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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Just now, Happier diner said:

Absolutely. By having the vaccine you protect yourself, but you also become and inhibitor to its spread.

But the good thing is also that, if the anti vaxxers don't, the majority will and this will inhibit the spread despite them. So long as the anti brigade don't become a significant proportion of course.

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1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

Absolutely. By having the vaccine you protect yourself, but you also become and inhibitor to its spread.

Problem is there is uncertainty still as to whether or not an inoculated person actually becomes a spreader in the short term. 

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11 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Problem is there is uncertainty still as to whether or not an inoculated person actually becomes a spreader in the short term. 

True. But it's unlikely to be a big issue if the vaccine stops the virus establishing itself in the body and then reproducing. You could still carry it temporarily if you had had an intensive exposure recently but then that applies to all contagious diseases.

The main benefit will be significant reduction in R which will cause the spread of the disease to reduce rather than increase.

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Just now, Banker said:

Reasonable request about families visiting, Howie should at least ask what numbers are likely to be. If everyone is self isolating what’s the problem??


But surely their home is where they now live?.


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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

I'm a bit open minded about the whole Covid thing, which will probably change when it starts to affect me personally. I do know of several people, off the island, younger and a lot fitter than me who have contracted it, then had quite a hard time getting over it. Some seem to have long term exhaustion and been left very weak. They had no known underlying condition and wouldn't be in any high risk group. Mush as we think that we know who is vulnerable, it seems that we do not. Yes older people are bound to be vulnerable but it appears that like TB, Polio etc before, it looks as though we are going to need to accept the risks? 

TB, Polio etc are enormously more awful than Covid-19. In their "natural" state; prior to the vaccination era.

Covid-19 would have gradually faded away even without a vaccine. Not that it would have disappeared; it would have simply ceased making people more sick than a normal cold. It is a virus that our immune system can learn to handle and eliminate on its own.

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Reasonable request about families visiting, Howie should at least ask what numbers are likely to be. If everyone is self isolating what’s the problem??


Howie's ok. He's got himself and his family all sorted for his Val doonican Christmas. He doesn't really have to worry much about all the folks that are separated from their families this year. Me and the wife. The kids have all gone to the UK. They can't come to visit. So just us 2 this year. I'm not saying that there's an easy answer and I'm not saying things could be any different, but I hope he remembers as he cuts into his Turkey the harm this is doing and how a better plan going forward is needed other that keep everyone out.

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There is a plan. A vaccine.

Any family stupid enough to not take it, can expect consequences after the borders do open...especially with their older/vulnerables. And borders will open relatively quickly after that. As far as I am concerned...those types can head off and go and live with the likes of David Icke in Conspiratorial La La Land.

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

But, with respect, you don’t know that. Like the rest of us you’re only guessing. We’ve never seen this virus before. No-one knows how it’s going to evolve or how things are going to end up. 

It is a new strain of a familiar virus.  Scientists who have been working on SARS and MIRS vaccines have adapted what they have learnt to apply it to covid. 

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6 hours ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:

TB, Polio etc are enormously more awful than Covid-19. In their "natural" state; prior to the vaccination era.

Covid-19 would have gradually faded away even without a vaccine. 

Just like TB and polio did, without a vaccine, then?   There's no guarantee that viruses will gradually fade away over time - polio never did. 

And SARS was (hopefully) eliminated by the sort of measures being used against Covid-19 now, not because it became less dangerous.  MERS still gives rise to clusters of cases occasionally and is even more deadly than SARS.  It hasn't been eliminated because of there being a non-human reservoir in camels. 

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On Tuesday HoK Claire want to ask the CM about the definitions around community transmission.  (in Community, in hospital and in isolation.).

If she doesn't know , as a member of the DHSC, then I'm damned if I know.


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32 minutes ago, Apple said:

On Tuesday HoK Claire want to ask the CM about the definitions around community transmission.  (in Community, in hospital and in isolation.).

If she doesn't know , as a member of the DHSC, then I'm damned if I know.


You are the CM and I claim my five pounds.

China are working on the Isle of Mans definitions of community transmissions.

China are happy to say they had no community transmissions as they

where able to track and trace to the original case.

A bloke in wuhan. 

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