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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Seems the impression amongst our back-benchers is that they themselves are being kept in the dark with regards to essential information and procedures...



I reckon Barber, Shimmins and Robertshaw all know full well what is going on and what is driving the agenda, and where is comes from.

This is pure politics in my view, all jockeying fro position for next years votes (although speculation Robertson may not stand again.) Some writing their own legacy whilst they can. 

Note to add - they all main about information to themselves but not really about informing the public. And Shimmins talks about his contributing to a climate of fear arising from that.

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I'd have punt on once the vaccination programs are rolled out there'll be a surge of infections, at least initially, and possibly lasting many months with more lockdowns. Hopefully, not so much here but the UK particularly. Covid isn't going away soon, even with mass vaccination. Complacency will increase, many of the population will think that's it, problem solved and see the jab as the salve to return to normal. Eventually, things might return to something like normal but it's still a long road ahead.

Though I'm sure everyone realises this..? 

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29 minutes ago, Declan said:

Because no vaccine is 100% effective and not every vulnerable person will be able to vaccinated. By vaccinating everyone it reduces the amount of virus circulating in the community AND therefore the chances of those vulnerables who couldn't be successfully vaccinated encountering the virus increases.

AND because death is not the only negative impact of COVID. Boris clearly isn't in the vulnerable catergory but he was put in ICU - horrible for him,  and an unneccessary use of NHS resources if a vaccine could have prevented it. Then there's long COVID impacting people's health and quality of life months after infection. 

Not every person can be vaccinated. 

Boris was obese. That made him high risk. 

Long Covid affects few people, just some of the symptomatic. 

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7 minutes ago, Cambon said:

1. Not every person can be vaccinated. 

2. Boris was obese. That made him high risk. 

3. Long Covid affects few people, just some of the symptomatic. 

1. Exactly. That's why those that can be vaccinated should be. It's harder for the virus to spread if there are 800 unvaccinated people than if there 80,000.

2. But he's still in the group of people you would leave unvaccinated.

3. That's all right then - let some people suffer it.

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15 hours ago, piebaps said:

It's actually a pretty poor plan, because it's reactive rather than pro-active and basing it on 7- rather than 3-day averages just makes things worse because it automatically introduces further delay before action is taken.  If they had operated like this in the Spring, then the virus wouldn't have been eliminated from the Island and we wouldn't enjoy any of the freedoms we have.

The way you deal with a pandemic is to react quickly and strongly.  So if a cluster is found you test and test again, as many people as you can, and get everyone even remotely involved isolating at least at first.  You let the public know quickly and comprehensively, so they can react accordingly.  You don't just sit around hoping things wll get better and the virus will go away if you ignore it.

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

I reckon Barber, Shimmins and Robertshaw all know full well what is going on and what is driving the agenda, and where is comes from.

This is pure politics in my view, all jockeying fro position for next years votes (although speculation Robertson may not stand again.) Some writing their own legacy whilst they can. 

Note to add - they all main about information to themselves but not really about informing the public. And Shimmins talks about his contributing to a climate of fear arising from that.

Speaking to them and other MHKs it’s clear no one knows what’s going on other than a small cabal & cabinet office.

Howie has no plan & that’s becoming clearer every time he speaks. As mentioned previously nearly every country including Guernsey has a traffic light system with increased testing for ALL arrivals but not us!!

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6 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Long covid isn't anywhere near 10% of people who have contra Ted the virus when you take info account that most never know and so never show in stats

BMJ article I quoted details the situation as:

"Around 10% of patients who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus remain unwell beyond three weeks, and a smaller proportion for months"

There are others who are positive but not tested, and they would not be in the set considered in BMJ data. Also, idea such people do not/will not experience long-term symptoms and increase in prevalence of other health conditions only time will tell. The long-term effects, whether (or not) tested, we just do not know and will not for some time. 




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