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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, Nom de plume said:

There is no way out for them though is there? Seriously.

They won’t test, they won’t stand down the 14 day quarantine. The virus is here to stay.

The eggs are well & truly in the vaccine basket which there are no guarantees over.

Then it begs the question who would be allowed here - must you have a vax certificate prior to arrival?

These are the questions that need asking at the very least.

They haven't got a clue what to do as doing something/anything will upset someone so we get this weird situation of inertia where we think we can keep our heads down and the rest of the world will just sort it out, hopefully.

Having entry to the island reliant on a new experimental vaccine that has been rushed through production and testing and which has debatable efficacy and unknown safety levels is the height of lunacy. Which is about par for the course here. 

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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I still think it's all down to the influx of people from all over the world buying houses here.  If they can carry on with the spin of us being COVID-19 free then the more likely it is that people of HNW will carry on buying - and apparently they are.  There's always been this drive to encourage HNW individuals to the Island and now it's happening all on its own without the government having to do a thing - except change a few rules along the way, so we can continue the myth of no COVID-19 in the community.


Is this really happening though? Or is it another manx myth?

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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

My info is anecdotal. A friend is trying to move locally.  She's sold her house five times over but every house she puts an offer in on she's gazumped by UK cash buyers buying unseen and without a survey.

My neighbour is moving. He's just sold his house to a UK cash buyer for 40k over what he expected to get despite trying to sell it for eighteen months.

This is just my experience but I've heard a lot more of this from others too.

I know they're rubbish a lot of things (the gov) but not even they could be so cack handed about how they are handing and disseminating the latest COVID-19 information.  They weren't this bad in April  - there must be another reason why they are being so weird about it now.

If not this then what?


Fair points. I've not heard that but I don't dispute it. However the mother-in-law put her house on the market recently and they valued it at £50k more than it was on for last year, so they must be smelling an opportunity to rinse buyers when these things start to happen.

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To Rox - Well, you're just another one of those keyboard warriors that HQ reviled yesterday.  Shame he doesn't "get" that it is actually public opinion and concern.  One of the wisest things I have heard is to never underestimate the enemy. 

Also,with the sailing disruptions, there are probably many people not able to get back before "Black Thursday" and you wonder how that is going to affect their ability to fully isolate the whole household and their plans to return. 

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20 minutes ago, Gladys said:

To Rox - Well, you're just another one of those keyboard warriors that HQ reviled yesterday.  Shame he doesn't "get" that it is actually public opinion and concern.  One of the wisest things I have heard is to never underestimate the enemy. 

Also,with the sailing disruptions, there are probably many people not able to get back before "Black Thursday" and you wonder how that is going to affect their ability to fully isolate the whole household and their plans to return. 

A compassionate government would take into account the fact we are an isolated island and that boats often don't go at the most important times during the winter months. What's 24 hours in the bigger scheme of things if they pushed the isolation deadline back another day?

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1 minute ago, Lxxx said:

A compassionate government would take into account the fact we are an isolated island and that boats often don't go at the most important times during the winter months. What's 24 hours in the bigger scheme of things if they pushed the isolation deadline back another day?

Well, quite. 

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A couple of points from the legislation in relation to vaccines:


Vaccines to be administered by:

A health professional regulated by the Health Care Professionals Act 2014; a dentist; a registered dental care professional; a pharmacist; a nurse or a midwife; an operating department practitioner; a paramedic or a physiotherapist.

Health Care Professionals Act 2014 includes osteopaths and chiropractors

Anyone else not on the list above ?


Also if my understnading is correct - the legislation has a disclaimer that you can't sue the health authority in relation to the vaccine



Excelent news that this is being progressed quickly

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

My info is anecdotal. A friend is trying to move locally.  She's sold her house five times over but every house she puts an offer in on she's gazumped by UK cash buyers buying unseen and without a survey.

My neighbour is moving. He's just sold his house to a UK cash buyer for 40k over what he expected to get despite trying to sell it for eighteen months.

This is just my experience but I've heard a lot more of this from others too.

I know they're rubbish a lot of things (the gov) but not even they could be so cack handed about how they are handing and disseminating the latest COVID-19 information.  They weren't this bad in April  - there must be another reason why they are being so weird about it now.

If not this then what?


From Keys questions on 10 November

"I can confirm that our records show that 557 people have arrived on the Island with permitted entry under Section 10A (2)(b) of the Emergency Powers Coronavirus Entry Restrictions No. 2 Regulations 2020. This is the exemption category that relates to individuals that have a contractual obligation to enter the Island, such as a mortgage, tenancy or contract of employment"



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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

My info is anecdotal. A friend is trying to move locally.  She's sold her house five times over but every house she puts an offer in on she's gazumped by UK cash buyers buying unseen and without a survey.

My neighbour is moving. He's just sold his house to a UK cash buyer for 40k over what he expected to get despite trying to sell it for eighteen months.

This is just my experience but I've heard a lot more of this from others too.

I know they're rubbish a lot of things (the gov) but not even they could be so cack handed about how they are handing and disseminating the latest COVID-19 information.  They weren't this bad in April  - there must be another reason why they are being so weird about it now.

If not this then what?


There's an election in 10 months' time.    No MHK will make any suggestion for fear of having their snouts pulled from the trough in September.    This may mean a VERY long delay before we can travel to and from the IOM freely.    


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