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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

According to Gef, ( I know ) Government are discussing reducing quarantine to 10 days with testing on arrival and day 10.



It’s probably correct because Gef of course is government’s official propaganda arm.

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9 hours ago, yootalkin2me said:

It's not stealing if she puts up photos on a publically accessed social media platform though is it? Plus, she's showing cleavage....big fucken deal and she's probably a right munter when you strip away the make-up, not that she's owt to look at with make-up on...and lastly, she's probably got the IQ of an earthworm..so all in all, fuck all.

Safe guess is that you get an awful lot of rejections from females

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23 hours ago, monasqueen said:

Interesting pieces from the news item.

He is reported to have had only 10 minutes worth of fuel left. I'm amazed he had that much.

The other,

"Speaking at her home in Irvine last night, McLaughlan's mother Allison told the Daily Record: 'I didn't even know about the jet ski. I just don't know why he did it – he could have killed himself.'

Miss McLaughlan added: 'He'll be missing his kids over Christmas.'"

30l fuel tank on that model of Sea-Doo I think and a claimed consumption of 7.34l/hr - so the '10 minutes of fuel left' stacks up.

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37 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

It would be interesting to hear from the proponents of us adopting the Jersey approach to Covid. They've gone really quiet in recent days.



I was (am) a proponent of a Jersey ‘styled’ model.

They clearly have made huge mistakes  regarding their testing regime but more so an effective track & trace model.

What has puzzled me throughout this entire pandemic is that the statistics clearly indicate you really are not at risk under the age of 75 (that is developing life threatening symptoms). There are anomalies of course, as there are with a multitude of other viruses / illnesses.

Why then were the high risk groups not asked to fully shield and isolate rather than the entire tax paying working population?

Testing was developed quickly, PPE available. Care homes could have been bubbles.

I still don’t buy the NHS can’t cope.

Anyway ... I’ve felt like this from the outset - I won’t be changed. Just gotta roll with the fear and hardships that are coming.

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On 12/15/2020 at 8:19 AM, Lagman said:

Hmmn, we went from one covid case to four over the weekend -


 - without saying (they often do say) where the three new cases came from.

They might not have anything to do with it but then again, if some of the story is true it could be the guy, the girl and maybe an occupant of the house (perhaps a child?) if he was staying with her.

If she really was unaware he hadn't isolated, that could be her family having to isolate over Christmas now.

I wonder if there is any connection with the "Jet Ski Man", and with the body found on the beach in Ramsey earlier in the week ?

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On 12/15/2020 at 9:49 AM, Roger Mexico said:

Actually they did say in the news release:

Three new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the Isle of Man. 

All three individuals were already self-isolating having travelled to the Island. Their period of isolation has now been extended by a further 14 days. 

Contact tracing has been completed. 

The number of active cases on the Island is four.

So these cases look to be unconnected with the roofer on the jet ski.

Roofer, looking for work, have Jet Ski, will travel, distance no object.

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On 12/15/2020 at 12:29 PM, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Didn't he get done? He got a reasonably strict penalty for it didn't he?

Jetski chappy must've entered the island after leaving, otherwise, he'd not be doing his 4 weeks at her majesty's pleasure. But the odds of it being on a jetski in the Irish Sea in winter? They've got to be slim.

You have to wonder if it's being taken at face value for other reasons. The drugs supply over here must be drying up now with all the postal seizures and lack of people coming to and fro. Lots of money to be made by finding other ways in. Maybe he took a similar route.

I think there used to be, in times gone past, a lot of smmugler`s cave on the island, were they used to land illicit goods, Port Grenaugh, i think was one, i am not sure  of how many others there are, were you could sneak in and out without being noticed, and also ( mates hiding you in the sleeper cab / bunk on a removal truck on the Ben ) which is not unusual, or certainly wasen`t in my day.

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