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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, Max Power said:

Another 'cluster' case has been identified. 

Hmmm, how are these people contacting and being infected by people returning from the UK?

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=59099&headline=Further case in Covid cluster identified&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

It relates to last weeks cluster.

Last week 111 told so many damn people togo back to work and carry on as normal despite possibly being in contact with people.

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7 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Another 'cluster' case has been identified. 

Hmmm, how are these people contacting and being infected by people returning from the UK?

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=59099&headline=Further case in Covid cluster identified&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

It's a virus. It moves between humans. It's what it does. Do our idiots in charge really think they can defy nature indefinitely? Does it really need a grandstand press conference to ignite the illiterates on facebook every time we have someone who undergoes a positive test?

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Don't know how many locals actually bother to watch MTTV but the interview with Minister Ashford and Paul Moulton was interesting enough.

It was, though Moulton was clearly getting frustrated with Ashford spouting bullshit and then refusing to admit it made no sense.  For example in the first one Ashford claimed that they couldn't release any information about clusters until all the contact tracing had been done.  But that is nonsense and the opposite of what they have been doing recently (press releases would say "Contact tracing is underway").  In fact releasing information can be part of the contact tracing process.  And of course it is an ongoing process, so it is never really finished - all you can do is to test contacts, but you often need to retest later because they may well turn positive some days later and further tracing will be needed.

Ashford and co just seem unwilling to ever admit that they don't know something, even if that is due to no one really knowing stuff.  So they will only tell us things when it suits them and their egos, rather than as a general principle of openness.  We're just supposed to gratefully accept their reassurances without any evidence and not ask any questions.

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I know many are against it but why don’t we just test arrivals including key workers, there’s not that many and we would at least pick up some cases and then they could isolate properly.

if a whole household has to isolate with a returnee who hasn’t been tested then they don’t know and realistically they are not going to be living in separate rooms etc if all isolating.

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2 minutes ago, Banker said:

I know many are against it but why don’t we just test arrivals including key workers, there’s not that many and we would at least pick up some cases and then they could isolate properly.

if a whole household has to isolate with a returnee who hasn’t been tested then they don’t know and realistically they are not going to be living in separate rooms etc if all isolating.

If all are isolating, they don't have to keep separated. It allows the family to interact as normal just not go out in public. 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

This has been explained many times by Dr Glover.  A person may be asymptomatic on arrival and test negative but may still be harbouring the virus.  This gives a false sense of security and can result in that person going about their business and not developing symptoms for 5/7 days - during which time the virus has spread to others.

I think there's a big difference between asymptomatic and testing positive.

I saw earlier in this thread a report someone linked to that said border testing picked up over 70% of positives I think it was? It's no small number.

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45 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Moulton was clearly getting frustrated with Ashford spouting bullshit and then refusing to admit it made no sense.

When it comes down to it Moulton was/is far too polite and the apparent chuminess between the two obstructing what should've been more vigorous and direct line of questioning instead of falling for the redirect.

45 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

For example in the first one Ashford claimed that they couldn't release any information about clusters until all the contact tracing had been done.  But that is nonsense and the opposite of what they have been doing recently (press releases would say "Contact tracing is underway").  In fact releasing information can be part of the contact tracing process. And of course it is an ongoing process, so it is never really finished - all you can do is to test contacts, but you often need to retest later because they may well turn positive some days later and further tracing will be needed.

A fine example of how confusing the press statements have been, are, and will most likely continue to be. And here Moulton should have pressed him on the perception of the public and the confusion such statements produce. Ashford was basically allowed to waffle on without recourse. I often wonder if this imprecise narrative is deliberately confusing and open to excusable back-tracking should the Island find itself in the throes of a serious community outbreak?

45 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Ashford and co just seem unwilling to ever admit that they don't know something, even if that is due to no one really knowing stuff.  So they will only tell us things when it suits them and their egos, rather than as a general principle of openness.  We're just supposed to gratefully accept their reassurances without any evidence and not ask any questions.

This. I hate to use the term 'sheeple' but that's where we're at. The dynamic duo has gained a great deal of kudos in the minds of those who have been blinded by the science and forgivably confused by conflicting official advice and much of that kudos is largely undeserved amounting only to the requoting of the available information coming from other remote sources, and in some cases, not releasing relevant information when it should have been, in timely fashion.

I do wonder if one of the conditions of Dr. Glover's potential redeployment is that she reins-in her public comments. Though I'm hopeful she remains outspoken.

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33 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It is of course entirely possible that I remembered all the words Dr Glover used but, to quote, 'André Preview', just not necessarily in the right order.

Please excuse my pedanticism - it is after all sacred ground -  but it was Eric Morecambe's quote

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13 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It's easy to see why. It wouldn't take much prodding before he gets dropped - a bit like other prodders. He's probably going as far as he dares.

Yes, when you can't get interviews with people because you might ask an awkward question, it's a sad state of affairs!

Life on the Isle of Man.

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