, is access to treatment.  Not a whole lot better in the UK right now though.

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42 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I think the whingers would see me off!     

There are very high levels of burnout amongst healthcare staff of all disciplines and grades - this predates the pandemic, but is obviously much worse because of it.  Just watch the news each night they talk about it, perhaps not in those terms.

The whingers, as you put it, are part of the problem.  Expectations are often so high that they're impossible to be met.  And, if you don't pay (directly) for a service it seems to me that you don't necessarily value it and in some cases abuse it.

There's a concept of 'asymmetric risk and reward'.  Yes, I know I'm well paid and all that, but if I get a happy patient I might get a card and a bottle of wine/box of chocs as a thank you, which is nice.  If I get an unhappy patient I might get hours of grief with correspondence, meetings, reports, lawsuits, complaints to the regulator etc. It is a major problem.  People are leaving the profession early, or pulling back from what they do because of this.

I don't know what the solution is.  I used to think that a national disaster might refocus the minds, but if anything post-pandemic (here) it's getting worse.

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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

In any health care setting there are bad outcomes, and those patients tend to think something has gone wrong, or their surgeon is incompetent, or the hospital is useless etc.  The only way to not get complications is to not operate in the first place.

That's all true of course, but the real problem here is a cultural one.  Surgeons of your generation will have been trained in a very different way from the old 'consultant as god' ones, where mistakes could never be admitted so as to keep the egos inflated.  Mistakes are now to be learned from; data used to supplement experience; systems implemented to stop avoidable errors; patients treated like people not compliant lumps of meat.

But management has also become more powerful and willing to interfere.  And admission of corporate guilt seems even more painful than for individuals.  It's often dressed up with mutterings about costs (not normally a concern for many of them) but mainly seems driven by a feeling that they shouldn't have to care about consequences or responsibility.  

It's a general problem in the UK, reinforced by the corporatisation of the last few decades.  But it's particularly acute on the Island because the whole ethos of the civil service is directed towards corporate elite self-protection over anything else, so other Departments will collude as well.  Hence the refusal to explain the policy on isolation to Watterson and any decisions being communicated by non-medical staff.  The important thing is not to come to the right decision but to demonstrate who is in charge.

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28 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

I dont know if many people do know this, but who cares. the reason for this weeks mess? The lab had no testing agent, couldn't test swabs. so they had to use the limited supply of rapid tests, meaning very limited daily testing capacity.

Luckily someone like Rachel - who is under no obligation to be helpful to the absolute retards (i.e. Lord Ashford MBE and Farmer Howard, CNT) - saw past this to get the lab sorted. a true credit to this Island. APPARENTLY they want Rachel (her business?) to keep supplying the agent, but only if she agrees to accept full liability for any issues caused by false results.

I'd sort of worked out that @rachomics's rather cryptic tweets might have something to do with the supply of reagents, because she had mentioned it before as something that needed to be resolved and quickly.  It seems absolutely typical that instead the DHSC waited for supplies to run low and then panicked.

With any other organisation, I wouldn't believe the story about demanding full liability for the results of tests using the reagents.  It makes absolutely no sense from a scientific, legal or practical basis and if you suggested it to any manufacturer they would probably assume you were literally insane.  But the people running the DHSC seem to be only concerned with finding someone to blame when things go wrong rather than making sure they go right in the first place.

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1 hour ago, NoTailT said:

I hope @rachomicsdoesn't mind me saying this. It didn't come from her, someone I know in DHSC kindly enlightened me, but I know she's been a bloody legend and saved the day.

But the govt are a bunch of fuckers. Absolute fuckers.

dont know if many people do know this, but who cares. the reason for this weeks mess? The lab had no testing agent, couldn't test swabs. so they had to use the limited supply of rapid tests, meaning very limited daily testing capacity.

Luckily someone like Rachel - who is under no obligation to be helpful to the absolute retards (i.e. Lord Ashford MBE and Farmer Howard, CNT) - saw past this to get the lab sorted. a true credit to this Island. APPARENTLY they want Rachel (her business?) to keep supplying the agent, but only if she agrees to accept full liability for any issues caused by false results.

Howard and Davina should be ousted and locked away. Ban me from the forum if that's too much to say, but they're the biggest threat to this island.

I read this and immediately thought "Oh shit, I'm going to be blamed for a leak". Your details are accurate enough that you must have been talking to one of the people I've been in meetings with this week trying to get it all sorted out. 

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

According to the news there is no legal basis for paying for a test as Fidelta wanted to do.  You wonder at the use of the emergency powers to close this type of stupidity as well as the legal barriers to make testing mandatory in certain circumstances.  

Too many caveats.

Rachel's setup means we have potential capacity to test over 1000 people a day, yet we're skimping about who may or may not have been close enough to be a close contact and whacking out a few dozen tests per day.

In two months we could test the entire population.

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

According to the news there is no legal basis for paying for a test as Fidelta wanted to do.  You wonder at the use of the emergency powers to close this type of stupidity as well as the legal barriers to make testing mandatory in certain circumstances.  

There must have been a legal basis for paying for testing because they actually introduced it in September for the 7-day tests and said at the time that it could also be used for those who needed a recent test result for entering certain jurisdictions.  Of course they are fully entitled not to supply it on demand if they feel it might cause problems with capacity or whatever, but the mechanism ought to be there.

They seem to have got to the stage where they are just making up any old nonsense to justify arbitrary decisions or hide incompetence.  And they can get terribly offended when people point it out.

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4 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Guernsey now testing key workers on arrival.

We don’t because it’s not worth it or something ....... 7% blah, blah, blah.

Yes saw that, funny how lots of countries are testing on arrival or demanding negative test results before arrival but Howie & Ashie won’t test anyone.

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2 minutes ago, Banker said:

Yes saw that, funny how lots of countries are testing on arrival or demanding negative test results before arrival but Howie & Ashie won’t test anyone.

Matt Cockface in the UK PLC saying earlier today that all major airports will have testing facilities by Christmas and hopes people will be able to go away.

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