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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Is your lab ISO accredited..? 

Not yet, it's one of the reasons I haven't been selling private COVID testing for the past few weeks as I was pretty sure the test results wouldn't be worth the paper they're written on without it. We started the process pre-COVID but it had to be put on hold while I was otherwise occupied.... I figure that the worst press in the world would be someone being stopped from entering a country because the certificate wasn't right. It's a six month (or so) process to get UKAS assessments carried out for the accreditation. We're hoping that because we're small we can get that down to about 3 months if we're lucky.

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2 hours ago, Max Power said:

The hospital is becoming swamped, non urgent elective orthopaedic treatment is put on hold.


Are we experiencing something unusual other than waiting for Covid-19 to hit us again? 

I'm no medical expert but I would imagine that Noble's has never been so slack..apart from the lockdown period when next to fuck all was being done except sitting around waiting for something to happen, which it didn't.

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4 hours ago, rachomics said:

The thing that's going to be interesting is how many of the private COVID test certificates from the hospital will be valid at various borders around the world. Most of the countries (as far as I can tell) want to see that the lab is ISO accredited on the certificate. 

I speak from experience that in my most recent trip to the middle east a few weeks ago they must have checked my printout for all of 2 seconds. A summary to check that my name was correct and that it said Result: Negative and away I went. I would be surprised if most of the hired hands that work at airports checking these things have ever heard of ISO accreditation.  

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7 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

I speak from experience that in my most recent trip to the middle east a few weeks ago they must have checked my printout for all of 2 seconds. A summary to check that my name was correct and that it said Result: Negative and away I went. I would be surprised if most of the hired hands that work at airports checking these things have ever heard of ISO accreditation.  

There's hope for my do-at-home send-to-the-lab saliva COVID test yet then :)

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9 minutes ago, snowman said:

Suspension of elective ortho surgery is possibly due to them creating capacity in case the students cause another wave

How would that happen? Firstly all the students are being forced to self isolate even if away from family in separate premises and secondly hardly anyone aged between 18 and 21 is going to end up in hospital as they’ll just feel a bit unwell for a few days while they’re self isolating. On balance largely a poor attempt at student bashing. 

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Just now, rachomics said:

There's hope for my do-at-home send-to-the-lab saliva COVID test yet then :)

There's probably more hope for the 'Draw up a mock test result on Microsoft Word at home and print it out' for all the attention they get at airports. 

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1 hour ago, rachomics said:

Not yet, it's one of the reasons I haven't been selling private COVID testing for the past few weeks as I was pretty sure the test results wouldn't be worth the paper they're written on without it. We started the process pre-COVID but it had to be put on hold while I was otherwise occupied.... I figure that the worst press in the world would be someone being stopped from entering a country because the certificate wasn't right. It's a six month (or so) process to get UKAS assessments carried out for the accreditation. We're hoping that because we're small we can get that down to about 3 months if we're lucky.

Seriously, start it up again. There is a market for it because the only requisite is that it is a PCR test, not the quality standard accreditation that is just a footer on the letterhead. As long as people are aware the lab isn't ISO accredited it's fine. From experience I'd have one as I know how little attention is paid to anything other than the test result.

Edited by Lxxx
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