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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Ireland which has had one of strictest lockdown is also adopting a testing regime at airport to allow more travel, if you have a negative test you don’t need to quarantine. Yes I know all about cases showing up later etc etc but other countries are still planning to get countries moving again as vaccine could be 6/7 months yet.


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42 minutes ago, Banker said:

Ireland which has had one of strictest lockdown is also adopting a testing regime at airport to allow more travel, if you have a negative test you don’t need to quarantine. Yes I know all about cases showing up later etc etc but other countries are still planning to get countries moving again as vaccine could be 6/7 months yet.


Another traffic light system & arrival / departure testing policy introduced. Movement & freedoms not based on the vaccine dream.

Jersey were very forward thinking a few months ago (I’m not championing Jersey in some Nirvana light, just that they clearly had a plan).

Perhaps Howard is going to go the whole hog today and announce - absolutely nothing!

Edited by Nom de plume
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13 hours ago, Billy the Kid said:

Heard there’s a lockdown coming.

Whilst out and about I was told he same. I asked for the source of the information and was told it was his painter and decorator. Now, unless it was Crageen on a foreigner, it is just Manx whispers, fueled by the ramping up of quite reasonable precautions at schools/businesses, plus of course the fears of the student ‘plague’. Comin have no appetite for another lockdown unless forced to do so due to cases/figures.

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I wasn't suggesting any more measures, the lockdowns and hygiene procedures are quite enough for everybody.

Do you forsee this administration introducing a lockdown without justification? Would they lock down and still declare we had no community transmission?

Actually, you probably don't even need to answer that...

Seems the impression amongst our back-benchers is that they themselves are being kept in the dark with regards to essential information and procedures...


All of this obfuscation and acting without the backing of the scientists is being felt at the highest levels. Some of the statements by certain members attest to a frustration at being kept in the dark. 

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12 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Why would there be any form if lockdown? 


There's no covid in the community as we're constantly told.

Unless these directives are coming via London. There is no justifiable reason for a lockdown here unless they want us to fall in line with what is happening across. 

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3 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

Jersey were very forward thinking a few months ago (I’m not championing Jersey in some Nirvana light, just that they clearly had a plan).

Looks like Jersey may have another plan - their rate of infection is high, and they can only assume community transmission, so it appears that they are seriously considering a lockdown. They are already ramping up the restrictions.

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45 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

Unless these directives are coming via London. 

Was it ever said what the military helicopter was all about at the beginning of lockdown?

Edited by Barlow
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17 hours ago, Cambon said:

Well, there have been around 50,000 Covid deaths in the UK. Less than 1,000 of those are people under 60 years old, and nearly all of those 1,000 had underlying health conditions. So, if the idea of the vaccine is to save lives, why vaccinate everyone? In addition, the chances of catching Covid more than once are minimal to nil. If you have had it, why have the vaccine? 

Free annual flu vaccine is reserved for the elderly. Younger people can have it if they pay for it. Do the same for this. If you don't want Covid, have the vaccine. 

As has been said all along, protect the vulnerable. 


Because no vaccine is 100% effective and not every vulnerable person will be able to vaccinated. By vaccinating everyone it reduces the amount of virus circulating in the community AND therefore the chances of those vulnerables who couldn't be successfully vaccinated encountering the virus increases.

AND because death is not the only negative impact of COVID. Boris clearly isn't in the vulnerable catergory but he was put in ICU - horrible for him,  and an unneccessary use of NHS resources if a vaccine could have prevented it. Then there's long COVID impacting people's health and quality of life months after infection. 




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