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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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35 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I am not advocating forced vaccination, but for everyone to think seriously about their contribution to managing this virus.

However, I was reminded a few days ago about how your child would not be accepted into school without the MMR.  It wasn't forced, but your child couldn't start state education without it.  I am not sure what the position on that is now, but it was the case when my children were starting their education.

Gladys: If I had children, I would not hesitate a moment signing up to the MMR. And I had all the vaccines that made sense to have myself. MMR is beneficial to children all things considered. And it is mostly a public health issue, rather than a political issue. Covid has been used by the left as a mean to a different kind of society; one that fits their ideology of state control. That is the reason why I won't have a Covid vaccine. Or offer any other type of cooperation as concerns Covid. They should have thought twice re-purposing the virus.

A number of European states have MMR requirements for children; but they have struggled to enforce them. Because, they can't force a parent to sign the MMR form. Nor they can really stop children having an education. Thus, antivax parents can just bide their time. I am not antivax; I am pro-freedom; and I understand well the nature of human government.

Any attempt to restrict the freedoms of those who refuse the Covid vaccine; for instance to stop them from travelling, will meet the same legal hurdles. For instance, they can't stop me leaving the British Isles, because I have a non-British passport and always have the right to leave and return to my stupid country of origin. Nor they can't stop me coming back to the British Isles, because I also have a British passport. And I am determined to put up as much resistance as I can. I will trek through borders on foot if I have. You will need the methods of a dictatorial state to stop me; including trashing legality and civil society; and be VERY CAREFUL if you go along that. The lefties aren't the only ones capable to exploit an accidental crisis for a political end that suits them.

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1 hour ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:

Damn Roger Mexico: You are the most mischievous of posters. You deleted one piece of what I had written, to make my own posting demonstrably false. I did not say that it would have faded away in the sense of actually disappearing; I meant that it would have faded away as a serious illness; or as an illness at all. There are four human coronaviruses that infect us all time and cause no more than a cold. They are called 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1 and if you want to read more, just google on the topic.

I tend to edit down to emphasise the particular point that someone has made and make the quote shorter (the new layout where you only see the first few lines doesn't help).   I understood your point though and  meant fade in the same way you did.  That's why I referred to two other coronaviruses, those causing SARS and MERS, the later of which, unlike the common cold ones, doesn't seem to have faded in that sense.

We simply don't know how SARS-CoV-2 will behave over the years, it's been around for less than one after all.  Unlike the the common cold viruses it seems to be fairly stable over that short period, but that can't lend any real security.   There seems to be a vague hope that evolutionary pressure will make it less deadly (if more infectious) but it may not be deadly enough in the first place for that mechanism to come into effect.

2 hours ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:

Covid-19 has a completely different pathological profile. 80-90% of people who have it, don’t even realise having it unless they are tested for it!

Technically no one knows they have it until they are tested for it.  As I keep on pointing out, the definition of having it is testing positive in a lab test and this is true of absolutely every other infectious disease.  At best you can suspect that someone has/had it from symptoms, but a lot that do turn out not to have it  - which is why most tests are negative.

For what it's worth, rather than 80-90% of verified cases being asymptomatic, the true figure seems to be in the range 15-30% looking at various studies that have been done.  Presumably the variation is due to different studies defining symptoms (and their severity levels) slightly differently.  Which explains why you have to define the infectious diseases with lab tests.

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14 minutes ago, Scotty said:

“ spoiledbrat “ is not right in the head.

If I am mad, as you have hinted, it if a kind of madness that is incredibly functional.

I always got away with it. And prospered.

The point you see; you are using Covid to "fix" me. And those who see the problem from my perspective (I may belong to a minority; but not alone by any mean in this struggle). I am telling you, it won't work. We will turn it on its head.

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2 minutes ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:

If I am mad, as you have hinted, it if a kind of madness that is incredibly functional.

I always got away with it. And prospered.

The point you see; you are using Covid to "fix" me. And those who see the problem from my perspective (I may belong to a minority; but not alone by any mean in this struggle). I am telling you, it won't work. We will turn it on its head.

What shape is the earth ?

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5 hours ago, Lxxx said:

This is like pulling teeth so I'll make this my last response.

The vaccine will have an impact on the virus, only a fool would dispute otherwise. We as yet do not know the extent of that impact and whether it will deliver long term on it's apparent promise short term. This has been widely acknowledged. Those are the current facts and as with any new technology the results will emerge over time. It's a reasonable view to take whether it be a vaccine, statin or a vitamin supplement.  

Regardless of your A level biology qualification the industry still needs data to support it's assumptions, which is why they are conducting ongoing trials and surveillance once it gets rolled out. To monitor efficacy and safety. 

Good luck with your job search. The industry needs great minds at this time. 

You're assuming I passed my A level biology:whistling:

Actually this is GCSE level stuff.

I am only quoting what I know rather than what I read in an article

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6 minutes ago, Scotty said:

What shape is the earth ?


9 minutes ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:

If I am mad, as you have hinted, it if a kind of madness that is incredibly functional.

I always got away with it. And prospered.

The point you see; you are using Covid to "fix" me. And those who see the problem from my perspective (I may belong to a minority; but not alone by any mean in this struggle). I am telling you, it won't work. We will turn it on its head.


I have a doctorate in physics. I am sure I know about the earth.

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3 hours ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:


You are absolutely free to live your sick life in the basement of your house.

Just don't try to stop me living my life in the open spaces and fresh air.

Because if you do, you may end up shot in the back of the head. I truly mean it in the most literal sense.

There have been 150 police arrests today in London among those protesting the Covid dictatorship. If the repression does not end soon, it is only the beginning and it will evolve into a more serious type of violence.

Those pretending to control us, don't seem to have an idea of the kind of anger they are unleashing.

It happened in Britain in the post WWII era, following the command economy and society brought by that war. This time, could be worse, because trying to control the population through fear of a virus is far more absurd than fighting Hitler.

Oh, you're one of those. Though really, I wouldn't advise offering to shoot people in a public forum.

Now, let's go historical, there has always been some guiding hand and some big baddy. Look at the wealth of the catholic church. And how much they made doing so with the fear of the devil. A pragmatic approach against a virus that has some gnarly effects isn't exactly that or some Soviet levels of control. 150 people out of 60 million isn't even a splash in the water in the scheme of things. So you can spout on about how there'll be riots in the street, but if the Americans aren't at arms, then the Brits won't be. Hard to put on a brave face on a ventilator I guess.

I'd love to understand your medical credentials better, because it seems that you're clearly well versed on the lack of dangers.

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1 hour ago, spoiledbratoframsey said:

I have a doctorate in physics. I am sure I know about the earth.

I don't know how a doctorate in Physics will help you much with virology really, given that a PhD is particularly niche at the best of times.

To address your previous point re: mandatory vaccination, French schools won't let you attend without over 10 different immunizations.

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