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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, Scotty said:

Hate do argue with you Gladys as I have always admired your postings. I am no expert, I have no scientific knowledge, am not a statistician, but I just believe that our Government are doing their best for all. What they do affects them too. Can’t understand why so many people want to pick holes in everything they do or say. I couldn’t do their job and apart from about two posters on here, nobody else would have enough insight to improve what I consider a very safe place right now.

Thank you for the polite reply.  It is very safe, but the problem is many of us want to see a definitive plan and honest answers.  It isn't hard, a few bare truths would be very helpful and actually get people like me behind them.  But, it ain't happening. 

The big issue for me is the apparent lack of honest and direct answers.  We are deluded if we think this will never impact again, but let's face up to it.

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Thank you for the polite reply.  It is very safe, but the problem is many of us want to see a definitive plan and honest answers.  It isn't hard, a few bare truths would be very helpful and actually get people like me behind them.  But, it ain't happening. 

The big issue for me is the apparent lack of honest and direct answers.  We are deluded if we think this will never impact again, but let's face up to it.

The fact is they're starstruck and don't want anyone to burst their bubble!

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1 hour ago, Scotty said:


Realistically, much like other posters, the general impression we get is that there isn't any form of long term plan or goal into resolving things.

Whilst the situation is an ever evolving one, the spot we're in is comparatively easy but a lot of people would like some clarity on how that is likely to change or evolve, not to have a feeling that policy is being implemented at the drop of a hat after being ignored for however long.

This is further compounded by PR issues such as those with Dr Glover, reagents, conflicting statements and anonymous letters which further undermine what people have done.

Whilst we are very lucky to be in our bubble, it cannot last forever, and some clarity to how that will open up is strongly needed.

Edited by AcousticallyChallenged
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12 minutes ago, finlo said:

Dilli holds them in a god like esteem christ knows why!

Scotty doesn’t challenge everything he hears. He picks  what he thinks is plausible and tries to do what , in his view , is the right thing at this time. He is pissed off that he has missed 6 holidays this  year in what should have been a bumper year, after so long. He chooses what he does and is not led by the vocal minority.

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31 minutes ago, finlo said:

The fact is they're starstruck and don't want anyone to burst their bubble!

I am not sure that really is it, but I can see how you could come to that conclusion.  

It is possibly more to do with having been able to make an immediate difference by closing the borders but are now a bit hamstrung on the next steps and unable to guarantee a sustainable solution.  I do feel for them as they are right on top of a high expectation, but the truth is we cannot control the world and it is quite hard, having been the saviours, to then say, we cannot keep this up, so be prepared.  

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At least we know now as Dr Allison said on the radio that Comin policy is eradication. That’s fine now we know. But it means 14 day quarantine will remain until the whole world is covid free. That could be a while. What damage that does , or does not , will take a while to become clear. I think it will be significant but hopefully not permanent , but it might be because the eradication policy while it will please many is a blinkered one.

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I am not sure that really is it, but I can see how you could come to that conclusion.  

It is possibly more to do with having been able to make an immediate difference by closing the borders but are now a bit hamstrung on the next steps and unable to guarantee a sustainable solution.  I do feel for them as they are right on top of a high expectation, but the truth is we cannot control the world and it is quite hard, having been the saviours, to then say, we cannot keep this up, so be prepared.  

There are many on this Island who would happily keep things as they are indefinitely. They also shout loudly, very loudly.

We now need something a little bit more detailed than the 5 Level border framework as we approach 2021.

They’ve done well initially but are in danger of losing their reputations by peddling misinformation & offering no way out.

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19 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

There are many on this Island who would happily keep things as they are indefinitely. They also shout loudly, very loudly.

We now need something a little bit more detailed than the 5 Level border framework as we approach 2021.

They’ve done well initially but are in danger of losing their reputations by peddling misinformation & offering no way out.

Jersey is interesting, they so far seem unable to stop the case numbers increasing and the rate seems to be increasing yet hospital admissions stay at zero. It seems it could go either way going forward for them.

They are providing good data at zero risk to us on the IOM so let us see what they are like after Christmas.


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35 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Jersey is interesting, they so far seem unable to stop the case numbers increasing and the rate seems to be increasing yet hospital admissions stay at zero. It seems it could go either way going forward for them.

They are providing good data at zero risk to us on the IOM so let us see what they are like after Christmas.

I genuinely don't understand Jersey.  According to their figures they have 152 cases at the moment of which 89 have symptoms and yet none in hospital (and no care home cases).  In contrast the Island only has 9 cases, but one is in hospital.  Because they are testing more, they should pick up more asymptomatic cases, but we should expect at least a few seriously enough affected to need hospital treatment.

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2 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I genuinely don't understand Jersey.  According to their figures they have 152 cases at the moment of which 89 have symptoms and yet none in hospital (and no care home cases).  In contrast the Island only has 9 cases, but one is in hospital.  Because they are testing more, they should pick up more asymptomatic cases, but we should expect at least a few seriously enough affected to need hospital treatment.

This just tell me the positive cases are in main young and without comorbidities. Regarding risk to rest of society the asymptomatic represent to me (medics or anyone else please correct me) higher risk on onward transmission than people with symptoms.

1 hour ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

They are providing good data at zero risk to us on the IOM so let us see what they are like after Christmas.

What I always thought, Jersey can do a beta of the 7-day test schema, and we can see what happens which so far is not so good.

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The refusal or neglect to provide paid for testing is crazy. I’m booked to travel at Christmas. Booked a year ago. Not sure if I’ll go. Much will depend on how Covid pans out. If I go I’m staying in a place that’s had 1 case in 9 months. So safer than IOM.

My destination now requires an undetectable PCR Covid test taken and processed within 72 hours before arrival. Forget the arguments about efficacy, it just does, at least if you arrive by air or sea ( but not if you drive over the land border).

It doesn’t allow for the quick tests and self administered courier delivered tests are risky from two weaknesses, time, and the ability to sample correctly to get a viable sample.

I’ve  looked at breaking my journey to get tested. Two tests, en route, £298, yes, £149 each.

The private wing at Nobles is now up and running for consultations, day procedures next and up to 3 day stays by December ( without a private operator ). An enterprising DHSC could offer the service, or a private Dr/Nurse if the DHSC would make their testing equipment available.

The 7 day test was costed at £50 to cover time, wages ( nurse and path lab staff ) and consumables ( sterile swab, sealable sterile sample tube, reagents and PPE). So, let’s say £100-£125. There’s plenty of capacity. There’s scope to allow profit for DHSC, private contractor, and @rachomics supplying reagents. In fact, these private test profits could subsidise, or fully cover, 7 day testing for returning patient transfers. Even day 1 testing as well. Especially as recent cases have been returning PT related and they have extra vulnerability, two have ended in hospital. Would help protect.

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It does seem bonkers, but they do not have the vires to charge.  

I am not sure what vires they need to charge, like they charge for prescriptions or use of hospital facilities while in the private wing and so on. I can't see how this is any different.

Unless, of course, the real reason is that they want to minimise the number of tests for some bizarre reason like, for example, wanting to find another supplier of the reagents, perhaps? 

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3 hours ago, Gladys said:

It does seem bonkers, but they do not have the vires to charge.  

This would have been addressed in the Health and Social Care Act 2016 but was dropped at the last minute by DA iirc?

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12 hours ago, Anyone said:

But it means 14 day quarantine will remain until the whole world is covid free. That could be a while. What damage that does , or does not , will take a while to become clear. I

If, and when, the all clear gets sounded I can imagine the stampede of people to travel off the island just probably either to be with family off island and then just to be somewhere else. We will fall into both categories.

The release of savings for spending on expensive and / or luxury items not purchased during the crisis will be significant for local traders and the economy, mainly just as a sigh of relief or just throwing caution to the wind in future. Get that credit card ready.


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