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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, Golfer said:

It’s too small and I’d miss your incisive posts !

You could still post here. None of us are actually in the Isle of Man. We only pretend. We're actually a cell of CIA sleeper agents in Kazakhstan. We use MF to communicate in code.

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4 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Who cares about 3/4 cases, there's always going to be a few about until a vaccine is brought out, a bit like flu or any virus it can't be completely eradicated and the world has to move on.

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Whilst mucking about a lot in my garden recently I’ve noticed a few private jets flying over, I really do  hope that whoever’s coming in ? is getting checked because even the super rich can carry this virus you know, one for the news hounds who occasionally visit this site to follow up on.

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On 6/17/2020 at 2:22 PM, pongo said:

Has Sweden’s controversial covid-19 strategy been successful? (BMJ)

tl;dr = no. And the London govt's approach has been a disaster too. 

Sweden recorded the most coronavirus deaths per capita in Europe in a seven day average between 25 May and 2 June. The country’s mortality rate was 5.29 deaths per million inhabitants a day (the UK ranked second with 4.48) according to Our World In Data,2 an online research publication based at the University of Oxford.

And what of herd immunity? An ongoing nationwide study conducted by the Public Health Agency of Sweden on 20 May found that just 7.3% of Stockholm residents had developed covid-19 antibodies by late April—and that was the largest number of positive results found in the country.

There is a range of opinions on Covid-19 among the scientific community. UK’s mainstreams media such as the BBC, ITV etc only focus on a narrow section of that range, the one which best fits a certain political discourse. Thus, information is often reported selectively and distorted. I haven’t had a TV at home for almost a decade, since what you hear in there is so incredibly dumbed down or outright silly.

At this stage Sweden is though to have a similar seroprevalence profile to the UK, just a couple of weeks behind. Which is 20-25% in the capital and about 10% outside of the capital as concerns detectable antibodies. However, detectable antibodies are only the most visible part of the immunological picture; there is a lot of immunological dark matter. This unseen part of the pandemic accounts for a lot of differences among countries; rather than what governments have done or not done. You would never explain why Hong Kong, which did little lockdown, has only had four deaths and Japan, which never did any meaningful lockdown, about a thousands. Our government only understands and practice politics, but not that absolutely incompetent, in respect to those other countries.

The prevailing consensus about immunologists, those who are not politically biased, is that the main factors that will bring the pandemic to the end in the world are a mix of (1) herd immunity; (2) coadaptation to the host, i.e., the virus losing its potency (as new viruses, especially a respiratory one, usually do); and (3) eventually, medical interventions such are treatments and vaccines. The third factor is seen as the least important, in the longer term.

Some immunologists have started to think (though genetic analysis etc) that the flu pandemic of 1889–1890, which originated in Russia and killed about at the least one million people worldwide, might have been not actually from an influenza virus, but from human coronavirus OC43. That human coronavirus  OC43 is one of the four coronaviruses that nowadays cause a totally harmless cold. The Russian flu resolved itself over a period of a couple or years and Covid-19 will also come to pass in due course. You can also rest assured there will be plenty of history-rewriting by those who supported the destructive lockdowns and you will hear all of it on the same mainstream media.


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On 6/18/2020 at 6:05 PM, GreyWolf said:

Whilst mucking about a lot in my garden recently I’ve noticed a few private jets flying over, I really do  hope that whoever’s coming in ? is getting checked because even the super rich can carry this virus you know, one for the news hounds who occasionally visit this site to follow up on.

There was private jet up from Jersey the other day. 

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7 hours ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

They could just be iom based planes getting some maintenance and flying time schedules sorted.

Or newly IOM registered Jets will have to land for Customs to do the paperwork. They usually land, sign the papers and bugger off without leaving airside.

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