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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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14 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

In fairness to the IOM Govt. my information is that all doctors surgeries have been put on standby to vaccinate. We have already pre-ordered the vaccine and the wait is on. 

Yes, the call to arms for GPs was made before the announcement on the vaccine.  They are also changing legislation to allow the vaccine to be administered by other medicos (always thought nurses could give injections). 

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15 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yes, the call to arms for GPs was made before the announcement on the vaccine.  They are also changing legislation to allow the vaccine to be administered by other medicos (always thought nurses could give injections). 

Nurse gave my flu and pneumonia jabs last week. Pharmacies don’t get a Dr in.

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41 minutes ago, forestboy said:

Practice nurse at surgery gave me my flu jab a month ago. 

Pharmacists can give them too. As long as they are up to date.

"NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) has determined that pharmacists providing the Flu Vaccination Service need to attend face-to-face training for both injection technique and basic life support (including administration of adrenaline) at least every three years."

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

determined that pharmacists providing the Flu Vaccination Service need to attend face-to-face training for both injection technique and basic life support (including administration of adrenaline) at least every three years."

It used to be that medical equipment needed to be on hand as well but I guess that may not be required in places.


I see there is an emergency question in Tynwald by Julie Edge tomorrow.


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20 hours ago, The Old Git said:

Jersey talking about possible lockdown in December, maybe over Christmas, if people don’t start following the rules. 

Triple testing at borders. Days 0, 5 and 10

Hospitality closed at 10

Gatherings reduced 

Things aren't so good for Jersey, 3 cases occurring in hospital and a night out in Bristol for rule-breaking medics adding to the problem of transmission...




People who really should know better... 

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Fat thumb accuracy.
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Don't know how many locals actually bother to watch MTTV but the interview with Minister Ashford and Paul Moulton was interesting enough. When asked about students returning Ashford said that "these are intelligent people" and went on to assure everybody that he was confident that they knew the rules and "most" would stick by them. We can only hope that their intelligence is equal with their common-sense, in my experience there's no fool like an educated fool, whatever their age. The back and forth between the two was usual fare, with Moulton getting near to 'probing' for answers and accuracy about Dr. Glover and her return to the lab, reagents, the delay in releasing pertinent information to the public, the controversial testing regime, etc. (It would help if PM talked a little slower and clearer but he's getting there). Shame about the mic-ing and some noise interference, but on the whole it was generally well done.

At the end of part two Ashford did reiterate the importance of ongoing sensible precaution; continuing with hand-washing, gel use etc., as complacency amongst the population was an issue raised also...

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